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[Opinions] Names from a dream: Arian, Marianthe, and...
Edward.Last night I dreamt of an aristocratic family in what seemed to be a fantasy land inspired by the late 18th century. The family lived in a fictional country that bore little resemblance to any actual historical state, and consisted of the parents, their two children: a son called Arian and a daughter called Marianthe, their ward: who came from the equivalent of England and was called Edward, and the Palestinian literary critic Edward Said (who was not related to any of them).What do you think of each of these names (Arian, Marianthe, Edward)? Arian was pronounced A-ree-an, Marianthe was pronounced ma-ree-AN-thee.Does Arian make you think of anything other than Aryan and Arianism? 🕊️❣️🌻💌🌻❣️🕊️masculine list:
feminine list:

This message was edited 2/25/2024, 3:06 PM

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I like Edward, Maria the is a little too much and I don't really like Arian, yes the association is there with aryan
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I love Marianthe! I studied abroad in Athens over a decade ago and met a local woman named Marianthe at a cafe one day. It's such a beautiful name.Arian only calls to mind Aryan and Arianism.

This message was edited 2/25/2024, 4:10 PM

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Edward, Arianne, and Marianthe would be a beautiful set. Even though they appear very different, they somehow all work together and feel very "eccentric aristocratic". I think the gentle echo of "-Arian-" in Arianne and Marianthe is what kind of ties them together a bit. That's a good dream set!Arian (this spelling) looks inhuman, like a brand name. That's what it makes me think of. Like some dystopian future corporation who sells the oxygen equivalent of Evian.
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