Meaning THING

thing  >  amphibian(+), ancestor(+), animal(+), animal part(+), berry(+), bird(+), body of water(+), body part(+), bovine(+), building(+), canine(+), caprine(+), carnivore(+), celestial body(+), citrus fruit(+), clergyperson(+), clothing(+), colour(+), construction(+), deity(+), descendant(+), direction(+), drink(+), emotion(+), equine(+), ethnic person(+), fabric(+), family member(+), farm animal(+), feline(+), fish(+), flightless bird(+), flower(+), flying animal(+), flying bird(+), flying insect(+), food(+), food and drink(+), footwear(+), form of fire(+), form of stone(+), form of water(+), fruit(+), gemstone(+), geographical feature(+), geometrical shape(+), god(+), goddess(+), grain(+), group(+), group of animals(+), group of people(+), headwear(+), herb(+), herbivore(+), holy one(+), holy place(+), holy time(+), house of worship(+), ice(+), insect(+), jewellery(+), land(+), lifeform(+), light source(+), liquid(+), literature(+), mammal(+), man-made item(+), material(+), metal(+), month(+), musical instrument(+), mustelid(+), noble person(+), nobleman(+), noblewoman(+), number(+), occupation(+), omnivore(+), person(+), personal role(+), place(+), planet(+), plant(+), plant part(+), position within(+), protection(+), raptor(+), reptile(+), rodent(+), ruminant(+), sea animal(+), sea mammal(+), season(+), songbird(+), sound(+), spice(+), supernatural animal(+), supernatural being(+), temporal location(+), time period(+), tool(+), tree(+), ursine(+), vegetable(+), virtue(+), water(+), water transport(+), water vapour(+), weapon(+), weather(+), week day(+), wheeled transport(+), worker(+), young animal(+), abbot, abundance, acacia, acorn, administrator, admiral, advancement, advantage, adversity, advice, advisor, agate, air, alder tree, Allah, alligator, almond, altar, althea, amaranth, amber, amethyst, amusement, anemone, angel, anger, anise, anklet, ant, Aphrodite, Apollo, apostle, apple, apple tree, apricot, April, archangel, archer, architect, arm, armour, army, arrow, art, Artemis, ascent, ash, ash tree, aspen, asphodel, assembly, aster, Athena, athlete, attack, attainer, attendant, attraction, August, aunt, aura, aurochs, aurora, authority, autumn, avenger, awe, axe, azalea, Ba'al, baby, badger, bag, bailiff, baker, balcony, bamboo, banana, bandage, bane, banker, banner, baptist, barley, barn, barrel, basil, basket, bat, battle, beach, beak, beam, bean, bear, bear cub, beard, beauty, beaver, bee, beech tree, beer, beetle, behaviour, Belenos, believer, bell, belt, benevolence, beryl, betony, bilberry, birch tree, birth, birthmark, bishop, bison, bitterness, black, blackberry, blackbird, blessing, blizzard, blood, blue, blue jay, blueberry, bluebird, boat, bone, book, boot, bottom, boulder, bow, box, bracelet, branch, brandy, brass, bravery, bread, breast, breastplate, breath, brewer, briar, bridge, brilliance, bronze, brother, brown, bryony, buckwheat, buffalo, bull, bush, bustard, butcher, butler, butter, buttercup, butterfly, button, cabbage, caiman, cairn, cake, calanthe, calf, caliph, calla, calla lily, camel, camellia, camphor tree, candle, candy, cannon, canoe, cantua flower, capital city, captain, care, carnage, carnelian, carpenter, carriage, cart, cartwright, cassia, catfish, catkin, catsfoot, cattle, cauldron, cause, caution, cedar tree, celandine, celery, Celt, ceremony, chapel, chariot, charioteer, charisma, chastity, cheek, cheetah, cherry, cherry blossom, chestnut, chestnut tree, chicken, chickpea, chief, child, chin, chocolate, Christ, Christian, Christmas, chrysanthemum, Chukwu, church, cinnabar, cinnamon, circle, clam, clay, clearing, clearness, clematis, clerk, cliff, cloak, clock, cloud, clover, club, coal, coast, coconut, coffee, coin, colt, columbine, comforter, command, commander, compassion, compensation, completion, condor, conflict, conqueror, conquest, consolation, constance, constellation, container, cook, cooper, copper, coral, coriander, corn, cornel tree, corner, cotton, country, courtroom, courtyard, cousin, cow, cowherd, coyote, crab, craftsman, cranberry, crane, crescent moon, crocodile, crocus, cropland, cross, crossing, crow, crowd, crown, cub, cuckoo, cuirass, culture, cup, custom, cyan, cypress tree, dahlia, daisy, dam, dancer, Dane, darkness, dart, date palm, daughter, dawn, day, deacon, dean, death, December, deception, decree, deed, deer, defender, delicacy, Demeter, demon, descent, desert, desire, destiny, devil, dew, diamond, Diana, dianthus, Dionysos, dipper, disposition, doctor, doer, dog, dogwood, dolphin, donkey, door, dove, down, dragon, dragonfly, dream, drum, drummer, duck, duke, dust, dwarf, dweller, dwelling, dye, dyer, dynasty, eagle, ear, earl, east, Easter, eave, ebony, echo, edge, education, eel, eglantine, eight, elephant, elevation, elf, elm tree, ember, emerald, emergence, emery, emperor, empire, empress, enamel, enclosure, endurance, enemy, energy, enthusiasm, entrance, envy, ermine, estate, evangelist, evening, evening star, everything, evidence, ewe, expert, eye, eyebrow, eyelash, face, facial feature, fairy, faith, falcon, fame, family, fang, farm, farmer, father, favour, fawn, fear, feather, February, female deer, fence, fern, ferry, festival, feud, fiddle, fiddler, fig, fig tree, finch, finger, fir tree, fire, firefly, fisherman, five, flax, Fleming, flight, flint, flirtation, flock, flood, flour, flow, flower bud, flute, foal, foam, foliage, follower, foot, footprint, ford, forehead, foreigner, forest, forge, forget-me-not, fortification, fortress, fountain, four, fox, foxglove, fragrance, Frank, freedom, Frenchman, Friday, friend, friendliness, friendship, frog, front, frost, full moon, fur, future, game, garden, gardener, gardenia, garland, garlic, garnet, gate, Gaul, gauze, gazelle, Geat, generation, generosity, gentian, gentleness, German, giant, gift, ginger, giraffe, glacier, glance, glass, glory, goat, gold, goldsmith, good luck, good news, goose, goshawk, government, grace, granary, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granite, grape, grapefruit, grass, grassland, gravel, great hall, greatness, greave, green, grey, griffin, grouse, guide, guillemot, hair, half moon, halo, hammer, hand, happiness, hare, Hari, harper, hat, hatred, hawk, hawthorn, hay, hazel tree, hazelnut, head, headland, healer, health, heart, heat, heath, heather, hedge, hedgehog, heel, heifer, heir, Hekate, hell, helmet, help, helper, hemp, hen, Hera, Herakles, herald, herd, herder, heritage, Hermes, hero, heron, herring, hibiscus, high place, history, holder, holiness, holly, hollyhock, homeland, honesty, honey, honeysuckle, honour, hood, hook, hope, horizon, horn, horse, hospitality, hostage, hour, house, housefly, humility, hummingbird, hunter, hurricane, husband, hut, hyacinth, hyacinth, ibex, idol, illusion, image, immortality, incantation, incense, independence, indigo, Indra, Ing, inhabitant, inheritance, inlet, innocence, inspiration, instigator, intelligence, iris, iris, iron, Isis, Islam, island, ivory, ivy, jackal, jackdaw, jade, jaguar, January, jar, jasmine, jasmine flower, jasper, jaw, jay, jealousy, jessamine, jessenia, jonquil, journey, judge, judgement, jug, July, June, jungle, juniper tree, Jupiter, Jupiter, justice, kauri tree, kayak, kettle, khan, king, kingdom, kingfisher, kiss, kitchen, kite, kitten, knife, knight, knot, koa tree, Krishna, lake, lamb, lamp, lance, landowner, lantern, lapis lazuli, lark, larkspur, laughter, laurel tree, lavender, lawyer, leader, leaf, leather, left, leg, lei, leopard, liberation, life, light, lightning, lilac, lily, lily of the valley, lime, lime tree, linden tree, line, linen, lion, lion cub, lioness, lip, lizard, lock, long time, longevity, loon, lord, lotus, love, lover, loyalty, luck, Lugus, lute, lynx, lyre, mace, magic, magnolia, magpie, maker, male deer, man, mane, mankind, mansion, maple tree, March, Marduk, marigold, mariner, marjoram, marketplace, Mars, Mars, marsh, marshal, marten, mask, May, mayor, meat, medlar tree, memory, mental skill, merchant, Mercury, Mercury, mercy, mermaid, message, messenger, meteor, method, middle, military matter, milk, mill, miller, mimosa, mind, miner, mint, miracle, mirror, mist, mole, mole, monarch, Monday, money, monk, monkey, monster, moon, moonlight, moose, morning glory, morning star, moth, mother, mound, mountain, mountain goat, mountaintop, mourner, mouse, mouth, mud, mulberry, music, musician, myna bird, myrrh, myrtle tree, mystery, nacre, naiad, nail, name, narcissus, necklace, nectar, nest, net, new moon, news, night, nightingale, nine, nobility, nook, north, nose, November, now, numbness, nun, nut, nymph, oak tree, oar, oat, obedience, observation, obsidian, October, octopus, Odin, officer, ogre, ohia flower, oil, ointment, old man, old person, old woman, olive, olive tree, omen, onager, one, one hundred, one thousand, oneness, onyx, opal, orange, orange, orange blossom, orator, orchard, orchid, origin, ornament, ornamentation, oryx, ostrich, otter, oven, owl, ox, oyster, pagan, pain, paint, painter, painting, palm tree, pan, panda, pansy, panther, paper, paradise, parent, parrot, parsnip, partner, Passover, past, path, patience, pattern, peace, peach, peacock, pear, pear tree, pearl, peasant, pebble, peninsula, penny, peony, people, pepper, perfection, perseverance, persimmon, perspective, petal, petunia, phantom, pheasant, philosophy, phoenix, physical appearance, physical skill, pickaxe, piety, pig, pigeon, pilgrim, pillar, pine tree, pink, piper, pit, plague, plan, plane tree, plank, play, pleasantness, Pleiades, plough, plum, plum tree, plumeria flower, poem, poet, point, poison, polar bear, pomegranate, pomegranate flower, pomegranate tree, pomelo, pony, pope, poplar, poppy, porcupine, porpoise, portion, possession, possessor, potato, potter, practice, praiser, prayer, preacher, preparation, pride, priest, priestess, primrose, primula, prince, princess, promise, proof, prophet, prophetess, province, prunella, ptarmigan, puma, puppy, purity, purple, purpose, pursuit, quarrel, quartz, queen, quetzal, quickness, quince, rabbit, raccoon, raider, rain, rainbow, ram, Rama, Ramadan, rampart, rank, raspberry, rat, rationality, raven, ray, realm, rebel, rebelliousness, rebirth, red, reed, regret, reindeer, religion, remainder, remedy, reputation, request, resin, respect, rest, result, resurrection, returner, reunion, rhinoceros, rhythm, rice, rice paddy, rider, ridge, right, right hand, ring, ring, ring, ripple, rival, river, riverbank, road, robe, robin, roe deer, roebuck, Roman, room, rooster, rope, rosary, rose, rosemary, rowan tree, rower, royalty, ruby, rue, rule, ruler, rune, rye, sable, sacrifice, sadness, safety, saffron, sage, sage, sagebrush, saint, salmon, salt, salvation, sanctuary, sand, sandal, sapling, sapphire, Saturday, Saturn, saviour, saw, Saxon, Scandinavian, scenery, scholar, school, science, scorpion, Scot, sea, seagull, seal, seashell, secrecy, secret, seed, sense, September, sequoia, servant, sesame, seven, shade, shadow, shah, shame, shape, shark, sheep, shelduck, shell, shellfish, shelter, shepherd, sheriff, sherry, shield, ship, shire, Shiva, shoe, shoemaker, shoot, shore, shoulder, Shri, shrine, sibling, side, sienna, sight, silence, silk, silver, singer, sister, Sita, six, skill, skin, skirt, skunk, sky, skylark, Slav, slave, sleep, slope, smile, smith, smoke, snake, snow, snow leopard, snowdrop, snowflake, softness, soil, son, song, sorrel, sorrow, soul, south, sow, spark, sparrow, spear, speech, spider, spine, spouse, spring, spring, sprite, sprout, spruce tree, squirrel, staff, stallion, star, starling, state, steel, steward, stomach, stone, stoneworker, storax tree, stork, storm, story, storyteller, stove, strait, stranger, stratagem, straw, strawberry, strength, student, sugar, sultan, summer, sun, sunbeam, Sunday, sunflower, sunlight, sunshine, superiority, supplanter, support, supporter, supremacy, swallow, swan, Swede, sweetheart, sword, tabernacle, tailor, talisman, talon, tangerine, tanner, tansy, tapestry, tavern, tea, teacher, teardrop, temple, ten, tent, terebinth tree, territory, thankfulness, thief, thistle, Thor, thorn, thought, thread, three, throat, throne, thrush, thunder, Thursday, thyme, tiara, tide, tidiness, tiger, time, tin, tit, titmouse, toad, today, tomorrow, tone, tooth, top, topaz, torch, tortoise, torture, tower, town, traveller, treasure, treasurer, treetop, trench, tress, trinity, trumpet, truth, tuberose, Tuesday, tulip, tuna, turkey, turner, turquoise, turtle, turtle dove, turul bird, tusk, twin, twinflower, two, type, typhoon, uncle, unicorn, up, uproar, valley, value, Vandal, vanilla, velvet, vengeance, Venus, Venus, verse, vertebra, viburnum tree, victory, vine, vineyard, violet, virgin, visitor, voice, volcano, vulture, wagon, wall, walnut, wand, wanderer, war, warrior, wasp, water lily, waterfall, wave, wealth, weasel, weaver, web, Wednesday, week, weft, well, werewolf, west, whale, wharf, wheat, wheel, white, white jasmine, wife, wild boar, wilderness, will, willow tree, wind, wine, wing, winner, winter, wisdom, wisent, wisteria, witch, witness, wizard, wolf, wolverine, woman, wood, woodcutter, woodland, woodpecker, word, work, world, worm, worshipper, wren, writer, Yahweh, yard, year, yellow, yesterday, yew tree, yokel, young man, young person, young woman, youth, zebra, Zeus, zinc, zinnia, zither

Collectively: a group

See subcategories for matching names.