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[Games] Generation CAF 1917 #3
DH [77] FN : Cleo Alan Conrad, MN : Joel Cyril Russel, MN2 : Ed Clement Jake
DW [77] FN : Yvonne Cornelia Carmella, MN : Berniece Allie Connie, MN2 : Bernadine Josie LoraDD1 [54] FN : Rosella Stephanie Delores, MN : Tessie Margery Bette, MN2 : Dollie Alyce Eliza
DD2 [51] FN : Avis Odessa Frankie, MN : Lenore Aileen Loraine, MN2 : Gussie Christina Concetta
DS1 [49] FN : Sol Andy Barney, MN : Carlos Ollie Claud, MN2 : Elvin Gus Jesus
DS2 [46] FN : Ruben Cleveland Emery, MN : Alonzo Forest Roosevelt, MN2 : Marcus Orval Abe
DS3 / DS4 [43] FN : Ned Neal Stuart, MN : Laverne Delmar Adrian, MN2 : Ellsworth Harlan Junior / FN : Thaddeus Armand Stewart, MN : Dallas Randolph Kermit, MN2 : Christopher Pasquale Tommy* * * *
DD1 [54]
DH [56] FN : Reginald Timothy Odell, MN : Carmen Merrill Elijah, MN2 : Roman Lionel WileyDS [32] FN : Irwin Buford Patsy, MN : Billie Eli Vito, MN2 : Isadore Ward Darrell
- DW [33] FN : Rosetta Ione Merle, MN : Hester Katharine Callie, MN2 : Johanna Leila Aline
- DD [9] FN : Rhoda Claudia Corinne, MN : Yolanda Jimmie Lou, MN2 : Willa Lessie Theda
- DS [7] FN : Emory Ferdinand Rodney, MN : Booker Miles Wilford, MN2 : Herschel Merlin Milford
- DS [4] FN : Pedro Emerson Alfonso, MN : Saul Francisco Wilburn, MN2 : Truman Benny Hollis
- DS [2] FN : Basil Dick Lyman, MN : Noah Frederic Sterling, MN2 : Meyer Winfred Ramon
- DS [8months] FN : Duane Mathew Buster, MN : Jackson Winston Casimir, MN2 : Silas Travis MichealDS [30] Spencer Bertram Levi, MN : Mervin Vern Weldon, MN2 : Ambrose Coy Dudley
- DW [28] FN : Erna Iona Lily, MN : Elisabeth Florine Augusta, MN2 : Dorthy Kate Belle
- DD [5] FN : Leora Maurine Mona, MN : Molly Maudie Nola, MN2 : Iola Paula Wilda
- DS [3] FN : Vance Milo Noel, MN : Lorenzo Gabriel Cletus, MN2 : Jean Eric Royal
- DD [1] FN : Bertie Beth Lilly, MN : Zella Hope Ramona, MN2 : Isabell Alvina Linda
- DS [exp] FN : Pat Sanford Hugo, MN : Norris Teddy Hiram, MN2 : Aloysius Jeff SydneyDS [27] FN : Morgan Rolland Foster, MN : Jimmy Bud Harris, MN2 : Isidore Odis Omer
- Dgf [24] FN : Philomena Reva Sybil, MN : Dolly Ophelia Delia, MN2 : Kay Mayme PearlieDS [24] FN : Shirley Freeman Newton, MN : Sammie Scott Alden, MN2 : Carmine Wilton Marlin* * * *
DD2 [51]
DH [51] FN : Waldo Lamar Luke, MN : Evan Van Major, MN2 : Mary Ulysses GailDS [13] FN : Gregory Randall Orlando, MN : Delmer Houston Lavern* * * *
DS1 [49]
DW [42] FN : Harriette Judith Wilhelmina, MN : Lelia Bernadette Polly, MN2 : Madelyn Nona AltheaDD [12] FN : Roxie Antonia Catharine, MN : Corine Dessie Joy, MN2 : Dixie Eddie John
DS [10] FN : Verne Elias Fletcher, MN : Benedict Elliott Jefferson, MN2 : Gustave Wilber Denver
DS [7] FN : Christian Nolan Sigmund, MN : Augustus Lindwood Maxwell, MN2 : Noble Sheldon Everette* * * *
DS2 [46]
Dgf [46] FN : Mercedes Monica Elda, MN : Glenna Gretchen Hallie, MN2 : Verda Georgie RubyeDS [8] FN : Olin Chris Columbus, MN : Hershel Elroy Israel, MN2 : Justin Olen Fay* * * *
DS3 [43]
DW [39] FN : Cynthia Zelda Jacqueline, MN : Pansy Isabella Marietta, MN2 : Mavis Birdie DovieDS [10] FN : Hoyd Lenard Ezra, MN : Rosario Arlie Riley, MN2 : Albin Emile Cyrus
DS [7] FN : Palmer Rene Theron, MN : Nickolas Al Darwin, MN2 : Deweitt Phil Kelly
DD [4] FN : Bobbie Garnet Earline, MN : Lura Louella Rae, MN2 : Allene Valeria Albina* * * *
DS4 [43]
DW [40] FN : Leora Phoebe Marjory, MN : Robbie Rowena Oma, MN2 : Jannie Melva TommieDD [5] FN : Agatha Beryl Gail, MN : Leone Alene Bella, MN2 : Vesta Lorna Elise
DD [2] FN : Fanny Minerva Evangeline, MN : Marcia Floy Louisa, MN2 : Oleta Dortha Orpha
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H: Conrad Joel [77]
W: Cornelia Bernadine [77] D1: Stephanie Eliza [54]
D2: Avis Christina [51]
S1: Barney Claud [49]
S2: Ruben Alonzo [46]
S3/S4: Stuart Adrian & Thaddeus Randolph [43] * * * *
D1: Stephanie Eliza [54]
H: Timothy Elijah [56] S: Eli Darrell [32]
-W: Ione Katharine [33]
-D: Claudia Willa [9]
-S: Miles Merlin [7]
-S: Saul Truman [4]
-S: Basil Noah [2]
-S: Silas Mathew [8months] S: Levi Ambrose [30]
-W: Lily Augusta [28]
-D: Leora Molly [5]
-S: Milo Lorenzo [3]
-D: Beth Ramona [1]
-S: Hugo Sydney [exp] S: Morgan Harris [27]
S: Scott Marlin [24] * * * *
D2: Avis Christina [51]
H: Luke Evan [51] S: Orlando Houston [13]* * * *
S1: Barney Claud [49]
W: Judith Althea [42] D: Antonia Joy [12]
S: Elias Benedict [10]
S: Christian Augustus [7] * * * *
S2: Ruben Alonzo [46]
gf: Mercedes Gretchen [46] S: Columbus Israel [8] * * * *
S3: Stuart Adrian [43]
W: Zelda Marietta [39] S: Ezra Riley [10]
S: Rene Kelly [7]
D: Valeria Rae [4] * * * *
S4: Thaddeus Randolph [43]
W: Phoebe Rowena [40] D: Agatha Lorna [5]
D: Evangeline Louisa [2] Conrad & Cornelia (Nellie); Stephanie, Avis, Barney, Ruben, Stuart, and Thaddeus.
Stephanie (Stef) & Timothy; Eli, Levi, Morgan, and Scott.
Eli & Ione; Claudia, Miles, Saul, Basil (Bay), and Silas.
Levi & Lily; Leora, Milo, Beth, and Hugo.
Avis & Luke; Orlando.
Barney & Judith (Judy); Antonia, Elias (Eli), and Christian (Chris).
Ruben (Ben) & Mercedes (Mercy); Columbus (Col).
Stuart & Zelda; Ezra, Rene, and Valeria (Val).
Thaddeus (Tad) & Phoebe (Phee); Agatha and Evangeline (Eva).
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DH [77] Alan Cyril Clement
DW [77] Cornelia Berniece LoraDD1 [54] Rosella Margery Alyce
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DS1 [49] Sol Carlos Elvin
DS2 [46] Emery Forest Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] Stuart Adrian Harlan / Thaddeus Randolph Christopher* * * *
DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Alyce
DH [56] Timothy Elijah RomanDS [32] Irwin Eli Darrell
- DW [33] Ione Katharine Aline
- DD [9] Corinne Yolanda Theda
- DS [7] Rodney Miles Milford
- DS [4] Emerson Saul Truman
- DS [2] Lyman Sterling Meyer
- DS [8months] Mathew Winston SilasDS [30] Bertram Weldon Ambrose
- DW [28] Iona Elisabeth Belle
- DD [5] Leora Molly Wilda
- DS [3] Milo Gabriel Royal
- DD [1] Lilly Hope Alvina
- DS [exp] Hugo Norris AloysiusDS [27] Foster Harris Isidore
- Dgf [24] Philomena Ophelia KayDS [24] Newton Alden Wilton* * * *
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DH [51] Luke Evan UlyssesDS [13] Gregory Delmer* * * *
DS1 [49] Sol Carlos Elvin
DW [42] Judith Bernadette AltheaDD [12] Catharine Joy Dixie
DS [10] Elias Benedict Denver
DS [7] Christian Maxwell Noble* * * *
DS2 [46] Emery Forest Marcus
Dgf [46] Monica Hallie RubyeDS [8] Columbus Elroy Justin* * * *
DS3 [43] Stuart Adrian Harlan
DW [39] Zelda Isabella MavisDS [10] Ezra Riley Emile
DS [7] Theron Nickolas Kelly
DD [4] Garnet Rae Valeria* * * *
DS4 [43] Thaddeus Randolph Christopher
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena MelvaDD [5] Agatha Leone Elise
DD [2] Evangeline Louisa Orpha
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Conrad Cyril Clement, 77
Cornelia Allie Bernadine, 77 Rosella Bette Alyce, 54
Odessa Lenore Christina, 51
Barney Claud Elvin, 49
Cleveland Forest Orval, 46
Stuart Adrian Ellsworth, 43 and Thaddeus Kermit Pasquale, 43
* * * *
Rosella Bette Alyce, 54
Reginald Merrill Wiley, 56 Buford Vito Isadore, 32 m. Ione Hester Johanna, 33
-Claudia Lou Theda, 9
-Emory Miles Herschel, 7
-Pedro Wilburn Hollis, 4
-Lyman Sterling Ramon, 2
-Mathew Winston Silas, 8 mos Bertram Weldon Coy, 30 m. Iona Elisabeth Dorthy, 28
-Leora Molly Wilda, 5
-Milo Gabriel Royal, 3
-Lilly Zella Isabell, 1
-Hugo Hiram Aloysius Rolland Harris Omer, 27 &. Sybil Ophelia Pearlie, 24 Newton Alden Carmine, 24
* * * *
Odessa Lenore Christina, 51
Luke Van Ulysses, 51 Orlando Houston, 13
* * * *
Barney Claud Elvin, 49
Wilhelmina Polly Althea, 42 Catharine Joy Dixie, 12
Elias Benedict Denver, 10
Nolan Augustus Noble, 7
* * * *
Cleveland Forest Orval, 46
Monica Gretchen Rubye, 46 Columbus Elroy Olen, 8
* * * *
Stuart Adrian Ellsworth, 43
Zelda Isabella Dovie, 39 Ezra Rosario Cyrus, 10
Theron Nickolas Deweitt, 7
Garnet Louella Rae, 4
* * * *
Thaddeus Kermit Pasquale, 43
Phoebe Rowena Melva, 40 Agatha Leone Vesta, 5
Evangeline Louisa Dortha, 2
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DH [77] Alan Cyril Clement
DW [77] Yvonne Berniece Bernadine DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Eliza "Rose"
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DS1 [49] Sol Carlos Elvin
DS2 [46] Ruben Alonzo Orval
DS3 / DS4 [43] Neal Delmar Ellsworth / Armand Dallas Pasquale * * * *
DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Eliza "Rose"
DH [56] Reginald Elijah Roman "Reggie"DS [32] Irwin Eli Ward
- DW [33] Ione Hester Johanna
- DD [9] Claudia Lou Theda "Lou"
- DS [7] Ferdinand Miles Herschel "Miles"
- DS [4] Emerson Wilburn Hollis "Wil"
- DS [2] Basil Frederic Ramon "Fred"
- DS [8months] Mathew Jackson Silas "Jack"DS [30] Levi Mervin Ambrose
- DW [28] Iona Elisabeth Belle
- DD [5] Leora Maudie Paula
- DS [3] Vance Lorenzo Royal
- DD [1] Lilly Ramona Isabell
- DS [exp] Hugo Norris Aloysius DS [27] Foster Harris Isidore
- Dgf [24] Sybil Ophelia Kay DS [24] Newton Alden Carmine * * * *
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DH [51] Waldo Evan Ulysses DS [13] Gregory Houston * * * *
DS1 [49] Sol Carlos Elvin
DW [42] Wilhelmina Bernadette Madelyn DD [12] Roxie Corine Dixie
DS [10] Fletcher Elliott Gustave
DS [7] Christian Augustus Noble * * * *
DS2 [46] Ruben Alonzo Orval
Dgf [46] Monica Gretchen RubyeDS [8] Columbus Elroy Justin * * * *
DS3 [43] Neal Delmar Ellsworth
DW [39] Cynthia Pansy Mavis DS [10] Lenard Arlie Cyrus
DS [7] Palmer Nickolas Deweitt
DD [4] Garnet Louella Allene * * * *
DS4 [43] Armand Dallas Pasquale
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena Melva DD [5] Gail Bella Elise
DD [2] Evangeline Louisa Oleta
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DH [77] Alan Russel Clement
DW [77] Yvonne Berniece LoraDD1 [54] Rosella Margery Eliza
DD2 [51] Avis Loraine Christina
DS1 [49] Sol Carlos Elvin
DS2 [46] Ruben Alonzo Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] Stuart Adrian Ellsworth / Randolph Christopher * * * *
DD1 [54]
DH [56] Timothy Merrill LionelDS [32] Irwin Vito Isadore
- DW [33] Rosetta Katharine Johanna
- DD [9] Corinne Yolanda Willa
- DS [7] Ferdinand Miles Merlin "Nando"
- DS [4] Pedro Francisco Hollis
- DS [2] Basil Frederic Ramon
- DS [8months] Mathew Casimir Silas DS [30] Levi Weldon Ambrose
- DW [28] Iona Augusta Kate
- DD [5] Leora Molly Paula
- DS [3] Milo Lorenzo Jean
- DD [1] Lilly Ramona Alvina
- DS [exp] Hugo Norris Sydney DS [27] Morgan Harris Isidore
- Dgf [24] Philomena Ophelia Kay "Phi" DS [24] Shirley Scott Marlin * * * *
DD2 [51]
DH [51] Waldo Evan UlyssesDS [13] Orlando Lavern * * * *
DS1 [49]
DW [42] Judith Bernadette AltheaDD [12] Catharine Joy Dixie "Cathy"
DS [10] Elias Benedict Denver
DS [7] Sigmund Augustus Sheldon "Sig"* * * *
DS2 [46]
Dgf [46] Monica Gretchen Georgie DS [8] Columbus Elroy Justin* * * *
DS3 [43]
DW [39] Zelda Isabella MavisDS [10] Ezra Rosario Emile
DS [7] Rene Darwin Kelly
DD [4] Garnet Louella Albina* * * *
DS4 [43]
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena Jannie DD [5] Agatha Alene Lorna "Aggie"
DD [2] Evangeline Louisa Orpha "Evie"
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DH [77] Conrad Cyril Clement
DW [77] Yvonne Allie Bernadine DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Eliza
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Concetta
DS1 [49] Barnabas Claud Elvin "Barney"
DS2 [46] Cleveland Alonzo Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] Stuart Adrian Ellsworth / Thaddeus Randolph Christopher * * * *
DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Eliza
DH [56] Reginald Elijah Lionel DS [32] Buford Eli Isadore
- DW [33] Rosetta Katharine Leila
- DD [9] Rhoda Yolanda Willa
- DS [7] Ferdinand Miles Milford
- DS [4] Alfonso Wilburn Truman
- DS [2] Basil Frederic Meyer
- DS [8months] Duane Casimir Silas DS [30] Bertram Weldon Ambrose
- DW [28] Iona Elisabeth Kate
- DD [5] Leora Molly Wilda
- DS [3] Milo Gabriel Royal
- DD [1] Albertine Ramona Linda "Bertie"
- DS [exp] Sanford Hiram Aloysius DS [27] Rolland Harris Omer
- Dgf [24] Sybil Ophelia Kay DS [24] Freeman Alden Carmine * * * *
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Concetta
DH [51] Waldo Major Ulysses DS [13] Orlando Houston * * * *
DS1 [49] Barnabas Claud Elvin "Barney"
DW [42] Judith Bernadette Althea DD [12] Catharine Corine Dixie
DS [10] Verne Elliott Gustave
DS [7] Sigmund Augustus Noble * * * *
DS2 [46] Cleveland Alonzo Marcus
Dgf [46] Elda Hallie Verda DS [8] Columbus Elroy Justin * * * *
DS3 [43] Stuart Adrian Ellsworth
DW [39] Zelda Pansy Mavis DS [10] Ezra Arlie Emile
DS [7] Theron Darwin Kelly
DD [4] Garnet Louella Albina * * * *
DS4 [43] Thaddeus Randolph Christopher
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena Melva DD [5] Agatha Leone Vesta
DD [2] Minerva Louisa Orpha
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DH [77] Conrad Cyril Clement
DW [77] Carmella Berniece LauraDD1 [54] Delores Margery Alyce
DD2 [51] Frankie Loraine Concetta
DS1 [49] Andy Claud Elvin
DS2 [46] Ruben Alonzo Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] Neal Adrian Ellsworth / Stewart Dallas Christopher* * * *
DD1 [54] Delores Margery Alyce
DH [56] Timothy Merrill Lionel "Tim"DS [32] Irwin Eli Ward "Eli"
- DW [33] Merle Katharine Johanna
- DD [9] Claudia Lou Theda
- DS [7] Emory Miles Merlin
- DS [4] Emerson Francisco Truman
- DS [2] Basil Noah Ramon
- DS [8months] Mathew Jackson SilasDS [30] Spencer Weldon Coy
- DW [28] Lily Elisabeth Kate
- DD [5] Leora Molly Iola
- DS [3] Milo Gabriel Eric
- DD [1] Beth Ramona Isabell
- DS [exp] Hugo Norris AloysiusDS [27] Morgan Harris Isidore
- Dgf [24] Reva Delia KayDS [24] Newton Scott Wilton* * * *
DD2 [51] Frankie Loraine Concetta
DH [51] Lamar Evan GailDS [13] Orlando Houston* * * *
DS1 [49] Andy Claud Elvin
DW [42] Judith Polly Madelyn "Judy"DD [12] Catharine Joy Dixie
DS [10] Elias Benedict Gustave
DS [7] Christian Augustus Noble* * * *
DS2 [46] Ruben Alonzo Marcus
Dgf [46] Mercedes Gretchen VerdaDS [8] Olin Israel Justin* * * *
DS3 [43] Neal Adrian Ellsworth
DW [39] Cynthia Marietta MavisDS [10] Ezra Riley Cyrus
DS [7] Theron Nickolas Kelly
DD [4] Garnet Louella Allene * * * *
DS4 [43] Stewart Dallas Christopher
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena JannieDD [5] Beryl Alene Elise
DD [2] Evangeline Louisa Orpha
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DH: [77] Conrad Joel Clement
DW: [77] Yvonne Berniece LoraDD1: [54] Rosella Margery Alyce
DD2: [51] Odessa Aileen Concetta
DS1: [49] Sol Claud Elvin
DS2: [46] Emery Roosevelt Marcus
DS3: [43] Neal Delmar Ellsworth
DS4: [43] Thaddeus Kermit Pasquale***DD1: [54] Rosella Margery Alyce
DH: [56] Timothy Elijah RomanDS: [32] Buford Eli Ward
- DW: [33] Ione Katharine Aline
- DD: [9] Corinne Yolanda Theda
- DS: [7] Rodney Miles Herschel
- DS: [4] Emerson Saul Hollis
- DS: [2] Basil Noah Meyer
- DS: [8m] Duane Jackson SilasDS: [30] Levi Weldon Coy
- DW: [28] Erna Elisabeth Kate
- DD: [5] Leora Maudie Iola
- DS: [3] Milo Gabriel Eric
- DD: [1] Beth Hope Alvina
- DS: [exp] Hugo Norris SydneyDS: [27] Foster Harris Omer
- Dgf: [24] Philomena Dolly KayDS: [24] Newton Scott Carmine***DD2: [51] Odessa Aileen Concetta
DH: [51] Luke Evan UlyssesDS: [13] Gregory Houston***DS1: [49] Sol Claud Elvin
DW: [42] Wilhelmina Bernadette AltheaDD: [12] Antonia Joy Dixie
DS: [10] Elias Elliot Denver
DS: [7] Christian Maxwell Sheldon***DS2: [46] Emery Roosevelt Marcus
Dgf: [46] Monica Getchen RubyeDS: [8] Olin Elroy Justin***DS3: [43] Neal Delmar Ellsworth
DW: [39] Jacqueline Isabella MavisDS: [10] Ezra Riley Cyrus
DS: [7] Theron Nickolas Kelly
DD: [4] Garnet Rae Valeria***DS4: [43] Thaddeus Kermit Pasquale
DW: [40] Phoebe Rowena MelvaDD: [5] Agatha Leone Vesta
DD: [2] Evangeline Louisa Orpha
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DH [77] Alan Joel Clement
DW [77] Cornelia Berniece Lora "Nelia"DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Alyce "Rosie"
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DS1 [49] Andy Carlos Elvin
DS2 [46] Ruben Forest Marcus "Ben"
DS3 / DS4 [43] Neal Adrian Harlan/Stewart Dallas Tommy* * * *
DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Alyce "Rosie"
DH [56] Timothy Elijah RomanDS [32] Irwin Eli Darrell
- DW [33] Ione Katharine Johanna
- DD [9] Corinne Lou Theda
- DS [7] Emory Booker Milford
- DS [4] Pedro Saul Truman
- DS [2] Lyman Noah Meyer
- DS [8months] Mathew Jackson TravisDS [30] Spencer Mervin Ambrose "Spence"
- DW [28] Lily Elisabeth Kate
- DD [5] Leora Molly Iola
- DS [3] Milo Gabriel Eric
- DD [1] Beth Ramona Isabell
- DS [exp] Hugo Norris JeffDS [27] Morgan Harris Omer
- Dgf [24] Reva Ophelia KayDS [24] Freeman Scott Wilton "Scott"* * * *
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DH [51] Luke Evan UlyssesDS [13] Gregory Orlando Houston "Greg"* * * *
DS1 [49] Andy Carlos Elvin
DW [42] Harriette Lelia Madelyn "Hattie"DD [12] Roxie Joy Dixie
DS [10] Fletcher Elliott Gustave
DS [7] Nolan Maxwell Sheldon* * * *
DS2 [46] Ruben Forest Marcus "Ben"
Dgf [46] Monica Gretchen RubyeDS [8] Olin Israel Justin* * * *
DS3 [43] Neal Adrian Harlan
DW [39] Cynthia Marietta Birdie "Thia"DS [10] Ezra Riley Cyrus
DS [7] Theron Nickolas Phil
DD [4] Garnet Louella Valeria "Louella"* * * *
DS4 [43] Stewart Dallas Tommy
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena JannieDD [5] Agatha Leone Elise "Aggie"
DD [2] Evangeline Martha Oleta "Evie"
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DH [77] Alan Russel Clement
DW [77] Carmella Berniece LoraDD1 [54] Rosella Margery Alyce
DD2 [51] Odessa Loraine Christina
DS1 [49] Barney Claud Elvin
DS2 [46] Ruben Alonzo Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] Stuart Adrian Ellsworth / Thaddeus Randolph Pasquale* * * *
DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Alyce
DH [56] Timothy Elijah RomanDS [32] Irwin Vito Isadore
- DW [33] Rosetta Katharine Leila
- DD [9] Claudia Lou Theda
- DS [7] Rodney Miles Herschel
- DS [4] Emerson Wilburn Hollis
- DS [2] Lyman Frederic Meyer
- DS [8months] Duane Jackson TravisDS [30] Levi Weldon Ambrose
- DW [28] Lily Augusta Belle
- DD [5] Maurine Nola Wilda
- DS [3] Vance Gabriel Eric
- DD [1] Beth Ramona Linda
- DS [exp] Hugo Norris SydneyDS [27] Foster Harris Omer
- Dgf [24] Reva Ophelia KayDS [24] Newton Scott Marlin* * * *
DD2 [51] Odessa Loraine Christina
DH [51] Luke Evan UlyssesDS [13] Randall Houston* * * *
DS1 [49] Barney Claud Elvin
DW [42] Harriette Lelia MadelynDD [12] Antonia Corine Dixie
DS [10] Elias Benedict Gustave
DS [7] Christian Maxwell Everette* * * *
DS2 [46] Ruben Alonzo Marcus
Dgf [46] Monica Gretchen VerdaDS [8] Olin Israel Justin* * * *
DS3 [43] Stuart Adrian Ellsworth
DW [39] Zelda Marietta MavisDS [10] Ezra Riley Albin
DS [7] Rene Darwin Kelly
DD [4] Bobbie Louella Allene* * * *
DS4 [43] Thaddeus Randolph Pasquale
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena MelvaDD [5] Agatha Bella Elise
DD [2] Evangeline Marcia Oleta
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DH [77] Conrad Russel Jake Hilton
DW [77] Yvonne Berniece Lora Diaz-Lopez HiltonDD1 [54] Rosella Margery Eliza Hilton Smith
DD2 [51] Odessa Loraine Christina Hilton Von Essen
DS1 [49] Andy Carlos Gus Hilton
DS2 [46] Emery Forest Marcus Hilton
DS3 / DS4 [43] Stuart Delmar Harlan Hilton / Armand Dallas Christopher Hilton* * * *
DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Eliza Hilton Smith
DH [56] Reginald Elijah Wiley SmithDS [32] Irwin Billie Ward Smith
- DW [33] Rosetta Katharine Johanna Logan Smith
- DD [9] Claudia Yolanda Lessie Smith
- DS [7] Rodney Booker Herschel Smith
- DS [4] Emerson Saul Hollis Smith
- DS [2] Lyman Sterling Meyer Smith
- DS [8m] Mathew Jackson Travis SmithDS [30] Levi Weldon Coy Smith
- DW [28] Lily Elisabeth Kate Bookout Smith
- DD [5] Leora Molly Iola Smith
- DS [3] Noel Gabriel Eric Smith
- DD [1] Beth Hope Isabell Smith
- DS [ex] Sanford Teddy Sydney SmithDS [27] Morgan Harris Omer Smith
- Dgf [24] Reva Ophelia Kay OwensDS [24] Freeman Scott Marlin Smith* * * *
DD2 [51] Odessa Loraine Christina Hilton Von Essen
DH [51] Luke Evan Ulysses Von EssenDS [13] Orlando Houston Von Essen* * * *
DS1 [49] Andy Carlos Gus Hilton
DW [42] Judith Lelia Madelyn Williams HiltonDD [12] Roxie Corine Dixie Hilton
DS [10] Elias Elliott Denver Hilton
DS [7] Nolan Maxwell Noble Hilton* * * *
DS2 [46] Emery Forest Marcus Hilton
Dgf [46] Monica Gretchen Rubye Collyer DS [8] Chris Elroy Justin Hilton* * * *
DS3 [43] Stuart Delmar Harlan Hilton
DW [39] Cynthia Isabella Birdie Rydell HiltonDS [10] Ezra Riley Albin Hilton
DS [7] Palmer Nickolas Deweitt Hilton
DD [4] Bobbie Rae Valeria Hilton* * * *
DS4 [43] Armand Dallas Christopher Hilton
DW [40] Marjory Rowena Melva Reynolds HiltonDD [5] Gail Bella Elise Hilton
DD [2] Evangeline Louisa Oleta Hilton_______________________________________________________[77] Connie Hilton, Yvonne Diaz-Lopez Hilton* * * *
[56] [Reggie Smith]
[54] Ella Hilton Smith
[51] Odessa Hilton Von Essen, [Luke Von Essen]
[49] Andy Hilton

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DH [77] Conrad Cyril
DW [77] Yvonne Connie BernadineDD1 [54] Stephanie Tessie Alice
DD2 [51] Odessa Aileen Christina
DS1 [49] Andrew Oliver Gus
DS2 [46] Reuben Forrest Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] FN : Neal Adrian Ellsworth & Armand Dallas Christopher* * * *
DD1 [54] Stephanie Tessie Alice
DH [56] Timothy Merrill "Tim"DS [32] Irwin Billy "Billy"
- DW [33] Ione Katharine Johanna
- DD [9] Claudia Lou
- DS [7] Emory Miles
- DS [4] Pedro Saul
- DS [2] Basil Frederick
- DS [8months] Buster JacksonDS [30] Spencer Weldon
- DW [28] Lily Elisabet Kate
- DD [5] Leora Molly
- DS [3] Milo Gabriel
- DD [1] Beth Zella
- DS [exp] Hugo TeddyDS [27] Morgan Harris
- Dgf [24] Sybil DeliaDS [24] Freeman Scott "Scott"* * * *
DD2 [51] Odessa Aileen Christina
DH [51] Luke EvanDS [13] Orlando Houston* * * *
DS1 [49] Andrew Oliver Gus
DW [42] Harriet Polly MadeleineDD [12] Roxie Joy
DS [10] Elias Jefferson
DS [7] Christian Maxwell* * * *
DS2 [46] Reuben Forrest Marcus
Dgf [46] Monica Gretchen RubyDS [8] Olin Elroy* * * *
DS3 [43] Neal Adrian Ellsworth
DW [39] Jacqueline IsabellaDS [10] Ezra Riley Cyrus
DS [7] Theron Nicholas Kelly
DD [4] Garnet Louella Valeria* * * *
DS4 [43] Armand Dallas Christopher
DW [40] Phoebe RowenaDD [5] Agatha Bella Elise "Bella"
DD [2] Evangeline Louise Oleta "Lulu"
vote up1
DH - Conrad Joel Clement Santos [77]
DW - Cornelia Allie Bernadine {Tate} Santos [77]DD1 - Rosella Margery Eliza {Santos} Cross [54]
-DH - Timothy Elijah Roman Cross [56]
-DS - Irwin Billie Darrell Cross [32]
--DW - Ione Katharine Johanna {Dennis} Cross [33]
--DD - Claudia Yolanda Theda [9]
--DS - Ferdinand Wilford Merlin [7]
--DS - Emerson Saul Truman [4]
--DS - Basil Frederic Meyer [2]
--DS - Buster Jackson Silas [8 months]
-DS - Spencer Mervin Ambrose Cross [30]
--DW - Lily Elisabeth Belle {McGee} Cross [28]
--DD - Maurine Nola Paula [5]
--DS - Noel Gabriel Eric [3]
--DD - Beth Ramona Alvina [1]
--DS - Hugo Norris Aloysius [expecting]
-DS - Rolland Harris Isidore Cross [27]
--Dgf - Philomena Ophelia Kay Farmer [24]
-DS - Newton Scott Marlin [24]DD2 - Odessa Aileen Christina {Santos} Garner [51]
-DH - Lamar Evan Ulysses Garner [51]
-DS - Gregory Houston [13]DS1 - Barney Carlos Elvin Santos [49] Mann
-DW - Wilhelmina Bernadette Madelyn {Mann} Santos [42]
-DD - Antonia Corine Dixie [12]
-DS - Elias Benedict Denver [10]
-DS - Nolan Augustus Sheldon [7]DS2 - Emery Roosevelt Marcus Santos [46]
-Dgf - Monica Gretchen Verda {Mack} Santos [46]
-DS - Columbus Israel Justin [8]DS3 - Stuart Adrian Ellsworth Santos [43]
-DW - Jacqueline Isabella Mavis {Moss} Santos [39]
-DS - Ezra Rosario Cyrus [10]
-DS - Theron Nickolas Kelly [7]
-DD - Earline Louella Albina [4]DS4 - Thaddeus Randolph Christopher Santos [43]
-DW - Phoebe Rowena Melva {Thornton} Santos [40]
-DD - Agatha Leone Vesta [5]
-DD - Minerva Louisa Orpha [2]
vote up1
Alan Joel Clement
Carmella Berniece Josie Stephanie Bette Eliza
Odessa Lenore Christina
Andy Carlos Elvin
Emery Roosevelt Marcus
Stuart Adrian Harlan / Thaddeus Randolph Christopher Alan and Ella: Steph Essa Andy Emery Stu and Thad ****
Stephanie Bette Eliza
Timothy Elijah RomanIrwin Eli Darrell
- Rosetta Katharine Johanna
-- Corinne Yolanda Willa
-- Emory Miles Merlin
-- Emerson Francisco Truman
-- Lyman Noah Meyer
-- Mathew Jackson Travis Eli and Rosie: Cori Emory Sonny Ly and Mat Spencer Vern Ambrose
- Lily Elisabeth Kate
-- Leora Molly Paula
-- Milo Gabriel Eric
-- Lilly Hope Isabell
-- Sanford Teddy Sydney Spencer and Lily: Lea Milo Lilly and Ford Foster Harris Isidore
- Sybil Ophelia Kay Foster and Sybil Newton Scott Wilton Steph and Tim: Eli Spencer Foster and Newton ****
Odessa Lenore Christina
Luke Evan Ulysses Gregory Lavern Essa and Luke: Greg ****
Andy Carlos Elvin
Harriette Lelia Madelyn Catharine Joy Dixie
Fletcher Elliott Denver
Christian Maxwell Sheldon Andy and Etta: Kate Fletcher and Chris ****
Emery Roosevelt Marcus
Mercedes Gretchen Verda Chris Elroy Justin Emery and Mercy: Chris ****
Stuart Adrian Harlan
Jacqueline Isabella Mavis Ezra Riley Cyrus
Rene Nickolas Phil
Garnet Rae Valeria Stuart and Jacqui: Ezra Rene and Garnet ****
Thaddeus Randolph Christopher
Leora Rowena Melva Agatha Bella Elise
Evangeline Louisa Dortha Thad and Lea: Bella and Eva
vote up1
DH [77] Alan Joel Clement
DW [77] Carmella Berniece LoraDD1 [54] Rosella Margery Alyce
DD2 [51] Odessa Lenore Christina
DS1 [49] Sol Carlos Elvin
DS2 [46] Ruben Forest Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] Neal Adrian Harlan / Armand Dallas Christopher* * * *
DD1 [54] Rosella Margery Alyce
DH [56] Timothy Merrill RomanDS [32] Irwin Eli Isadore
- DW [33] Merle Hester Johanna
- DD [9] Claudia Lou Theda
- DS [7] Emory Miles Milton
- DS [4] Alfonso Francisco Hollis
- DS [2] Basil Frederic Meyer
- DS [8months] Mathew Winston SilasDS [30] Levi Weldon Ambrose
- DW [28] Lily Augusta Belle
- DD [5] Mona Maudie Paula
- DS [3] Vance Gabriel Eric
- DD [1] Beth Zella Alvina
- DS [exp] Hugo Norris SydneyDS [27] Morgan Harris Omer
- Dgf [24] Reva Delia KayDS [24] Newton Scott Marlin* * * *
DD2 [51] Odessa Lenore Christina
DH [51] Luke Evan UlyssesDS [13] Gregory Houston* * * *
DS1 [49] Sol Carlos Elvin
DW [42] Judith Lelia AltheaDD [12] Catharine Joy Eddie
DS [10] Elias Benedict Denver
DS [7] Nolan Maxwell Sheldon* * * *
DS2 [46] Ruben Forest Marcus
Dgf [46] Monica Gretchen VerdaDS [8] Chris Elroy Justin* * * *
DS3 [43] Neal Adrian Harlan
DW [39] Cynthia Isabella MavisDS [10] Ezra Riley Cyrus
DS [7] Theron Nickolas Kelly
DD [4] Garnet Louella Valeria* * * *
DS4 [43] Armand Dallas Christopher
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena MelvaDD [5] Agatha Leone Elise
DD [2] Minerva Louisa Dortha
vote up1
DH [77] -- Conrad Joel Jake
DW [77] -- Cornelia Bernice LoraDD1 [54] -- Stephanie Bette Alyce
DD2 [51] -- Odessa Lenore Christina
DS1 [49] -- Barney Ollie Elvin "Ollie"
DS2 [46] -- Emery Forest Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] -- Stuart Adrian Ellsworth & Thaddeus Randolph ChristopherConrad & Cornelia w/ Stephanie, Odessa, Ollie, Emery, Stuart and Thaddeus* * * *
DD1 [54] Stephanie Bette Alyce
DH [56] -- Timothy Elijah Roman "Tim"DS [32] -- Irwin Eli Isadore
- DW [33] -- Ione Katharine Johanna
- DD [9] -- Corinne Yolanda Theda "Cory"
- DS [7] -- Ferdinand Miles Milford "Miles"
- DS [4] -- Emerson Wilburn Truman "Will"
- DS [2] -- Basil Sterling Mayer "Sterling"
- DS [8months] -- Mathew Jackson Silas "Jack"DS [30] -- Spencer Mervin Ambrose
- DW [28] -- Lily Augusta Kate
- DD [5] -- Leora Molly Wilda
- DS [3] -- Milo Gabriel Eric
- DD [1] -- Lilly Hope Isabell "Hope"
- DS [exp] -- Hugo Norris SydneyDS [27] -- Morgan Harris Isidore
- Dgf [24] -- Philomena Ophelia Kay "Mina"DS [24] -- Newton Scott Marlin "Scott"Stephanie & Tim w/ Irwin, Spencer, Morgan and Scott
* Irwin & Ione w/ Cory, Miles, Will, Sterling and Jack
* Spencer & Lily w/ Leora, Milo, Hope and Hugo
* Morgan & Philomena
* Scott
* * * *
DD2 [51] Odessa Lenore Christina
DH [51] -- Luke Evan UlyssesDS [13] -- Gregory DelmerOdessa & Luke w/ Gregory* * * *
DS1 [49] Barney Ollie Elvin "Ollie"
DW [42] -- Wilhelmina Bernadette AltheaDD [12] -- Antonia Joy Dixie "Joy"
DS [10] -- Elias Benedict Gustave
DS [7] -- Nolan Maxwell EveretteOllie & Wilhelmina w/ Joy, Elias and Nolan* * * *
DS2 [46] Emery Forest Marcus
Dgf [46] -- Mercedes Hallie RubyeDS [8] -- Chris Israel Justin "Justin"Emery & Mercedes w/ Justin* * * *
DS3 [43] Stuart Adrian Ellsworth
DW [39] -- Jacqueline Isabella Mavis "Jackie"DS [10] -- Ezra Riley Emile
DS [7] -- Theron Nickolas Kelly
DD [4] -- Garnet Rae ValeriaStuart & Jackie w/ Ezra, Theron and Garnet* * * *
DS4 [43] Thaddeus Randolph Christopher
DW [40] -- Phoebe Rowena MelvaDD [5] -- Agatha Bella Elise "Elise"
DD [2] -- Minerva Louisa Dortha "Minnie"Thaddeus & Phoebe w/ Elise and Minnie

This message was edited 8/2/2011, 8:57 AM

vote up1
DH [77] Conrad Cyril Clement
DW [77] Cornelia Berniece LoraDD1 [54] Stephanie Bette Eliza
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DS1 [49] Andy Carlos Elvin
DS2 [46] Ruben Alonzo Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] Stuart Adrian Ellsworth / Thaddeus Randolph Christopher * * * *
DD1 [54] Stephanie Bette Eliza
DH [56] Timothy Elijah Lionel DS [32] Irwin Eli Darrell
- DW [33] Rosetta Katharine Leila
- DD [9] Corinne Yolanda Willa
- DS [7] Rodney Miles Merlin
- DS [4] Alfonso Saul Truman
- DS [2] Basil Noah Ramon
- DS [8months] Mathew Casimir Silas DS [30] Levi Weldon Ambrose
- DW [28] Lily Augusta Belle
- DD [5] Leora Molly Iola
- DS [3] Milo Gabriel Eric
- DD [1] Beth Ramona Isabelle
- DS [exp] Hugo Hiram Aloysius DS [27] Morgan Harris Isidore
- Dgf [24] Philomena Delia Kay DS [24] Newton Scott Carmine* * * *
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DH [51] Luke Evan Ulysses DS [13] Gregory Lavern* * * *
DS1 [49] Andy Carlos Elvin
DW [42] Judith Bernadette AltheaDD [12] Antonia Joy Dixie
DS [10] Elias Benedict Gustave
DS [7] Sigmund Augustus Noble* * * *
DS2 [46] Ruben Alonzo Marcus
Dgf [46] Monica Gretchen Verda DS [8] Chris Elroy Justin * * * *
DS3 [43] Stuart Adrian Ellsworth
DW [39] Cynthia Isabella MavisDS [10] Ezra Riley Cyrus
DS [7] Theron Nickolas Kelly
DD [4] Garnet Rae Valeria * * * *
DS4 [43] Thaddeus Randolph Christopher
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena MelvaDD [5] Gail Bella Elise
DD [2] Minerva Louisa Oleta------------------------------------------------------------
If I could choose only two names and switch the order around:DH [77] Joel Conrad
DW [77] Yvonne CorneliaDD1 [54] Stephanie Eliza
DD2 [51] Christina Lenore
DS1 [49] Elvin Carlos
DS2 [46] Marcus Ruben
DS3 / DS4 [43] Adrian Stuart / Armand Randolph * * * *
DD1 [54] Stephanie Eliza
DH [56] Elijah Timothy DS [32] Eli Darrell
- DW [33] Katharine Leila
- DD [9] Yolanda Corinne
- DS [7] Miles Rodney
- DS [4] Truman Alfonso
- DS [2] Noah Frederic
- DS [8months] Silas MathewDS [30] Levi Ambrose

... Load Full Message

This message was edited 8/3/2011, 3:33 PM

vote up1
DH [77] Alan Joel Clement
DW [77] Carmella Allie Josie DD1 [54] Stephanie Margery Eliza
DD2 [51] Avis Aileen Christina
DS1 [49] Andy Claud Jesus
DS2 [46] Ruben Forest Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] Neal Adrian Harlan / Thaddeus Randolph Pasquale * * * *
DD1 [54]
DH [56] Timothy Elijah WileyDS [32] Irwin Vito Isadore
- DW [33] Rosetta Katharine Johanna
- DD [9] Corinne Lou Willa
- DS [7] Ferdinand Miles Herschel
- DS [4] Emerson Saul Hollis
- DS [2] Basil Noah Meyer
- DS [8months] Mathew Winston Travis DS [30] Levi Weldon Ambrose
- DW [28] Lily Elisabeth Kate
- DD [5] Leora Nola Paula
- DS [3] Noel Lorenzo Eric
- DD [1] Lilly Hope Linda
- DS [exp] Hugo Teddy Jeff DS [27] Morgan Harris Isidore
- Dgf [24] Reva Delia Kay DS [24] Freeman Alden Wilton * * * *
DD2 [51]
DH [51] Luke Evan GailDS [13] Orlando Houston* * * *
DS1 [49]
DW [42] Harriette Bernadette Madelyn DD [12] Catharine Joy Dixie
DS [10] Fletcher Elliott Denver
DS [7] Nolan Maxwell Everette* * * *
DS2 [46]
Dgf [46] Monica Hallie Verda DS [8] Chris Israel Justin * * * *
DS3 [43]
DW [39] Jacqueline Isabella Mavis DS [10] Ezra Riley Emile
DS [7] Theron Nickolas Kelly
DD [4] Garnet Rae Valeria * * * *
DS4 [43]
DW [40] Leora Rowena Jannie DD [5] Gail Bella Elise
DD [2] Evangeline Louisa Dortha
vote up1
DH [77] Conrad Joel Clement
DW [77] Carmella Allie JosieDD1 [54] Stephanie Bette Eliza
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DS1 [49] Barney Carlos Elvin
DS2 [46] Ruben Forest Marcus
DS3 / DS4 [43] Neal Adrian Harlan & Thaddeus Dallas ChristopherConrad and Carmella with :
Stephanie, Avis, Barney, Ruben, Neal & Thaddeus
* * * *
DD1 [54] Stephanie Bette Eliza
DH [56] Reginald Elijah RomanDS [32] Buford Vito Isadore
- DW [33] Rosetta Katharine Johanna
- DD [9] Claudia Lou Willa
- DS [7] Ferdinand Miles Herschel
- DS [4] Emerson Saul Hollis
- DS [2] Basil Noah Ramon
- DS [8mo] Buster Jackson Micheal
Bu and Rosie with :
Claudia, Ferdinand, Emerson, Basil & Buster
DS [30] Levi Mervin Ambrose
- DW [28] Lily Elisabeth Kate
- DD [5] Mona Molly Wilda
- DS [3] Milo Gabriel Eric
- DD [1] Beth Ramona Isabell
- DS [exp] Hugo Teddy Aloysius
Levi and Lily with :
Mona, Milo, Beth & Hugo
DS [27] Morgan Harris Odis
- Dgf [24] Reva Delia Kay
Morgan with girlfriend RevaDS [24] Freeman Scott CarmienStephanie and Regi with :
Bu, Levi, Morgan & Freeman
* * * *
DD2 [51] Avis Lenore Christina
DH [51] Luke Evan UlyssesDS [13] Orlando HoustonAvis and Luke with :
* * * *
DS1 [49] Barney Carlos Elvin
DW [42] Harriette Polly MadelynDD [12] Catharine Joy Dixie
DS [10] Elias Elliott Denver
DS [7] Nolan Maxwell EveretteBarney and Hattie with :
Cate, Elias & Nolan
* * * *
DS2 [46] Ruben Forest Marcus
Dgf [46] Mercedes Hallie RubyeDS [8] Columbus Israel JustinRuben and Mercy with :
* * * *
DS3 [43] Neal Adrian Harlan
DW [39] Cynthia Isabella BirdieDS [10] Ezra Riley Emile
DS [7] Theron Nickolas Deweitt
DD [4] Earline Louella ValeriaNeal and Thia with :
Ezra, Theron & Lina
* * * *
DS4 [43] Thaddeus Dallas Christopher
DW [40] Phoebe Rowena MelvaDD [5] Agatha Bella Elise
DD [2] Evangeline Louisa OletaThaddeus and Phoebe with :
Aggie & Evie
vote up1