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[Facts] My daughter's unique name..
Hello.I have a seven week old daughter named Six. I have not met many people called Jessa - they were either Jesse or Jessica and used Jessa as a nick name. I'd like it to be the same for my daughter. I would be heartbroken if there were dozens of children called Six in my daughters class. I have never met anyone called Six. I'm sure my little girl will love her name if she doesn't - She can always use her more conventional middle name; Noelle .I also have a two year old daughter - Kezia . Everyone calls her Kizzie but when she is older, she'll probably want use a more adult, professional sounding name.I was wondering, what do you think of their names?Love Jessa
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I won't be so melodramatic as to compare naming your baby "Six" to assigning slaves and prisoners their numbers, but your entire message and goal here seems quite pretentious and self-indulgent to me. You can be unique regardless of how common your name is. I could name my kids "Apple" and "Sprocket" without any fear of there being other kids with those names, but does that make them *good* names? Not necessarily.
Basically, if you don't name your daughters things like Sarah , Ann , Elizabeth , etc, you're pretty safe. Clearly, the decision is yours, but "Six" smacks of effort.
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I wish Norah was here...I definitely agree with you, Maggie , that "you can be unique regardless of how common your name is". It's not the name that makes the child unique, but rather the choice of a name which expresses the parents' wishes for their child to grow up being unique. :)I think Norah (one of our old regulars on this board who hasn't been around much lately) said it best when she said something like (and I'm quoting from memory here): "I think a person's name tells you more about that person's parents than about the person, him/herself." :)-- Nanaea
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Hey Jessa why don't you think about the problems that you will cause your child to have with this ridiculous "name?" How stupid is it going to be when someone asks your daughter what her "name" is and she replies "I'm Six?" The person will think that she is an idiot or a liar who is saying her age instead of her name. Do you really want her saying this when she is three years old? How about when she is 4 or 5 years old? What about when she is past the age of six? How many 12 year old kids want to be stuck with a dumb name like this? Do you think she will like it as a teen-ager? What about when she becomes an adult? How on earth do you expect people to believe her when she says her correct age? When she always has to say she is Six when she says her name, then people will assume that she is mentally retarded, insane, a pathological liar, addicted to drugs and an immature nitwit who wants to be a six year old child forever. How on earth do you think that this "name" can ever help her make a good impression when she goes to school, plays sports, joins the Girl Scouts, starts dating, applying for jobs, goes off to college, fill out legal documents, vote, get married, etc.? She will decide to legally change her name thanks to your stupidity and you should be legally required to give her the money to do it. After all, you started the insane nonsense.
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Find Elaine's first name ContestI fear that Elaine will probably never divulge her first name to us. Since we are all interested in the ultimate source of Elaine's unhappy life, let us attempt to deduce it!With the help of the Anagram Oracle, and assuming that she saw born in the South during the mid-war era, here are some plausible possibilities:Armadilla Elaine: I am all alien, dear
Attaresta Elaine: Neat rat-tail ease
Cementa Elaine: Neat lice enema
Chlorine Elaine: In lonelier ache
Coita Elaine: Eat a nice oil
Gloriola Elaine: A loonie ill rage
Hygiene Elaine: Hyena genie lie
Iceyphobia Elaine: I piece honey labia
Kewpie Elaine: In apelike ewe
Kiwanis Elaine: Like Asian wine
Larceny Elaine: Carnal eye-line
Dinette Elaine: Inane! Delete it!
Livera Elaine: Eerie vanilla
Lush Elaine: Senile haul
Navelle Elaine: Leave ale, Lenin
Ova Elaine: I, on a leave
Pencilla Elaine: Penile alliance
Phalla Elaine: Hell! I anal ape
Flouzelle Elaine: Foul Lezlie Elena
Gazelle Elaine: Alien zeal glee
Glanda Elaine: Die anal angel
Satyra Elaine: I a neat slayer
Twitty Elaine: Teeny tit wail
Ureatha Elaine: I a laureate hen
Vasoline Elaine: Evil alien on seaPlease feel free to contribute to this quest :)
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Ooo, you got her going with that one, PriaposLov!Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!P.S. to Elaine
We're still laughing at you.-- Nanaea
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A child should not have a "name" which is a word that spells out a number because this isn't a real name. It will only imply that your child is a number and this will cause people to treat the child as if he is a sub-human non-entity. Real people are supposed to have real names. The only people who are called numbers are criminals who are in jail or prison. Is this how parents should make their child feel? What will happen to this child's sense of self-esteem? If you don'believe me about this, then you should go to the website of the American Anti-Slavery Group and read about how people in Sudan are being are being forced to give up their African names and switch to either numbers or Arab names. Please read about the human rights abuses that are being inflicted on these poor unfortunate people. These human rights include illegal slavery, genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced religious conversions, branding people like cattle, rape, female genital mutilation, beatings against the women and children, burning and looting of villages, putting landmines around villages, government made famine, poisoning of water wells, torture, terrorism, and crucifixion. The government kills the men and teen-aged boys and elderly people are being beaten, robbed and murdered. The National Islamic Front government of Sudan bombs civilian targets (churches, mosques, schools, hospitals, market places, people's homes, and relief centers) because it hates sub-human non-entities who are forced to be only numbers. About 2,000,000-3,000,000 people have been killed and about 4,000,000-5,000,000 people are homeless because of this genocidal civil war. The American Anti-Slavery Group's website is Unfortunately, the world is ignoring this tragedy but I have been telling people about it for more than one year. If I'm such a stupid, hostile, self-absorbed idiot who only thinks about myself, then please explain why I have been telling people about this tragedy for more a year.

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The fact that you are an opponent of female circumsision does not exonarate you any more than vegetarianism exonerated Hitler.
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Hitler had a fondness for big dogs, too. ;)-- Nanaea
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I'm sorry to have to tell you that Elaine can't respond. The Paragraph Police came to her flat about 4 AM and took her away. At least THEY were punctual...
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Did you get that name from the older TV show "Blossom"? I think Six was Blossom's best friend. But I never knew where the name was supposed to derive from in that storyline.
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What about "One of Five" from Star Trek Voyager?
Actually my partner was quoting names from that series for our next baby. Why doesn't he watch Friends like the rest of us?!
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I forgot to mention that SIX is one of my aunt's maiden name. She's French and it IS pronounced SIX as in the English number, rather than "Siss" (which would be the way to read the number six in French, though the number is spelt SIX of course).
Are you still awake?
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I have a funny story. I grew up in France and I was 20 when I arrived in Ireland. I became friendly with a very attractive young man from County Tyrone , where people have a very strong Irish country accent. I found it hard to understand what he would say - but then he had beautiful blue eyes... Anyway, one afternoon he suggested we could go out that evening for a drink. I said "great, what time are you gonna arrive at my place?" He replied: "What about six?" But, with his accent, to me, it sounded more like: "what about sex?" I was quite pleased... until he added: "or what about six thirty or seven?"
Well, I don't know if Elaine found this funny...
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SabineI can just picture that.
I have three professors from different parts of Ireland, and all three have thick brogues. One is an English professor, one is a philosophy professor, and the third teaches Irish language and Irish history/ethnic studies. What's worse (sometimes) is that they are FRIENDS. I can't get away with anything in any of their classes without the other two giving me "the treatment" (damn).Phyllis
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:D Elaine or not, this is a funny story!! Similarly, I work with a manager fresh from our Irish plant whose accent is almost incomprehensible to the country boys out on the assembly line. John (the Irishman) says "I've offended people countless times because they misunderstand me, but that's their problem now, isn't it?"Uh, Sabine ...Is there a PART TWO to this story, or do you prefer to be discrete? :)
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"Well, I don't know if Elaine found this funny..."I found it funny, Sabine ! :) And I'll bet a lot of cool people who post on this board (like Daividh , for one) will find it funny, too.Can't say much for Elaine , tho'. ;)-- Nanaea
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Let's take the "WHAT IS ELAINE'S PROBLEM?" Quiz!Because Elaine has made it QUITE CLEAR that it is VERY, VERY IMPORTANT that we all know and understand her, I invite everyone here to take the "WHAT IS ELAINE'S PROBLEM?" Quiz!The statements below are all Elaine 's own words -- simply choose from the multiple choices under each statement to see how well you know Elaine ! (And also how well you know people just like her).Here is Elaine 's personal introduction to the "WHAT IS ELAINE'S PROBLEM?" Quiz! :"Were you on alcohol, crack cocaine or some other drug when you decided to do this? Yap yap yap. It is ridiculous to yap yap yap. Why can't you give the child two yap yap yap normal yap yap yap names? By the way, yap yap yap to the yap yap yap your child any yap yap yap either. Everytime yap yap yap fill out legal documents, yap yap yap shoved down your yap yap yap throat. It won't matter how many times yap yap yap because people will still insist on yap yap yap.... "OOOOOOKAY! Let's get started with the "WHAT IS ELAINE'S PROBLEM?" Quiz!Statement #1:
"They will never listen unless your child screams at them millions of times and then these idiots will label your child a jerk."
A. People never listened to Elaine as a child because people just SUCK!
B. People never listened to Elaine as a child because they didn't understand what the hell she was yapping about.
C. People never listened to Elaine as a child because they were deafened by her screaming like a jerk all the time.Statement #2
"Strangers never ask you which name you prefer to use."
A. Strangers never asked Elaine which name she prefers to use because strangers just SUCK!

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On Mike-C, did yor *have* to delete Elaine's relpy to Nanaea? I feel I missed a lot of good laughs :(
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Thank you thank you thank you Nanaea......for brightening my bleak Monday morning!
And thank Gawd for all the genuine lunatics of the world, such as EagleBeak and Elaine , for providing us pure entairtainment :))))
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I have an important question for you Nanaea. If it is completely unimportant to know which name a person uses on a daily basis and call them by that name, then will you mind it if I do something obnoxious to you? How would you like it if I pick three names at random that have never been my name, aren't my name and never will be my name? How would you like it if I lie through my teeth and say that these names are mine? Would you like it if I use the alias Susan Lynn Thompson to defraud you? If you don't like this, then why don't you have enough manners to listen to the name that customers use when they introduce themselves to you in a place of business or a government agency? Why do you think that it is "friendly" to call total strangers by names that they never use with anyone they personally know on a daily basis? If their relatives and friends aren't allowed to do this, then why on earth should total strangers have this "right?" How many of your "friends" don't know which name you use on a daily basis? What kind of a "friend" would be this stupid? How many of your "friends" call you by names that you never use at all? Would you even allow this to happen? How would you like it if you have been called by your first name every single day of your life and I insisted on throwing that name away? Would you like the fact that I keep on doing this after being told to stop it? How would you like it if I insisted on shoving the middle name (or nicknames for it) that you hate down your throat and forcing you to answer to it? How would you like it if I completely butcher and mutilate your last name by constantly mispronouncing and/or misspelling it even after you have told me to stop doing this? How many times would you tell me to stop doing this if I didn't do what you asked me to do? How would you like it if I constantly punished you for my constant, stupid, obnoxious screw-ups? Would you think of me as a nice person that you want to have as a friend? Would you avoid being near me because I'm obnoxious?

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Oh, Elaine, Elaine, you never learn...As a courtesy to Mike C., and because we all have far more interesting things to discuss on this message board rather than Elaine the Persecuted, I'm not going to take you out the way I would the typical, obnoxious, clueless, self-absorbed, obsessive crazyass who's got her head jammed so far up her heinie that she doesn't even realize that EVERYONE on this message board is LAUGHING at her. Well... maybe I won't. It all depends on how insistent you are in continuing in your stupidity.GET A CLUE, ELAINE. Nobody gives a *crap* about your name! Your name isn't the freakin' issue here. It's your ATTITUDE, baby. It's the way you address people you don't even know by insulting them and calling them "crackheads". Quite frankly, your attitude sucks. No wonder you've always had such a tough time in life. It ain't gonna get better, baby -- not unless you undergo a little attitude adjustment.Mike C. very wisely last night deleted your response to me suggesting that my mother should have had an abortion, and that I need to be shot in the head. Not cool, Elaine. Especially since you don't know anything about me, what kind of person I am, or what I am capable of doing. However, you are welcome to ask anyone on this board about me, and maybe they might clue you in. ;)-- Nanaea
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Here is a suggestion for you. If you don't want to be called stupid, crackhead, poster child for abortion, etc., then you should stop acting like everything I just mentioned. Quit giving your children stupid fake "names" like six which is actually a number. Think about how the children who are stuck with that garbage are going to feel when they go out into the real world and get bullied because of what their stupid parents did to them. Then I won't be tempted to call you all of these names that you don't like. You should be severely rebuked if you are abusive to a helpless child in this way. The Department Of Family And Children Services should take the child away from you and put him or her in a foster home and give the child a normal name. Any so-called "parent" that would give their child an insane, stupid "name" like six should also be charged with child abuse and be put in a mental hospital.
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ElaineI have a few things to say about your attitude (or is it attitudinal inherency?).1. Try to remember the children taken from parents for "false memories", false allegations of "SRA", and other things like that.2. Children will be teased for anything that is different. One girl killed herself just before school because she wanted to learn something about Wicca. We won't even discuss Columbine High School.3. A woman had her children taken from her (albeit temporarily) just because she asked a question about breast feeding and a natural sensation that goes along with the feeding.I wish you would access, but I fear you would try to get me sent away to an institution.PhyllisPS Fook you, too.
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"...response to me suggesting that my mother should have had an abortion, and that I need to be shot in the head..."THe Anagram Oracle never fails:
Elaine the sociopath=She a pathetic loonie
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Hint for Elaine: Listen to "Sympathy for the Devil" a couple of times before addressisng Nanaea again , hehe
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If You'll Forgive My Dealing In Superlatives...this quiz is the FUNNIEST damn thing I've ever seen on the Net!!NAN ROOLZ!! : ))))))
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Were you on alcohol, crack cocaine or some other drug when you decided to do this? It is ridiculous to do this. Why can't you give the child two real normal names? By the way, switching to the middle name won't do your child any good either. Everytime your child will have to fill out legal documents, the first name will always be shoved down your child's throat. It won't matter how many times your child says that she uses her middle name instead of the first name because people will still insist on calling her by her first name. They will never listen unless your child screams at them millions of times and then these idiots will label your child a jerk. Strangers never ask you which name you prefer to use. People also tend to ignore the following type of signature: T. Jane Smith. However, they will make up nicknames for your child even if she doesn't use, like, or want the nickname. Of course, the nickname that your child does not use will always be from the name that your child never uses but this won't stop idiots from shoving it down your child's throat. The idiots who act rude like this will never even ask you if you want the nickname. Why can't people ever stop and think about how stupid this is? Think about what it will be like when your daughter goes to school, gets a driver's license, votes, writes checks, applies for jobs, applies for credit, buys property, gets married, etc? Your child's name will be mutilated in the following types of companies: banks, savings and loans, credit unions, car rental companies, car dealerships, car wrecker services, travel agencies, insurance companies, stock brokerage firms, real estate agencies, video stores, law firms, para legals, gun stores, health clubs, pawn shops, etc. Every single government agency that exists will also ruin your child's name. The reason why I know so much about this is because I have been called by my middle name instead of my first name every single day of my life and it is a pain in the neck. I absolutely detest my first name.

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Wasnt that *you* in MC 900 ft Jesus's song "Born with monkey asses"?
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It is stupid to deviate from the norm and call your child by his or her middle name instead of the first name on a daily basis. The first name that has to be put on all of the legal documents is a useless legally required alias that only confuses people. If you like being a bunch of stupid confused airheads, then that is your problem. It is easy for you idiots to trivialize all of this garbage because you won't be the one who has to deal with all of this cr*p when your child fills out legal documents. However, your child won't like it one bit and will hate you for doing this to him or her. Please take my advice and call your children by their first names on a daily basis. I'm not being hostile because I'm only telling you the truth. It is a pain in the neck. Are any of you called by your middle name instead of your first name?
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1. If the name on the birth certificate was the name to be used, then my mother's name is Unnamed.
2. My last name would be Kraps.
3. What about people who don't HAVE birth certificates? There still are those who don't.
4. Let's also talk about Peekabo Street who didn't have a "legitimate" name until she was about four (if I recall correctly).I forgot. You don't recognize these situations.Phyllis
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How Rude!I'm new to this board, but I thought the remarks Elaine made were very rude. My brother has been called by his middle name since birth and he has no problem with it. He was named after my father, and my mother called him by his middle name so we wouldnt have to go through big Gregory little Gregory thing. He has never been made fun of for this, or had in problems in school or otherwise because of this.
Thank you.
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Well if he was lucky and didn't have any problems, then I'm happy for him. However, it is possible that he has had some problems because of it and he didn't tell you about it.
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When you are in a business, then you are supposed to call a customer you do not personally know by his or her last name. It is still rude to call someone by a first name, middle name, or nickname when it hasn't been requested even when you call the person the name that they use every single day of their life. Screwing up the given name -first or middle- makes this much worse. Please remember this.
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Hostile much?? I think we should share our chamomile tea with Elaine ! Yikes!Sarahjeanne
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SarahjeanneForget chamomile. Think prescription sedatives.Phyllis (this message board's resident "witch doctor")
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If Elaine keeps up the uncoolness, I'm gonna be sharing more with her than a cup o' chamomile, lemme tell ya.-- Nanaea
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Okay, I just have to ask. Did you have a special reason for naming your daughter "Six"? I mean, you did consider One through Ten, didn't you?-- Nanaea
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