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Re: Mattero?
This surname is rather unique on italian telephone directory.
It comes from the area of Naples: the FLEGREE ISLANDS, according to Ellis Island site from SERRARA-FONTANA, a municipality of ISCHIA ISLAND.
The meaning from this surname is not sure: from a name of place?
from the italian given name MATTEO (matthew)? or just from an old nickname?
There are still some MATERO families in USA, especially in North-Eastern states.See also the Italian surname MATTERI in Lombardy, Northern Italy.See the Italian White Pages: www.paginebianche.itwrite the surname and "NA" that stands for NAPLES province
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Well, the North Eastern states part is true, since it is my family's last name and we all reside in Massachusetts-Rhode Island area. My great-great grandparents arrived on Ellis Island as well. Thanks for the link, I'll deffinately check it out! =]
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