Italian pronunciation:Ah-NYEL-Lee"A" as in "Father." The "GN" creates a sound equal to the Spanish "Ñ," or to the English 'ni' in "Onion." "E" is basically "Lay" (minus the "L," of course.) Both of the following "LL"s must be separately pronounced-- which, you will soon find, is the simplest to accomplish when you place extra emphasis on the letter before ("E"), and rolling slowly through. Stress the ending "I" to "EE." [noted -ed]
"A" as in "Father." The "GN" creates a sound equal to the Spanish "Ñ," or to the English 'ni' in "Onion." "E" is basically "Lay" (minus the "L," of course.) Both of the following "LL"s must be separately pronounced-- which, you will soon find, is the simplest to accomplish when you place extra emphasis on the letter before ("E"), and rolling slowly through. Stress the ending "I" to "EE." [noted -ed]