The Surname "Frenes"
Hello everyone,
My surname is Frenes and Id like to know what exact meaning it has and where it really comes from. I already know that this name is very common in upper-Italy - South Tyrol and apparently it has a greek meaning that has something to do with "soul" but thats all I know.
Id be glad for more information! :)
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I did my genealogical tree and I have a lot of Frenes, actually lee O'Frenes and it came from Ireland.Sorry for the delay.
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better late than never ;)
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I don't know the meaning of this name but it is from the minority Ladin language of the Dolomite region, not Italian. There is also a version spelt Frines. I think the idea of any connection to the Greek phrenes, 'mind', can be discarded.
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