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origin of nezar
The information that we have is that it is German/Russian.
Other Nezars are found in France and Algeria.It has been spelt NEZAR since early 1600's, I have death and baptismal certificates of people from 1792. I have record from 1792 as well as a picture in the Old Kaapse Almanak, where it indicates a little house belonging to Nezar.
Thank you
Henriette Nezar
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The Algerian Nezar is an Arabic forename. The French Nezars are almost certainly North African immigrants and their descendants. But German/Russian? How about the name being of Armenian origin? Russia has Armenian communities several generations old, and Nazarian is an Armenian surname. That's Nazar with a patronymic ending.
The word nazar is translated as "look, glance", doubtless borrowed from the Turkish, the Turks having borrowed it from the Arabs. Which brings us back to the Algerians.
Just some thoughts, no firm conclusions, but something to ponder.
What is the Old Kaapse Almanak?
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