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What is the origin/meaning of my surname?
I'd like to know the origin and/or meaning of my surname if anyone could find this out. Thanks.
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In fact the surname GOLET exists in FRANCE as well but it has not been studied yet. It is extremely rare but it exists in PARIS as well.
See the french site: "La France de votre nom".
And I think it is also a spanish name since it exists in BARCELONA.
I wonder whether it is a variant of the catalan surname GOL, in spanish VADO that means "ford"
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Closest thing I found was a French name, Goleret's the translation of the French site:

Rare name carried to Savoy and in Isere. Obscure direction. It seems to have to be attached to gola (= mouth, gorges), but with which direction? Perhaps a toponym (small throat), perhaps also a flange (the mouth was also a collet of fur as former
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I would like to know the orgin of the name Brittany? I know how certain names mean things like smart one or thankful one ,but what does my name mean? Do all names have a meaning?
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See for first names.
'Britain' probably derives from a word meaning 'painted', a reference to the original inhabitants' use of body paint and tattoos. It may also derive from the Celtic goddess Brigid. Britain, Breton and Bretagne are all related.
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Goulet also comes close...this derives from Latin 'gola' as well.
Two possibilities for this name:
1. The person was known as a glutton
2. He lived near a mountain gorge.
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