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[Facts] Faris
How is Faris usually pronounced?Is it like Ferris...or something else?

This message was edited 6/29/2018, 1:16 PM

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Not quite. The IPA transcription of Ferris is /fɛrəs/, but Faris (at least the Bosnian Arabic name) is /fɛːris/ (the first vowel is drawn out as in the RP pronunciation (not the General American) of fair, and the |i| is more distinctly an |i|. The English transcription may be given as Fāris, with a diacritic to indicate the first vowel is long. Note that this name/word has two unrelated meanings in Arabic — "horseman" (lit. assaulter, from a verb root meaning to prey, pillage, rape); and "Persia", from Middle Persian Pārs.The Japanese name Faris (as in Final Fantasy) is pronounced /fari:su/ or /fari:sə/, with a short a (as in father), long i (normally written ee in English) and the u from soot so short it may be the indistinct vowel ə. This seems to be the Japanese rendering of the Pharis of Greek mythology, used as the name of a famous French racehourse and thence as the name of several female characters (usually meant to be foreign) in Japanese light fiction/manga/anime/games and the stage name of a Japanese actress. The Greek name is pronounced /ɸa:ris/ or /fa:ris/ with long a and short i like the phrase "far is" (ɸ is a bilablial version of f, or an aspirated fricative version of p).

This message was edited 6/29/2018, 3:23 PM

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