[Games] Re: Game of Life
in reply to a message by Melissa
I'll be playing myself, Jennifer Nicole O'Brien *Jen* (the LN is made up).
Round One:
On May 13th, Sam and I officially became Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Silva. We had a wonderful wedding ceremony at the church that I grew up in. We were married in the evening, and the chapel was beautifully decorated with flowers and candles. My sister was my Maid of Honor, and Sam's brother was the Best Man. My brother was an usher, and his sister was a bridesmaid, and then some of our closest friends were also ushers and bridesmaids. The men all looked dashing in their tuxes, but I must say that my husband was the most dashing of all :) I wore a beautiful white gown and my hair was curled and clipped up. My bridesmaids wore a very light lilac color, and everything was absolutely perfect.
Round Two:
It has been two years since Sam and I were married, and we were thrilled to discover we were expecting our first child. Our beautiful little girl, Elisabeth Maria Grace, came into the world on January 14th, at 9:34 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces; 18 3/4 inches long. We chose the names Elisabeth & Grace simply because we loved them, but Maria was chosen because she was born the day before my grandmother's birthday, so we wanted to give her a part of her great-grandmother's name. Ellie Maria, as we are calling her right now, has light brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes that seem to change color depending on what she's wearing. Her nursery was completely ready for her arrival and is decorated for a little princess, with very light pink and white lace.
Round Three:
Ellie Maria is now three years old, and we've decided to adopt two beautiful sisters from Greece. We traveled there on vacation and fell in love with the both of them. We knew they had to become a part of our family. The eldest, Melissa Zoe, celebrates a birthday on September 28th, and is Ellie's age, so it works out wonderfully. The two of them adore each other and love to do everything together. Melissa has brown hair and beautiful green eyes. The youngest, Melina Cassandra, celebrated her first birthday on April 24th. Melina is an absolute doll and is practically a mirror image of her older sister with brown hair and gorgeous green eyes. Ellie loves having two sisters to play with. She was so excited the day they came home, and it seems they do nothing but have fun together. Aside from that, Ellie loves going to school and playing with her friends. She and Melissa are in the same class and are both learning very quickly. In fact, Melissa has taught Ellie a little bit of Greek, so they seem to have their own secret language. :)
Round Four:
It has been a year since we adopted Melissa and Melina. Ellie Maria and Melissa are both four years old, and Melina is two. Sam and I were thrilled to discover that we were expecting another baby, but it was quite a shock when we were told we'd be having not one, not two, but three babies! Our triplets, Jude Hamilton Luis, Faith Nathalie Cristina, and Ava Lacie Michelle, came into the world on August 14th. Jude was born at 4:24 PM, weighing 5 pounds, 10 ounces; 18 1/2 inches long. Faith followed at 4:26 PM, weighing 5 pounds, 4 ounces; 18 inches long. And last, but not least, Ava joined her siblings at 4:28 PM, weighing 5 pounds, 7 ounces; 18 inches long. Faith and Ava look a lot alike with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes, while Jude has light brown hair and hazel eyes. We chose most of their names because we simply liked them, but their second middle names, Luis, Cristina, and Michelle, all honor my grandfather in that they spell out his initials: LCM, since the triplets were born just five days before his birthday. With five children, we discovered that it was time to find a bigger house, so we moved into a two-story home with five bedrooms. Right now, Ellie and Melissa share a room, Melina and Jude have their own, and Faith and Ava also share. Ellie is trying to convince us to let her have a puppy. She wants a yellow lab, but we're still a little unsure about it since we have such young children. Other than that, everyone is doing well. The girls absolutely adore the babies and love to spend every possible moment with them. All three are in preschool and enjoying it; they learn so much so quickly!
Round Five:
Time flies so quickly, and our children are growing up so fast! Ellie Maria and Melissa are eight years old, Melina is six, and Jude, Faith, and Ava are four. Unexpectedly, Sam's cousin passed away and left her children to us. Of course, we were happy to take all four of them in. Deacon James will be seven years old on December 8th, Grant William will be five on November 16th, Cade Preston will be three on October 3rd, and Janna Rose celebrated her first birthday on February 5th. Deacon and Grant are old enough to understand what has happened, and so, they've struggled more with the loss. Cade realizes that mom isn't around, but he doesn't understand why that is. And little Janna just says mommy, but has no idea of what is going on. She cried quite a bit in the beginning for her mommy, since she was very much attached, but slowly, she's becoming accustomed to us. While all of this was happening, Sam and I discovered that we were pregnant, yet again. We were thrilled to welcome to the world Carrie Celestia Reese, on March 10th, at 1:46 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces; 19 1/4 inches long. She looks a lot like Faith and Ava, with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes and is such a happy baby. Everyone has fallen in love with her, and the kids all give her the utmost amount of attention.
It has been ten years and our kids have all grown up so much. The journey to get where we are has been quite the adventure, but we've truly enjoyed every moment of it.
Elisabeth and Melissa are 18 years old, and both have started their freshman year in college. Ellie is majoring in English and hopes to become a teacher, while Melissa is majoring in broadcast journalism with plans to becoming a news reporter.
Deacon is 17 years old and is a senior in high school, where he enjoys playing football. His favorite subject is criminalistics, and he plans on becoming a crime scene investigator.
Melina is 16 years old and is a junior in high school. Her favorite subject is theatre, and she dreams of becoming an actress.
Grant is 15 years old and is a sophomore in high school. He enjoys playing baseball and plans on becoming a police officer.
Jude, Faith, and Ava are 14 years old and are frehsmen in high school. Jude's favorite subject is science, and he wants to become a doctor. Faith enjoys ballroom dancing, but her real passion is figure skating; right now, she is skating pairs and hopes to go the Winter Olympics and then turn professional. Ava really enjoys working with children and either wants to become an elementary school teacher or a pediatrician.
Cade is 13 years old and is in the eighth grade. He is the most outgoing of all of our children and is quite independent. He really enjoys history and debate, which is why he wants to become a lawyer.
Janna is 11 years old and is in the sixth grade. She is a very sweet little girl who loves gymnastics. Her dream is to go to the Summer Olympics and win gold.
Carrie is 10 years old and is the fifth grade. As the youngest, she gets a lot of attention from her siblings. She enjoys both figure skating and gymastics, a lot like her older sisters, but her favorite thing is music. She loves to play the piano and flute, and especially enjoys singing, which explains why she hopes to become a famous singer.
And there you have our family. Eleven children is a lot, but we've managed, and we're loving every minute we spend together.
The Silva Family
DH: Samuel John *Sam*
DW: Jennifer Nicole (O'Brien) *Jen*
DD: Elisabeth Maria Grace *Ellie Maria* (18)
DD: Melissa Zoe (18)
DS: Deacon James (17)
DD: Melina Cassandra (16)
DS: Grant William (15)
DS/DD/DD: Jude Hamilton Luis / Faith Nathalie Cristina / Ava Lacie Michelle (14)
DS: Cade Preston (13)
DD: Janna Rose (11)
DD: Carrie Celestia Reese (10)

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
Round One:
On May 13th, Sam and I officially became Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Silva. We had a wonderful wedding ceremony at the church that I grew up in. We were married in the evening, and the chapel was beautifully decorated with flowers and candles. My sister was my Maid of Honor, and Sam's brother was the Best Man. My brother was an usher, and his sister was a bridesmaid, and then some of our closest friends were also ushers and bridesmaids. The men all looked dashing in their tuxes, but I must say that my husband was the most dashing of all :) I wore a beautiful white gown and my hair was curled and clipped up. My bridesmaids wore a very light lilac color, and everything was absolutely perfect.
Round Two:
It has been two years since Sam and I were married, and we were thrilled to discover we were expecting our first child. Our beautiful little girl, Elisabeth Maria Grace, came into the world on January 14th, at 9:34 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces; 18 3/4 inches long. We chose the names Elisabeth & Grace simply because we loved them, but Maria was chosen because she was born the day before my grandmother's birthday, so we wanted to give her a part of her great-grandmother's name. Ellie Maria, as we are calling her right now, has light brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes that seem to change color depending on what she's wearing. Her nursery was completely ready for her arrival and is decorated for a little princess, with very light pink and white lace.
Round Three:
Ellie Maria is now three years old, and we've decided to adopt two beautiful sisters from Greece. We traveled there on vacation and fell in love with the both of them. We knew they had to become a part of our family. The eldest, Melissa Zoe, celebrates a birthday on September 28th, and is Ellie's age, so it works out wonderfully. The two of them adore each other and love to do everything together. Melissa has brown hair and beautiful green eyes. The youngest, Melina Cassandra, celebrated her first birthday on April 24th. Melina is an absolute doll and is practically a mirror image of her older sister with brown hair and gorgeous green eyes. Ellie loves having two sisters to play with. She was so excited the day they came home, and it seems they do nothing but have fun together. Aside from that, Ellie loves going to school and playing with her friends. She and Melissa are in the same class and are both learning very quickly. In fact, Melissa has taught Ellie a little bit of Greek, so they seem to have their own secret language. :)
Round Four:
It has been a year since we adopted Melissa and Melina. Ellie Maria and Melissa are both four years old, and Melina is two. Sam and I were thrilled to discover that we were expecting another baby, but it was quite a shock when we were told we'd be having not one, not two, but three babies! Our triplets, Jude Hamilton Luis, Faith Nathalie Cristina, and Ava Lacie Michelle, came into the world on August 14th. Jude was born at 4:24 PM, weighing 5 pounds, 10 ounces; 18 1/2 inches long. Faith followed at 4:26 PM, weighing 5 pounds, 4 ounces; 18 inches long. And last, but not least, Ava joined her siblings at 4:28 PM, weighing 5 pounds, 7 ounces; 18 inches long. Faith and Ava look a lot alike with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes, while Jude has light brown hair and hazel eyes. We chose most of their names because we simply liked them, but their second middle names, Luis, Cristina, and Michelle, all honor my grandfather in that they spell out his initials: LCM, since the triplets were born just five days before his birthday. With five children, we discovered that it was time to find a bigger house, so we moved into a two-story home with five bedrooms. Right now, Ellie and Melissa share a room, Melina and Jude have their own, and Faith and Ava also share. Ellie is trying to convince us to let her have a puppy. She wants a yellow lab, but we're still a little unsure about it since we have such young children. Other than that, everyone is doing well. The girls absolutely adore the babies and love to spend every possible moment with them. All three are in preschool and enjoying it; they learn so much so quickly!
Round Five:
Time flies so quickly, and our children are growing up so fast! Ellie Maria and Melissa are eight years old, Melina is six, and Jude, Faith, and Ava are four. Unexpectedly, Sam's cousin passed away and left her children to us. Of course, we were happy to take all four of them in. Deacon James will be seven years old on December 8th, Grant William will be five on November 16th, Cade Preston will be three on October 3rd, and Janna Rose celebrated her first birthday on February 5th. Deacon and Grant are old enough to understand what has happened, and so, they've struggled more with the loss. Cade realizes that mom isn't around, but he doesn't understand why that is. And little Janna just says mommy, but has no idea of what is going on. She cried quite a bit in the beginning for her mommy, since she was very much attached, but slowly, she's becoming accustomed to us. While all of this was happening, Sam and I discovered that we were pregnant, yet again. We were thrilled to welcome to the world Carrie Celestia Reese, on March 10th, at 1:46 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces; 19 1/4 inches long. She looks a lot like Faith and Ava, with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes and is such a happy baby. Everyone has fallen in love with her, and the kids all give her the utmost amount of attention.
It has been ten years and our kids have all grown up so much. The journey to get where we are has been quite the adventure, but we've truly enjoyed every moment of it.
Elisabeth and Melissa are 18 years old, and both have started their freshman year in college. Ellie is majoring in English and hopes to become a teacher, while Melissa is majoring in broadcast journalism with plans to becoming a news reporter.
Deacon is 17 years old and is a senior in high school, where he enjoys playing football. His favorite subject is criminalistics, and he plans on becoming a crime scene investigator.
Melina is 16 years old and is a junior in high school. Her favorite subject is theatre, and she dreams of becoming an actress.
Grant is 15 years old and is a sophomore in high school. He enjoys playing baseball and plans on becoming a police officer.
Jude, Faith, and Ava are 14 years old and are frehsmen in high school. Jude's favorite subject is science, and he wants to become a doctor. Faith enjoys ballroom dancing, but her real passion is figure skating; right now, she is skating pairs and hopes to go the Winter Olympics and then turn professional. Ava really enjoys working with children and either wants to become an elementary school teacher or a pediatrician.
Cade is 13 years old and is in the eighth grade. He is the most outgoing of all of our children and is quite independent. He really enjoys history and debate, which is why he wants to become a lawyer.
Janna is 11 years old and is in the sixth grade. She is a very sweet little girl who loves gymnastics. Her dream is to go to the Summer Olympics and win gold.
Carrie is 10 years old and is the fifth grade. As the youngest, she gets a lot of attention from her siblings. She enjoys both figure skating and gymastics, a lot like her older sisters, but her favorite thing is music. She loves to play the piano and flute, and especially enjoys singing, which explains why she hopes to become a famous singer.
And there you have our family. Eleven children is a lot, but we've managed, and we're loving every minute we spend together.
The Silva Family
DH: Samuel John *Sam*
DW: Jennifer Nicole (O'Brien) *Jen*
DD: Elisabeth Maria Grace *Ellie Maria* (18)
DD: Melissa Zoe (18)
DS: Deacon James (17)
DD: Melina Cassandra (16)
DS: Grant William (15)
DS/DD/DD: Jude Hamilton Luis / Faith Nathalie Cristina / Ava Lacie Michelle (14)
DS: Cade Preston (13)
DD: Janna Rose (11)
DD: Carrie Celestia Reese (10)
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
This message was edited 4/18/2006, 5:11 PM