Black or African-American names are used by people of African ancestry living in the United States.
Given names used by black people are often invented or creatively-spelled variants of more traditional names. Some names are created using fashionable syllables, for example the prefixes La- or De- and the suffixes -ique or -isha. Also, punctuation marks like apostrophes and dashes are sometimes used (though infrequently).
- DeAndre, Deshawn, Keshawn, LaTonya, Lashonda and LaShawn use prefixes in combination with another name. Sometimes the letter after the prefix is capitalized.
- Ebony, Precious, Unique are examples of vocabulary names used by black Americans.
- Imani and Malik are examples of African/Muslim names used by black Americans.
- Andre, Darius, Darryl, Maurice, and Tyrone are examples of names that, though used by non-black Americans, are more commonly used by black Americans.
See also American names.
On this site
List of African American names and meanings