Surname Hightchew
Hi my name is Bob Heightchew I am looking for any information about the surname Heightchew- Hightchew- This family is from Henry County Ky, at least that is all that I can go back to, I can not find any more information on this family name. I can only go back to 1870 To Henderson Hightchew my 4th Great grandfather. This was known as a Pennsylvania Dutch community, I am not sure they were dutch?
The names Heightchew, Hightchew, Highchew, Hiteshew, Heightshoe, Hightshoe, etc. are all alterations of the German name Heidschuh. You'll find the original bearer of this surname in the US at By the way, the Pennsylvania Dutch are not Dutch but German as you can see at
tinyurl doesn't seem to work here.
Works fine for me. Maybe you copied the period after the address.
I did just that, this time, but in the other tinyurl I copy it fully and I was brought into a page that told me I wasn't allowed entrance into that part of the site (seemingly because they charge for that; I mean the one you posted about the dutch surname).