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[Opinions] Re: Australian Names
in reply to a message by Veela
I find alot of male irish/scottish namesStuff like:
Angus (super popular)
Fergus (less popular)
Cooper (really popular)
Jarrah (weirdly popular in my area)
Braith (footy players name)
Jye / Kai /Kye etc. (incredibly popular!)Girls:
Kalani / Calani (randomly popular in my area)
Leilani (weirdly popular)
Kirrilly (kirilee/kiralee etc.)
Isla (i've seen this steadily in the birth announcements for past 5+ years)
Add more later, im sleepy :)
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Cooper is very popular in the US, too.
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It's top 10 in Australia, though.
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aaaaand #1 where I am.
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Angus is super popular? Never met one and it's only at #61. Could be a regional thing, though. Jarrah is interesting, where does it come from?Kye is incredibly popular? Wow. My friend just named her son Kye. She lives in Australia. I only know that Kai is extremely common in Germany.Do you know where Tiarne comes from? I know one that spells it Tiahn and four others (don't know the spellings).
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Jarrah is the Aboriginal name for a type of eucalyptus (gum tree)

This message was edited 10/27/2011, 11:45 AM

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Forgot about Jai / Kai / Jye / Kye. All rhyme with "eye", at least in my experience. That's a weird one that I see more than I expect to.
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