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[Opinions] Re: Quinn
in reply to a message by Kat
I automatically think of it as a girl name. I think it seems too feminine for a boy. Doesn't matter how many Ns. Sorry - I know how annoying that is, because I want to scream NO when people say they like Rowan for a girl. But the only Quinn I know is a little girl.I do think that a Quentin, Tarquin, or Quinton could be called Quin familiarly, if it happened that he was a guy who could carry it off without it seeming feminine. And most guys likely could.
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Oh yeah, I'm with you on Rowan. I remember a while back, when there was a thread called "If you had to give your daughter a boys name" and the OP said Rowan, and everyone who commented was like, "Um, Rowan is unisex!" and I was thinking, wtf are you all talking about? Well, I don't live in America. Maybe people see it differently there.
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That was me.chocolate frog
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:).Jelly snake
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I know! Oh so frustrating! I like Quentin alot, I just prefer shorter names.
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