[Opinions] Lucinda
What do you think of the name Lucinda?
I want to like it, but it makes me think of a mean woman, even a witch. Not sure where that association came from, though. :-/


I like it. It's not really a favorite, but I like it. Very pretty.
The Truth is Out There
The Truth is Out There
Incredibly beautiful. I love it.
It's cute but I prefer Lucia. :)
I like it, and also the similar Lucida (loo-SEE-dah). I seem to be pretty alone in that, though. :) In any case, Lucinda is very nice--I'm kind of sad to see it being talked up so often on name boards.
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
Gorgeous name!

It's not bad, but somehow it strikes me as rather Victorian.
I think it's cute, but I would probably use it as a middle name.
I do love this name....it used to be my FAVE L girls name. but i perfer Lily now