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[Opinions] It's the name of my nephew.
I don't really like it - it's more of a title to me than a name. We've had Jewish posters on here who are offended by it before.Other then that it's fine. Cute & modern. Nephew is Levi James.
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We've had Jewish posters on here who are offended by it before.Did they explain why it was offensive to them? I'd really like to know because I thought it was just like any other biblical name and I like it.

This message was edited 4/3/2011, 12:04 PM

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Tried to find a postBut couldn't.Levi is a title, and one that is held in esteem. Here's an Wiki article on Levites - for more information you might want to ask on the Facts board where people know what they're talking about. My knowledge is limited., though - I found this: - the information that it gives about Levi not being a name and instead being a caste for priests is the main reason that it's thought of as inappropriate. Levi is a pretty hefty title, I think.
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Thank you!
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