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Has anyone heard the last name Stratakos?
Stratakos is my biological last name and i havent been able to find it at all, i think its greek but im not sure! can anyone help me?
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Hi Maria Stratakos has the typical maniot/laconian ending of -akos and is mainly found in the area of Skala Lakonias in Peloponnese.Jim is right when he says that it is a diminutive of Stratos.However Stratos is also the diminutive of Efstratios.
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Stratos is a Greek male forename, Stratakos could be a diminutive, or possibly -akos is a surname ending. The literal meaning of Stratos is "army", but it might be part of a longer name, I don't know.
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thanks so much!!
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Stratakos is a Greek name. The name ending "akos" is common throughout Greece especially in the Western Peloponese and the Ioanian Islands. The name ending is thought to be of Italian influence.
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