Name meanings for Snyder and Himes
Im looking for the Surname meanings for Snyder and Himes. I think Snyder is German and I think Himes is Irish but Im not quite sure. If anyone knows any information please let me know. It would be most helpful. Thank you!!!
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I am pretty sure that the last name "Snyder" is german. My dad's side of my family is german. We do not speak any german.
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Snyder is in the data base click here:

This message was edited 12/23/2006, 12:27 PM

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the date base explains the name Snyder as follows:>>Means "tailor" in Dutch, an occupational name for a person who stitched coats and clothing.>>However this name does not mean litterally "tailor". Litterally it means "cutter" ( a tailor cuts the material before stitching it).
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The explanation of Himes on the website is that it's an American spelling of the German Heims. In some cases I think it might be a version of the English Hyams, which derives from a common place name Higham, "high homestead". No doubt the German origin is the more common.
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