Name | Gender | Categories | |
Lacoon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Carlos Lacoste | m | Argentine Presidents |  |
René Lacoste | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Lacritus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lactali | m | Saints |  |
Lactantius | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Natalia Lacunza | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Venus Lacy | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Diane Ladd | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Corrie Laddé | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ladislaus of Hungary | m | Saints |  |
László I | m | Hungarian Kings and Queens, Saints |  |
Ladocus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ladon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ladon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ladon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ladon | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Jules Ladoumègue | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Laeas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lael | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Laelaps | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laelaps | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laerces | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laerces | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laertes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laertes | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Laestrygon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laetantius of Scillium | m | Saints |  |
Christian Laettner | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Laetus | m | Saints |  |
Lafayette | m | Notable Military Figures |  |
Lafew | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Annie La Fleur | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Guy Lafleur | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes |  |
Henri La Fontaine | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Pat LaFontaine | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Christine Lagarde | f | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Tom LaGarde | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Bernard Lagat | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Pär Lagerkvist | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers |  |
Selma Lagerlöf | f | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers |  |
Joseph Louis Lagrange | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Kenny Laguna | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Justinas Lagunavičius | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lagus | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Lahad | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Miguel Lahera | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Brahim Lahlafi | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lahmi | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Christine Lahti | f | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Hugo Lahtinen | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Laias | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Bernard Laidebeur | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Laigne | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings |  |
Denny Laine | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Leslie Laing | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Laish | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Laius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Nap Lajoie | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Lajos II | m | Bohemian Kings, Hungarian Kings and Queens |  |
Hryhoriy Lakota | m | Saints |  |
Lakshmi | f | Characters in Hindu Mythology |  |
Lal Bahadur Shastri | m | Indian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Gabriel Lalemant | m | Saints |  |
Edouard "Newsy" Lalonde | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Kendrick Lamar | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Alfonso La Marmora | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Hedy Lamarr | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Willis Lamb | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Earl "Curly" Lambeau | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Lambert | m | Saints |  |
Lambert | m | Saints |  |
Lambert | m | Saints |  |
Lambert | m | Saints |  |
Lambert of Maastricht | m | Saints |  |
Lambert of Saragossa | m | Saints |  |
Adam Lambert | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Adelaide Lambert | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Jack Lambert | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Imelda Lambertini | f | Saints |  |
Ferruccio Lamborghini | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Alessandro Lambruschini | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lamech | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Lamech | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Lamedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Joel Lamela | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Bolesława Lament | f | Saints |  |
Lamia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lamia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lamis | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Robert Lamm | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Georg Lammers | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Jake LaMotta | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Oliver Lampe | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Werner Lampe | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lampetia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampetides | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampetus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampon | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lamprus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lampus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lamus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lamus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lamus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lamus | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Jenny Lamy | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lamyrus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lamyrus | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Lanassa | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Burt Lancaster | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Sir Lancelot | m | Arthurian Characters |  |
Lev Landau | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Martin Landau | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Landelin | m | Saints |  |
Suzie Landells | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Landericus | m | Saints |  |
Nico Landeweerd | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
John Landis | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Lando | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Mathilda Lando | f | Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Landoald | m | Saints |  |
Richmond Landon | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Paul Landowski | m | Notable Artists |  |
Landrada | f | Saints |  |
Tom Landry | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Karl Landsteiner | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Eeles Landström | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Landulf of Yariglia | m | Saints |  |
John Landy | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Diane Lane | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Dick "Night Train" Lane | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Francis Lane | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Frederick Lane | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Harriet Lane | f | American First Ladies |  |
Lester Lane | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lois Lane | f | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Ronnie Lane | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Marie-Françoise Lanel | f | Saints |  |
Fritz Lang | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Scott Lang | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Nancy Langat | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Martha Langbein | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Christian Lous Lange | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Dorothea Lange | f | Notable Journalists |  |
Hope Lange | f | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jessica Lange | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Marita Lange | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Bernhard Langer | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Jim Langer | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Lucyna Langer | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ludy Langer | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Jean-Michel Langevin | m | Saints |  |
Richard Langhorne | m | Saints |  |
Richard Langley | m | Saints |  |
Irving Langmuir | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Rod Langway | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Bob Lanier | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Willie Lanier | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Colleen Lanne | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Cersei Lannister | f | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jaime Lannister | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tyrion Lannister | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Angela Lansbury | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lantfrid | m | Saints |  |
Alejandro Agustín Lanusse | m | Argentine Presidents |  |
Giovanni Lanza | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Mario Lanzi | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Laobie | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laocoon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodamia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodamia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodamia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodamia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodice | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodice | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodice | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodicus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodocus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodocus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodocus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laodocus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laogonus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laogonus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laogonus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laogoras | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laogore | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laomache | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laomedes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laomedia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laomedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laomedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laomedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laomedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laomenes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laonome | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laophonte | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laophoon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laothoe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laothoe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laozi | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Joe Lapchick | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Jacques Laperrière | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Lapethus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laphanes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Laphrius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lapithaon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lapithus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lapithus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Pierre-Simon Laplace | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Guy Lapointe | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Matt LaPorta | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lappidoth | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Edgar Laprade | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Igor Lapshin | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Brian Lara | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Georgia Lara | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Titus Larcius | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Steve Largent | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Francisco Largo Caballero | m | Spanish Prime Ministers |  |
Larides | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Larina | f | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Igor Larionov | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Larisa | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Larisa | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
John Larke | m | Saints |  |
Barry Larkin | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes |  |
George Larner | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Mike Larrabee | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Leo Larrivee | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Larry | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Larry | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Christine Larsen | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Edvard Larsen | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ernst Larsen | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
David Larson | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Gary Larson | m | Notable Artists |  |
Lance Larson | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Carl Larsson | m | Notable Artists |  |
Göran Larsson | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Gunnar Larsson | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Rune Larsson | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Zara Larsson | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Larunda | f | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Tony La Russa | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Harri Larva | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Yale Lary | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Larymna | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Las | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Béla Las-Torres | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Armin Laschet | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Christine Laser | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Laserian | m | Saints |  |
Lasius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Emanuel Lasker | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Tommy Lasorda | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Inna Lasovskaya | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Jean Lasquin | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ferdinand Lassalle | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries |  |
John Lasseter | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Rosemary Lassig | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lassus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lasthenes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Raúl Lastiri | m | Argentine Presidents |  |
László II | m | Hungarian Kings and Queens |  |
László III | m | Hungarian Kings and Queens |  |
László IV | m | Hungarian Kings and Queens |  |
László V the Posthumous | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, Hungarian Kings and Queens |  |
Latagus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Latagus | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Christina Lathan | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lathria | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lathusa | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Latinus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology, Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Latinus | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Latinus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Grzegorz Lato | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Latreus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Latris | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Andy Lau | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Niki Lauda | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Michael Laudrup | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Max von Laue | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Fred Lauer | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Martin Lauer | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Walter Laufer | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Louis Laufray | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Robert B. Laughlin | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Charles Laughton | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Launce | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Launcelot | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Cyndi Lauper | f | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians |  |
Laura | f | Saints |  |
Laura | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Laura | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Stan Laurel | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ralph Lauren | m | Notable Artists |  |
Friar Laurence | m | Fictional Characters from Plays and Musicals, Shakespearian Characters |  |
Laurence Majoranus | m | Saints |  |
Laurence of Canterbury | m | Saints |  |
Laurence the Illuminator | m | Saints |  |
Laurentia | f | Saints |  |
Laurentinus | m | Saints |  |
Laurentius | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Laurianus | m | Saints |  |
Dominic Lauricatus | m | Saints |  |
Laurie | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Algirdas Lauritėnas | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Laurus | m | Saints |  |
André Lauseig | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lausus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lausus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Dave Laut | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Paul Lauterbur | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Andrew Lauterstein | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lauto | m | Saints |  |
Henri Lauvaux | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Jacques-Désiré Laval | m | Saints |  |
Canute Lavard | m | Saints |  |
Lavatch | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Dante Lavelli | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Rod Laver | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Jackie LaVine | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lavinia | f | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Lavinia | f | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Lavinia | f | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Lavinia | f | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Jack Laviolette | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Antoine Lavoisier | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Franco Lavoratori | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Andrey Lavrov | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists |  |
Denis Law | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Jude Law | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ty Law | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Lawrence Bai Xiaoman | m | Saints |  |
Lawrence Huong Van Nguyen | m | Saints |  |
Lawrence of Novara | m | Saints |  |
Lawrence of Rome | m | Saints |  |
Al Lawrence | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Al Lawrence | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
D. H. Lawrence | m | Notable Writers |  |
Ernest Lawrence | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Janice Lawrence Braxton | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Jennifer Lawrence | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Robert Lawrence | m | Saints |  |
Tayna Lawrence | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
T. E. Lawrence | m | Notable Military Figures |  |
Thomas Lawrence | m | Notable Artists |  |
Kara Lawson | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lesley "Twiggy" Lawson | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Halldór Laxness | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers |  |
Marion Lay | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Sam Lay | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Bobby Layne | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Chris Layton | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Don Laz | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lazar I Hrebeljanović | m | Serbian Kings, Tsars and Princes |  |
Lazar II Branković | m | Serbian Kings, Tsars and Princes |  |
Sergey Lazarev | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Antonina Lazareva | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lazarus | m | Biblical Characters, Saints |  |
Lazarus | m | Saints |  |
Lazarus | m | Saints |  |
Lazarus | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Pellegrino Laziosi | m | Saints |  |
Pedro Luis Lazo | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Tony Lazzeri | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Le Jingyi | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lê Đức Thọ | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Lea of Rome | f | Saints |  |
Cloris Leachman | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Leades | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Bernie Leadon | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Leaena | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leagrus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leah | f | Biblical Characters |  |
Con Leahy | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Patrick Leahy | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
William D. Leahy | m | Notable Military Figures |  |
David Lean | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
David Lean | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Leander | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leander of Seville | m | Saints |  |
Leanira | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leir | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Fictional Characters from Plays and Musicals, Shakespearian Characters |  |
Amanda Lear | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Edward Lear | m | Notable Writers |  |
Learchus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Michael Learned | f | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Scott Leary | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lillie Leatherwood | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lebadus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lebanah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Le Beau | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Dick LeBeau | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Natalya Lebedeva | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Tatyana Lebedeva | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lebes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Guillaume LeBlanc | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Maurice Leblanc | m | Notable Writers |  |
Simon Le Bon | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Marthe Le Bouteiller | f | Saints |  |
Jeff "the Dude" Lebowski | m | Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Charles Le Brun | m | Notable Artists |  |
Lebuin | m | Saints |  |
John le Carré | m | Notable Writers |  |
Leches | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Georges-Louis Leclerc | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Alix Le Clercq | f | Saints |  |
J. M. G. Le Clézio | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers |  |
Al LeConey | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Le Corbusier | m | Notable Artists |  |
Matthew LeCroy | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Hannibal Lecter | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Leda | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Joshua Lederberg | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Leon M. Lederman | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Heath Ledger | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Maria Teresa Ledóchowska | f | Saints |  |
Tatyana Ledovskaya | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
John Ledyard | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers |  |
Lee | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lee | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lee | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Ang Lee | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Beverly Lee | f | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Lee Bong-ju | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Brandon Lee | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Brenda Lee | f | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Lee Byung-chul | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Lee Byung-kyu | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Chang-hwan | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Christopher Lee | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lee Dae-ho | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
David Morris Lee | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Lee Dong-soo | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Eun-kyung | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Geddy Lee | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Lee Han-sup | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Hyo-jung | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Hyung-sook | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Jae-jin | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee "IU" Ji-eun | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Lee Jin-young | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Jong-wook | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Jung-jae | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lee Kuan Yew | m | Other Leaders |  |
Lee Kun-hee | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Lee Kyung-won | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Mi-ja | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Min-ho | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Peggy Lee | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Robert E. Lee | m | Notable Military Figures |  |
Sammy Lee | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Lee Seung-ho | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Seung-yeop | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Spike Lee | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Stan Lee | m | Notable Writers |  |
Lee Sun-mi | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Lee Taek-keun | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Travis Lee | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lee Tsung-Dao | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Lee Yong-kyu | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Yuan T. Lee | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Faith Leech | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Alphonse "Tuffy" Leemans | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Howard Leese | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Brian Leetch | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Robert Lefkowitz | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Bill Legend | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
John Legend | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians |  |
Robert LeGendre | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Fernand Léger | m | Notable Artists |  |
Anthony James Leggett | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Franz Lehár | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Hughie Lehman | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Alisha Lehmann | f | Notable Athletes |  |
Inge Lehmann | f | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Jean-Marie Lehn | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Klaus Lehnertz | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lauri Lehtinen | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Eero Lehtonen | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Leiagore | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ron Leibman | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Annie Leibovitz | f | Notable Artists |  |
Wilhelm Leichum | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Janet Leigh | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jennifer Jason Leigh | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Richard Leigh | m | Saints |  |
Vivien Leigh | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Edmund Leighton | m | Notable Artists |  |
Frederic Leighton | m | Notable Artists |  |
Leimon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leipephilene | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leis | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Karl Leisner | m | Saints |  |
António Leitão | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Duarte Leite | m | Portuguese Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Leitus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Thomas Lejdström | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lelante | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lelantus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Žana Lelas | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lelex | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lelex | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lelia | f | Saints |  |
Luis Federico Leloir | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Charles Lelong | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Stanisław Lem | m | Notable Writers |  |
Jacques Lemaire | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Georges Lemaître | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Justin Lemberg | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Dezső Lemhényi | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Mario Lemieux | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes |  |
Eric Lemming | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Jack Lemmon | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Bob Lemon | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Liz Lemon | f | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Meadowlark Lemon | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Ingrid Lempereur | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Tamara Łempicka | f | Notable Artists |  |
Lemuel | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Lena | f | Eurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians |  |
Popilius Lena | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Philipp Lenard | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Ivan Lendl | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Leneus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Suzanne Lenglen | f | Notable Athletes |  |
Árpád Lengyel | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Vladimir Lenin | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries, Other Leaders |  |
John Lennon | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Lennox | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Lenny | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lenobius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Domenico Lentini | m | Saints |  |
Lenwë | m | Tolkien's Characters |  |
Mark Lenzi | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Leo | m | Saints |  |
Leo | m | Saints |  |
Leo | m | Saints |  |
Leo | m | Saints |  |
Leo | m | Saints |  |
Leo | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leo II | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Leo III | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Leo III the Isaurian | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Leo IV | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Leo IV the Khazar | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Leo IX | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Leo Luke | m | Saints |  |
Leo of Carentan | m | Saints |  |
Leo of Lucca | m | Saints |  |
Leo of Nonantula | m | Saints |  |
Leo of Saint-Bertin | m | Saints |  |
Leo the Great | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Leo V | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Leo V the Armenian | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Leo VI | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Leo VI the Wise | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Leo VII | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Leo VIII | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Leo X | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Leo XI | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Leo XII | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Leo XIII | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Leontius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Melissa Leo | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Leoba | f | Saints |  |
Leobald | m | Saints |  |
Leobardus | m | Saints |  |
Leobinus | m | Saints |  |
Leocadia | f | Saints |  |
Leocritia | f | Saints |  |
Leocritus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Léod | m | Tolkien's Characters |  |
Leodegar | m | Saints |  |
Leodocus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leogorus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Donna Leon | f | Notable Writers |  |
Leonard of Noblac | m | Saints |  |
Leonard of Vandoeuvre | m | Saints |  |
Bobby Leonard | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Buck Leonard | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
"Sugar" Ray Leonard | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists |  |
Silvio Leonard Sarría | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Giovanni Leonardi | m | Saints |  |
Leonardo | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Leonardo of Porto Maurizio | m | Saints |  |
Leonardus van Veghel | m | Saints |  |
Leonato | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Posthumus Leonatus | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Sicilius Leonatus | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Ruggero Leoncavallo | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Giovanni Leone | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Giuseppina Leone | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Sergio Leone | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Leonianus | m | Saints |  |
Leônidas | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Leonidas | m | Notable Military Figures, Other Royalty |  |
Leonides of Alexandria | m | Saints |  |
Aleksey Leonov | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers |  |
Aleksandra Leonova | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
King Leontes | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Leonteus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leonteus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leonteus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leontichus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Wassily Leontief | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Valery Leontiev | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Leontius | m | Saints |  |
Leontius | m | Saints |  |
Leontius | m | Saints |  |
Leontius | m | Saints |  |
Leontius | m | Saints |  |
Leontius | m | Saints |  |
Leontius of Saintes | m | Saints |  |
Leontius the Elder | m | Saints |  |
Leontius the Younger | m | Saints |  |
Leontomenes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leontophonus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leonymus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Giacomo Leopardi | m | Notable Writers |  |
Leopardus | m | Saints |  |
Leopold I | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors, Hungarian Kings and Queens |  |
Leopold I the Glorious | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Leopold II | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Leopold III the Just | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Leopold of Austria | m | Saints |  |
Leopold V the Virtuous | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Leopold VI the Glorious | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Leos | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leothade | m | Saints |  |
Leovigild | m | Saints |  |
Jean-Marie Le Pen | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Marine Le Pen | f | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Lepetymnus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus | m | Notable Military Figures, Notable Politicians and Statespeople, Shakespearian Characters |  |
Dmitriy Lepikov | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Leprea | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lepreus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leriche | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Mikhail Lermontov | m | Notable Writers |  |
Albin Lermusiaux | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lernus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lernus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lernus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Gaston Leroux | m | Notable Writers |  |
Joséphine Leroux | f | Saints |  |
Paul Leroy | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Alejandro Lerroux | m | Spanish Prime Ministers |  |
Sheila Lerwill | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lesbos | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Phil Lesh | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Leslie | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Leslie | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lisa Leslie | f | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists |  |
Brock Lesnar | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Tatyana Lesovaya | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lawrence Lessig | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries |  |
Doris Lessing | f | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers |  |
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing | m | Notable Writers |  |
Bobby Lester | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Phil Lester | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lestorides | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Emily Lesueur | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Percy LeSueur | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Antoni Leszczewicz | m | Saints |  |
Leszek I the White | m | Polish High Dukes and Kings |  |
Leszek II the Black | m | Polish High Dukes and Kings |  |
Yordan Letchkov | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Lethaea | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lethus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Héloïse Adélaïde Letissier | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Leto | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Jared Leto | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Fanny Létourneau | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Letreus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Enrico Letta | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Leucadius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucaria | f | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Leucaspis | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucaspis | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Leucippe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucites | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucius | m | Saints |  |
Leucius of Brindisi | m | Saints |  |
Leucon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucones | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leuconoe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leuconoe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leuconoe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucopeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucophrye | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucosia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucosia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucothoe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucothoe | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leucus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Leudinus Bodo | m | Saints |  |
Leudomer | m | Saints |  |
Georges Leuillieux | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Leutfridus | m | Saints |  |
Urbain Le Verrier | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Eddie Levert | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Paul Michael "Triple H" Levesque | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Levi | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Levi | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Levi | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Rita Levi-Montalcini | f | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Adam Levine | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Roberto Marcelo Levingston | m | Argentine Presidents |  |
Barry Levinson | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Isaac Levitan | m | Notable Artists |  |
Michael Levitt | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Marv Levy | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Pierre Lewden | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Monica Lewinsky | f | Other Notables |  |
Louis XI the Spider | m | Frankish and French Kings, Shakespearian Characters |  |
Arthur Lewis | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Brian M. Lewis | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Carl Lewis | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists |  |
Charlotte Lewis | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
C. S. Lewis | m | Notable Writers |  |
Craig Lewis | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
David Lewis | m | Saints |  |
Denise Lewis | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Edward B. Lewis | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Guy Lewis | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Hayley Lewis | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Herbie Lewis | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Jerry Lee Lewis | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Juliette Lewis | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lennox Lewis | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists |  |
Leona Lewis | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Mark Lewis-Francis | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Meriwether Lewis | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers |  |
Ray Lewis | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Ray Lewis | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Rudy Lewis | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Ryan Lewis | m | Grammy Award Winners |  |
Sinclair Lewis | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners |  |
Steve Lewis | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Sol LeWitt | m | Notable Artists |  |
Wincenty Lewoniuk | m | Saints |  |
Lexanor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ann-Britt Leyman | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Judith Leyster | f | Notable Artists |  |
Mateo Alonso Leziniana | m | Saints |  |
Anne L'Huillier | f | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Li Bai | m | Notable Writers |  |
Wuzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Xuānzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Shang of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Xianzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Li Chunxiu | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Yizong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Ruizong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Li Deliang | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Li Dongmei | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Wenzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Muzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Suzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Jet Li | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Li Ji | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Li Ka-shing | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Li Kongzheng | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Dezong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Li Lingjuan | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Xuanzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Li Meisu | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Li Na | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Li Qing | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Taizong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Shunzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Li Wenquan | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Zhongzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Li Xiaoqin | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Li Xin | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Xizong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Zhaozong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Li Yongbo | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Daizong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Li Yu | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Gaozu of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Li Yuchun | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Jingzong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Gaozong of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Ai of Tang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Liafdag | m | Saints |  |
Liao Ming-hsiung | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Willard Libby | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Libentius | m | Saints |  |
Liber | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Libera | f | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Liberalis | m | Saints |  |
Liberalis of Treviso | m | Saints |  |
Liberata | f | Saints |  |
Liberatus | m | Saints |  |
Liberatus of Lauro | m | Saints |  |
Liberius | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Liberius of Ravenna | m | Saints |  |
Libert | m | Saints |  |
Libitina | f | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Libni | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Libni | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Liborius | m | Saints |  |
Libya | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Libys | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Giovanni Liccio | m | Saints |  |
Lichas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lichas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lichas | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Bernhard Lichtenberg | m | Saints |  |
Licinius | m | Saints |  |
Licinius | m | Saints |  |
Licio | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Licymnius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Zenon Licznerski | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lidanus | m | Saints |  |
Eric Liddell | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lidgus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Lido | m | Fictional Characters from Song Titles |  |
Marie-Madeleine-Claudine Lidoine | f | Saints |  |
Nicklas Lidström | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Lidwina | f | Saints |  |
Tom Lieb | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Nancy Lieberman | f | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists |  |
Justus von Liebig | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Nils Liedholm | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Vicente Liem | m | Saints |  |
Bill Lienhard | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Peter Lieou | m | Saints |  |
Liephard | m | Saints |  |
Hans Liesche | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lietbertus | m | Saints |  |
Thaddeus Lieu | m | Saints |  |
Frej Liewendahl | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Alex Lifeson | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Caius Ligarius | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Ligea | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Liger | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
György Ligeti | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Jim Lightbody | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Buzz Lightyear | m | Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Myriam Lignot | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Alfonso Liguori | m | Saints |  |
Heikki Liimatainen | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Likhi | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Lili | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lili | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lili | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lili | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Liliosa | f | Saints |  |
Tiina Lillak | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Josefin Lillhage | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Salvatore Lilli | m | Saints |  |
Bob Lilly | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Lim Chang-yong | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lim Sun-dong | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lim Young-woong | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Limbania | f | Saints |  |
Rush Limbaugh | m | Notable Journalists |  |
Limnaee | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Limnoria | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Marianne Limpert | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Agatha Lin | f | Saints |  |
Lin Chao-huang | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lin Kun-han | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lin Li | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lin Sang | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lin Yanfen | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lin Yue | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Omar Linares | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Abraham Lincoln | m | American Presidents |  |
Craig Lincoln | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Carl Johan Lind | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Jenny Lind | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Tomas Lindahl | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Edward Lindberg | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Knut Lindberg | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Charles Lindbergh | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers |  |
Gustaf Lindblom | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Damon Lindelof | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Till Lindemann | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Astrid Lindgren | f | Notable Writers |  |
Blaine Lindgren | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Dieter Lindner | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Dörte Lindner | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Helga Lindner | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Eric Lindros | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes |  |
Eric Lindroth | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Robert Lindsay | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ted Lindsay | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Freddie Lindstrom | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Gunnar Lindström | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lindus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Anne Line | f | Saints |  |
Gary Lineker | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Mikhail Linge | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Link | m | Other Fictional Characters |  |
Richard Linklater | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Jeremy Linn | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Carl Linnaeus | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Laura Linney | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Marie-Louise Linssen-Vaessen | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Catherine Linton | f | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Isabella Linton | f | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Linus | m | Biblical Characters, Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Linus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Linus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Linus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Linus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Linus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Liocritus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Liocritus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Liodes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Kyriaki Liosi | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ray Liotta | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Liparus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Liphardus | m | Saints |  |
Tara Lipinski | f | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists |  |
Fritz Albert Lipmann | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Leopold II | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors, Hungarian Kings and Queens |  |
Lipoxais | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Hans Lipperhey | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Filippino Lippi | m | Notable Artists |  |
Filippo Lippi | m | Notable Artists |  |
Marcello Lippi | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Donald Lippincott | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Gabriel Lippmann | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Jari Lipponen | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
William Lipscomb | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Jaak Lipso | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Liriope | f | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Liris | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Lisa | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lisa | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lisa | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lisa | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Lisa | f | Notable Musicians |  |
Mona Lisa | f | Other Notables |  |
Iryna Lishchynska | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Yekaterina Lisina | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Karel Lismont | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Natalya Lisovskaya | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
El Lissitzky | m | Notable Artists |  |
Benjamin List | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Joseph Lister | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Sonny Liston | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Vladislav Listyev | m | Notable Journalists |  |
Franz Liszt | m | Notable Musicians |  |
John Lithgow | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Litros | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Floyd Little | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Larry Little | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Omar Little | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Yuriy Lituyev | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Sergey Litvinov | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Lyudmila Litvinova | f | Olympic Medalists |  |
Cheng of Han | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Gao of Han | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Shun of Han | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Shao of Han | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Chong of Han | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Xuan of Han | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Wu of Han | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Zhang of Han | m | Chinese Emperors |  |