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Hi my name is zesanatt, i was born in wet africa , and i was put this name by my godmother who is half indian, but amazingly enough she does not remenber the meaning.So im in a mission to find out what my name really means. Can you help? i would like to know the origin and the meaning.
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I'm curious, Zesanatt...How come you're using a different e-mail addy from the one you used over on the Unusual and Unique Names Bulletin Board? Not that it matters that much, because very few (if any) people here will e-mail to strangers.But, another thing... when Zara replied to your posting and asked if your name was Indian, you never replied back to her with an answer. How come?-- Nanaea
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1- I have changed my e-mail address the hotmail one will be inactive soon
2- the name i use in the mail address is my second name, and does it really matter which address i am using??????
3-i have not answered Zara because i actually though it was a rethorical question. I do not know whther the name is indian or not ,i do have my suspicions but as i said before, noone will tell me for sure what my name is or isn't...
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My response to your other post was just an idea and did not demand any acknowledgement. Also, you will find the people on these sites to be very intrigued by the ISP numbers or e-mail addresses of others. It is a bit unsettling. Hope you get some answers to your question. Here is a link that has all sorts of name lists and different nationalities. It may have some Indian resources to check.
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thanks for the help zara.
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No, it doesn't make a difference which e-mail address you use. As I said before, we don't do e-mail here.I'll try to help you. Are you male or female? It's important to know the gender of the name "Zesanatt" in searching for its meaning.-- Nanaea
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yes i am female, 25 y.o.thanks for the help.
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I was hoping you were going to tell me you are male, because the closest-sounding Indian (Sanskrit) name I could find to "Zesanatt" is the male name of "Sesananta". It means: "Sesa, the lord of serpents"."Sesa" is the thousand-headed serpent regarded as the emblem of eternity in Indian folklore.I think you need to question your godmother again about this name she gave you. Even if she doesn't remember what it means, she should at least remember where she got it from. Was it the name of somebody she knew?Good luck to you, Zesanatt.-- Nanaea
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yeah i probably should pressure her a bit more, and my mom as well,
she apparently found it in a boook and she and my mum chose it.Thanks Nanaea
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Hungarian, perhaps?I found the Hungarian, female name "Zsanett" for you. It's close to your name, and appears to be a form of the name "Jeanette", as its meaning is "God has been gracious". don't know if your name may have been the result of your godmother possibly mishearing the pronunciation of a similar-sounding name, or if your name comes from some African language with which your godmother may have been familiar. But if your godmother truly can't remember from whence she found that name, then who knows?-- Nanaea
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that sounds very similar, thank you for your help, i will be
phoning my godmother this weekend and asking about my name and i will
question my mum as well.
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If you find out, be sure to let us know, too! :)
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wel i spoke to my mum yesterday and she says the name is portuguese, and originally she wanted to name me, ANA Zanatti which she
claims to be italian and i have my doubts, but she then changed it to zesanatt, but i am starting to have my doubts now because last time she spoke to me
she said smthing different, if i do find out i will tell you, for SURE
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