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[Opinions] Re: Australian Names
in reply to a message by Lily
Don't know any Tiahns but I know three my age named Tiarna, Tiahna, Tiana. Tee-AHN-uh. Don't know where it's from either, but must be related to Tiahn.
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Yes! I asked on the name facts board. Hope anyone knows, I'm really curious now.
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I like Tiahn, but I've never met any.
I've known three Americans named Tiana - two were teenagers and one was a kid (maybe 9ish). I've never seen any alternate spellings of Tiana here, but my guess is that Tiahna is a spelling of Tiana and Tiahn is a short form of Tiahna? Unless it came from another name...
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Can you look at my post on the name facts board? For some reason I don't think it's short for Tiana because many people have seen it as Tiarne. It just seems unlikely to me that people got Tiahn and Tiarne from Tiana which just seems so different as a name. I could be wrong but how would so many people think of it at the same time and spell it Tiahn and Tiarne instead of Tian? I don't know but I thought there was a character or famous person to inspire so many to use it. But it doesn't seem like it. This name is a mystery to me :P
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