Hello! I’ve been using this site for years to name characters I’ve written, and finally made an account—happy to be here! I like weird, uncommon, and archaic names, and I think that if a person has a name, it’s a good one :3
Dionysos Dios *is* the genitive form of Zeus—dios, deus, Zeus, and others all link back to a root meaning ‘sky’—though the ‘dio’ in Dionysus could be from ‘die’, meaning “to chase, impel, run”.... [more]
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Luno I love this name! It’s so soft and handsome, an uncommon and mysterious twist on Luna :D I just saw it on a character from a game and fell in love with it.
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A-rin This is the Korean name of Tara, a side character in the mobile game Love and Deepspace, the Hunter friend of the main character.
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Táotáo This is the original Chinese name of Tara, a side character in the mobile game Love and Deepspace, the Hunter friend of the main character.
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Kike The pronunciation [kee-keh] is very sweet and endearing, but I definitely recommend the Quique spelling if it’s ever written, just to avoid any upsetting misunderstandings.... [more]
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Milcah Oh I knew someone named Milcaugh, I bet this is where it came from. Cool name, it feels fresh :D.
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Cameron I’m glad that a lot of people appreciate this strong, neat name! Even the most ‘trendy’ alternate spellings still feel quite professional and mature, they’re all good, and I like that it sounds equally nice on boys and girls, one of my favorite gender neutral names :D... [more]
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Colleen I will always have a fondness for this name because of the Joanna Newsom song Colleen—it makes me think of an irrepressible young woman who embodies the magnificence and independence of the ocean itself! I don’t think it has a boring meaning, I think it just enhances the ‘female spirit’ feel of it.... [more]