Italian pronunciation:Ah-Leyh-MAH-Nyah"A" as in "Father." "Le" is very near to the English "Lay." For "Ma," the second letter is, as before, found in "Father." The Italian "GN" basically equals the same sound as the "ni" in the English "Onion"; or the Spanish "Ñ"-- which, of course, creates a "Nyah." Finalize with the final "A" ('father.') [noted -ed]
"A" as in "Father." "Le" is very near to the English "Lay." For "Ma," the second letter is, as before, found in "Father." The Italian "GN" basically equals the same sound as the "ni" in the English "Onion"; or the Spanish "Ñ"-- which, of course, creates a "Nyah." Finalize with the final "A" ('father.') [noted -ed]