Translation of name Luis into Russian
Again, I know neither what this name means, nor what it is in Russian, nor how to render the concept that I had a grandfather with a first name of Luis in a Russian translation of this name (more to the point, i know that Russian middle names end in -ich but i am not sure if using this ending for my middle name carries that connotation; in fact, im not even sure WHAT connotation the -ich ending carries). Again, I am grateful for ANY help at all in advance, and this time if anyone knows a website that describes Russian naming methods and customs, I request it. Thanks
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So I think you want to know 1. The Origin and meaning of Luis 2. The Russian version of it. Well I guess Luis comes from Louis, which comes from the Germanic name Hlodwig. The Russian version is Ludovic. Hlod means Glory, and wig means a fight. So the -ic ending has a different origin from the typical -ic in Russian names, which stands for 'son'.
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They aren't "middle names", but rather "father names". "Son of Whomever". They happen to be said between the first name and surname when all names are spoken, but are not true "middle names".

As for the "son" ending, it is vic/vich/vitz/wicz/wikcz depending on where in the Russian-influenced lands you live.

By the way, the female ending is "anov", I think, as in Anastasia Nicholianov Romanov (Anastasia, Nicholas' daughter, of Rome/A Daughter of Rome)
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Actually,the female ending is -anovna
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