Profile for clevelandkentevans

Member since June 24, 2005
NameCleveland Kent Evans
LocationBellevue, Nebraska, USA
I am Professor Emeritus of psychology at Bellevue University in Nebraska, having retired on September 1, 2020. I served as President of the American Name Society, a scholarly organization devoted to studying all aspects of names, in 2005 and 2006, and I ran their annual Names of the Year vote from its inception through 2019. I am the author of _The Ultimate Baby Name Book_ and _Unusual and Most Popular Baby Names_. My particular area of expertise is in knowing what names have been popular during what time periods and why, but I also try to be as accurate as possible in discussing name origins. I have written a column on names and naming for the Omaha World-Herald newspaper which appears every other week since January 2008.