[Games] Re: Array's Dream Family Congrats Sign-up.
in reply to a message by Array
Username: Seda*
Your first character: Estella Juliet "Stella"
Appearance: Rich, curly, chocolate brown hair with a few natural blonde highlights. Not short; not tall; just average.
Olive skin, but a pale olive. Big, pretty, brown eyes.
Life thus far (suggestion: mention where s/he's living, where they're from, some of their interests, some notes about his/her family, etc): Hehe..I hope you're ready to read.
Stella grew up in Miami, Florida (ha! A place I've never really been.) She never knew her father and her mum was an off-and-on heroin junkie. Stella grew up in much of the same scene using heroin off and on from the time she was thirteen.
When Stella's mother died of an overdose, she went off on a wild-rampage living with random "friends" and doing whatever money she could easily get to support her now full-time addictions. At age sixteen, she found herself at the end of her rope. The pregnancy test was positive, her money was gone, and the withdrawals made her feel as if she was dying. After a few missed payments she was evicted from her latest Miami apartment and on her own. No friends wanted to take her in anymore as she had nothing to offer them in return. Sitting on the edge of an old graffitied side-walk, she played with her purple highlighted hair and considered her options. She could just wait until the dealer wasn't home, break in and finish everything with a single dose, or try to climb the nearby bridge and jump (but she feared the fall wasn't far enough to actually kill her), or -. Her thoughts stopped. Stella saw a girl on the sidewalk not too far away from her. She looked young, but not as young as Estella. Stella hadn’t noticed. The bundle in her arms was what had caught Stella's eye. Despite the pain of the withdrawals Stelle stood up and made her way to the girl. As she approached she realized the baby was squirmy and fussy in the girl's arms. Without taking into consideration the oddness of the situation Stella stopped in front of the girl with a perplexed look. "Is he yours?"
"Yes, he is." she answered.
Stella's eyes examined the perfection of his tiny hands and little ears. "Is he hard to take care of?"
"Sometimes." the mother answered. "May I help you?" she finally asked after Stella had starred a few minutes.
Stella looked up at the mother for the first time and realized how strange this must be to her. "Oh, no…I'm, I'm sorry." she said backing up and noticing how the girl must view her considering her appearance. She backed up and left quickly she walked swiftly with no destination until the sick feeling in her stomach had made it too painful to go on. She sat on the side of the road and cried. With no where to go, she fell asleep and slept restlessly .
Stella awoke with a jump as a police officer shook her the next morning. Before she knew it, she was in the police car and on her way to what she was sure would be her end. At least in a jail cell she would be warm and fed and they probably had pain killers. Then to her surprise the officer stopped at a detox center.
"You look pretty bad." he said looking in the back seat. "Try it a few days."
Stella sat inside the center listening to some kind of meeting about dependency. Her mind was elsewhere. Focused on the pain. She had been sick before the meeting and didn’t feel any better now. They led her to a room and locked the door behind her. Stella sat in the backroom floor with a million questions, but no concern for the answers. She was going to die.
Stella stayed in the detox center for three months. She hadn’t made friends with anyone, but she was treated kindly by Laura, one of the nurses, who had helped her with methadone over the past few months. Now she was being released. She didn’t know where to go or what she planned to do. She didn’t have a job and she didn’t have an education to help get one either. Soon she had an idea. Her friend Nava was living in Atlanta and would take her in until she could get back on her feet; she knew it. After a quick phone call Nava had agreed. Laura, out of the kindness of her heart, had given Stella money for the bus fare to Atlanta and within a few days Stella had a new residence.
As the months passed Stella got a job at a local sub shop and deli and her daughter, Harmony Gemma was born.
Now it’s been two years and Stella and little Mona as she came to be known are living on their own in a small apartment across the hall from Nava. It’s a small start, but to Stella, it’s a dream because it’s the happiest she’s ever been.

Your first character: Estella Juliet "Stella"
Appearance: Rich, curly, chocolate brown hair with a few natural blonde highlights. Not short; not tall; just average.
Olive skin, but a pale olive. Big, pretty, brown eyes.
Life thus far (suggestion: mention where s/he's living, where they're from, some of their interests, some notes about his/her family, etc): Hehe..I hope you're ready to read.
Stella grew up in Miami, Florida (ha! A place I've never really been.) She never knew her father and her mum was an off-and-on heroin junkie. Stella grew up in much of the same scene using heroin off and on from the time she was thirteen.
When Stella's mother died of an overdose, she went off on a wild-rampage living with random "friends" and doing whatever money she could easily get to support her now full-time addictions. At age sixteen, she found herself at the end of her rope. The pregnancy test was positive, her money was gone, and the withdrawals made her feel as if she was dying. After a few missed payments she was evicted from her latest Miami apartment and on her own. No friends wanted to take her in anymore as she had nothing to offer them in return. Sitting on the edge of an old graffitied side-walk, she played with her purple highlighted hair and considered her options. She could just wait until the dealer wasn't home, break in and finish everything with a single dose, or try to climb the nearby bridge and jump (but she feared the fall wasn't far enough to actually kill her), or -. Her thoughts stopped. Stella saw a girl on the sidewalk not too far away from her. She looked young, but not as young as Estella. Stella hadn’t noticed. The bundle in her arms was what had caught Stella's eye. Despite the pain of the withdrawals Stelle stood up and made her way to the girl. As she approached she realized the baby was squirmy and fussy in the girl's arms. Without taking into consideration the oddness of the situation Stella stopped in front of the girl with a perplexed look. "Is he yours?"
"Yes, he is." she answered.
Stella's eyes examined the perfection of his tiny hands and little ears. "Is he hard to take care of?"
"Sometimes." the mother answered. "May I help you?" she finally asked after Stella had starred a few minutes.
Stella looked up at the mother for the first time and realized how strange this must be to her. "Oh, no…I'm, I'm sorry." she said backing up and noticing how the girl must view her considering her appearance. She backed up and left quickly she walked swiftly with no destination until the sick feeling in her stomach had made it too painful to go on. She sat on the side of the road and cried. With no where to go, she fell asleep and slept restlessly .
Stella awoke with a jump as a police officer shook her the next morning. Before she knew it, she was in the police car and on her way to what she was sure would be her end. At least in a jail cell she would be warm and fed and they probably had pain killers. Then to her surprise the officer stopped at a detox center.
"You look pretty bad." he said looking in the back seat. "Try it a few days."
Stella sat inside the center listening to some kind of meeting about dependency. Her mind was elsewhere. Focused on the pain. She had been sick before the meeting and didn’t feel any better now. They led her to a room and locked the door behind her. Stella sat in the backroom floor with a million questions, but no concern for the answers. She was going to die.
Stella stayed in the detox center for three months. She hadn’t made friends with anyone, but she was treated kindly by Laura, one of the nurses, who had helped her with methadone over the past few months. Now she was being released. She didn’t know where to go or what she planned to do. She didn’t have a job and she didn’t have an education to help get one either. Soon she had an idea. Her friend Nava was living in Atlanta and would take her in until she could get back on her feet; she knew it. After a quick phone call Nava had agreed. Laura, out of the kindness of her heart, had given Stella money for the bus fare to Atlanta and within a few days Stella had a new residence.
As the months passed Stella got a job at a local sub shop and deli and her daughter, Harmony Gemma was born.
Now it’s been two years and Stella and little Mona as she came to be known are living on their own in a small apartment across the hall from Nava. It’s a small start, but to Stella, it’s a dream because it’s the happiest she’s ever been.

This message was edited 11/13/2005, 7:01 PM