Browse Namesakes

AntimachusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntimachusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntimenesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntinoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntinoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntinousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntinousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiochefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiochusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiochusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiochusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiochusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Antiochus I SotermPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens, Seleucid Kings and Queens
Antiochus II TheosmPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens, Seleucid Kings and Queens
Antiochus III the GreatmPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens, Seleucid Kings and Queens
Antiochus IV EpiphanesmPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens, Seleucid Kings and Queens
Antiochus IX CyzicenusmSeleucid Kings and Queens
Antiochus of SulcismSaints
Antiochus V EupatormPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens, Seleucid Kings and Queens
Antiochus VII SidetesmSeleucid Kings and Queens
Antiochus VIII GrypusmSeleucid Kings and Queens
Antiochus X EusebesmSeleucid Kings and Queens
Antiochus XIII AsiaticusmSeleucid Kings and Queens
AntionmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiophemusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntipaphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Antipas of PergamummBiblical Characters, Saints
AntiphantesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphatesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphatesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphatesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphatesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphatesmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Antipholus of EphesusmShakespearian Characters
Antipholus of SyracusemShakespearian Characters
AntiphonusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphosmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntiphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntipoenusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Svetlana AntipovafOlympic Medalists
AntippusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntisthenesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AntitheusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Antonello da MessinamNotable Artists
Ion AntonescumRomanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Antonia of BresciafSaints
Antonia of FlorencefSaints
Antonino of FlorencemSaints
Antoninus of SorrentomSaints
AntóniomPortuguese Kings and Queens
AntoniomShakespearian Characters
AntoniomFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals, Shakespearian Characters
AntoniomShakespearian Characters
AntoniomShakespearian Characters
AntoniomShakespearian Characters
Antonio di Puccio Pisano "Pisanello"mNotable Artists
Antonio of AmandolamSaints
Antonio of Saint Bonaventure of TuymSaints
Antonio of StronconemSaints
Michelangelo AntonionimNotable Filmmakers
Antonius van HoornaarmSaints
Antonius van WeertmSaints
Olena AntonovafOlympic Medalists
Marcus AntoniusmNotable Military Figures, Notable Politicians and Statespeople, Shakespearian Characters
AntoresmCharacters in Roman Mythology
AntothiahmBiblical Characters
AnubmBiblical Characters
AnubismCharacters in Egyptian Mythology
Aleksandr AnufriyevmOlympic Medalists
Anund JakobmSwedish Kings and Queens
Anund the RussianmSwedish Kings and Queens
AnxurmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AnxurmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Anysia of SalonikafSaints
AnytusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AoedefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Mayumi AokifOlympic Medalists
AolliusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
AonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AorismCharacters in Greek Mythology
Saïd AouitamOlympic Medalists
Eşref ApakmOlympic Medalists
Dmitri ApanassenkomOlympic Medalists
José Aparicio SanzmSaints
Luis ApariciomHall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes
Sebastián ApariciomSaints
ApatefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Judd ApatowmNotable Filmmakers
Apelles of HeraklionmBiblical Characters, Saints
Apelles of KosmNotable Artists
ApemantusmShakespearian Characters
ApemosynefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AphareusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AphareusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AphareusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AphiahmBiblical Characters
AphidasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AphidasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AphidnusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AphidnusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
AphroditefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AphsesmBiblical Characters
ApidanusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ApismCharacters in Greek Mythology
ApisaonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ApisaonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ApoecusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Guillaume ApollinairemNotable Writers
Apollinaris ClaudiusmSaints
Apollinaris of Monte CassinomSaints
Apollinaris of ValencemSaints
Apollinaris SyncleticamSaints
ApollomCharacters in Greek Mythology, Characters in Roman Mythology
ApollodorusmNotable Artists
Apollodorus of DamascusmNotable Artists
Apollonius of PergamNotable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Apollonius of RhodesmNotable Writers
Apollonius the ApologistmSaints
ApollosmBiblical Characters, Saints
Nicolas AppertmNotable Scientists and Inventors
ApphiafBiblical Characters, Saints
Appian of AlexandriamNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
Willie ApplegarthmOlympic Medalists
Edward Victor AppletonmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Luke ApplingmHall-of-Famers
Syl AppsmHall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes
ApresmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ApriatefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ApseudesfCharacters in Greek Mythology
ApsyrtusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ApterusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ApuleiusmNotable Writers
AquicolusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
AquilamBiblical Characters, Saints
Thomas AquinasmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers, Saints
AquitesmCharacters in Roman Mythology
ArabiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Fern ArablefFictional Characters from Books
ArabusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArachnefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AradmBiblical Characters
AradormTolkien's Characters
AraethyreafCharacters in Greek Mythology
Yasser ArafatmNobel Prize Winners, Other Leaders
AraglasmTolkien's Characters
AragogmHarry Potter Characters
Louis AragonmNotable Writers
Yovany AragónmOlympic Medalists
Luis AragonésmNotable Athletes
Aragorn ImTolkien's Characters
AragostmTolkien's Characters
Pascual Araguas GuardiamSaints
ArahmBiblical Characters
ArahmBiblical Characters
ArahmBiblical Characters
Arahad ImTolkien's Characters
Arahad IImTolkien's Characters
ArahaelmTolkien's Characters
Nobuo AraimOlympic Medalists
Shigeo AraimOlympic Medalists
Matthias ArakimSaints
ArammBiblical Characters
ArammBiblical Characters
ArammBiblical Characters
Aram ShahmIndian Sultans and Emperors
Pedro Eugenio AramburumArgentine Presidents
AramismFictional Characters from Books
AranmBiblical Characters
AranarthmTolkien's Characters
Francisco AranhamSaints
AranuirmTolkien's Characters
AraphantmTolkien's Characters
AraphormTolkien's Characters
ArasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArassuilmTolkien's Characters
AratusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Alexandra AraújofOlympic Medalists
AraunahmBiblical Characters
AravalmTolkien's Characters
AravirmTolkien's Characters
AravornmTolkien's Characters
ArbamBiblical Characters
ArbelusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Werner ArbermNobel Prize Winners
Roscoe "Fatty" ArbucklemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Diane ArbusfNotable Artists
Anđelija ArbutinafOlympic Medalists
ArcadiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArcadiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
Janeth ArcainfOlympic Medalists
ArcasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArcasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Fernando ArcegamOlympic Medalists
ArcenafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArceophonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArcesilausmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArcetiusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
ArchandermCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchebatesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchedicusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchediusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchelausmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchelausmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchelausmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchelausmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchelausmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Herod ArchelausmBiblical Characters
ArchelochusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchemachusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchemachusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchemolusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArcheptolemusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Jack ArchermOlympic Medalists
Simon ArchermOlympic Medalists
ArchesilausmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchestratusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Edward ArchibaldmOlympic Medalists
Nate ArchibaldmHall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes
ArchidamusmShakespearian Characters
ArchilochusmNotable Writers
ArchilochusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchimedesmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
ArchippusmBiblical Characters, Saints
ArchippusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
ArchitelesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchitelesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArchytasmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
Giuseppe ArcimboldomNotable Artists
ArciryasmTolkien's Characters
ArcisiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArctusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArdmBiblical Characters
ArdmBiblical Characters
Ardalion the ActormSaints
ArdalusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Ardashir ImPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
Ardashir IImPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
Ardashir IIImPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
ArdeiasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Eve ArdenfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
ArdescusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Ardo SmaragdusmSaints
ArdonmBiblical Characters
José AreasmRock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
AreilycusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AreilycusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AreithousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AreithousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArelimBiblical Characters
Gildo ArenamOlympic Medalists
Gisela ArendtfOlympic Medalists
Hannah ArendtfNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
ArenefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AreosmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AresmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AresthanasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArestormCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArestormCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArestormCharacters in Greek Mythology
AretaonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AretasmBiblical Characters
AretefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArethusafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArethusafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArethusafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArethusafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArethusafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AretiasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AretusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AretusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AretusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AretusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AretusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AreusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgaeusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgalusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArganthonefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgasidesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgeasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgelefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Argeleb ImTolkien's Characters
ArgennusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Rod ArgentmRock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Dario ArgentomNotable Filmmakers
Martha ArgerichfNotable Musicians
ArgesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Gheorghe ArgeșanumRomanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
ArgestesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Constantin ArgetoianumRomanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
ArgeusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgeusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgilipusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiodusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgipusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgofCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgobmBiblical Characters
ArgonuimTolkien's Characters
ArgusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Argus PanoptesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgyphiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArgyrafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AriafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AriadnefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Ariadne of PhrygiafSaints
Antonius ArianthomOlympic Medalists
Carlos Arias NavarromSpanish Prime Ministers
Óscar AriasmNobel Prize Winners
AriasmenusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AriciafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AridaimBiblical Characters
AridathamBiblical Characters
AriehmBiblical Characters
ArielmBiblical Characters
ArielmBiblical Characters
ArielmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals, Shakespearian Characters
Yuko ArimorifOlympic Medalists
ArinesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AriochmBiblical Characters
AriochmBiblical Characters
ArionmNotable Musicians
ArionmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Ludovico AriostomNotable Writers
ArisaimBiblical Characters
ArisbasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArisbasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArisbefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristaeusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Aristarchus of SamosmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Aristarchus of ThessalonicamBiblical Characters, Saints
AristasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Aristides of AthensmSaints
Aristobulus of BritanniamBiblical Characters, Saints
AristodamafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristodemefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristodemusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristolochusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristomachefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristomachusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristomachusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristomachusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristomelidasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristonoosmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AristophanesmNotable Writers
AristotlemNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
AristratusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AriusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AriusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArizelusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Paul ArizinmHall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes
Anna ArkhipovafOlympic Medalists
Vasyl ArkhypenkomOlympic Medalists
Alan ArkinmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Richard ArkwrightmNotable Scientists and Inventors
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArlenefHurricanes and Tropical Storms
George ArlissmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Giorgio ArmanimNotable Artists
Pietro ArmengolmSaints
Juan ArmeromSaints
ArmesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArminiusmNotable Military Figures
Fred ArmisenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Heather ArmitagefOlympic Medalists
ArmoasbusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArmonimBiblical Characters
Ray ArmsteadmOlympic Medalists
Beatrice ArmstrongfOlympic Medalists
Billie Joe ArmstrongmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Duncan ArmstrongmOlympic Medalists
George ArmstrongmHall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes
Henry ArmstrongmNotable Athletes
Lance ArmstrongmNotable Athletes
Louis ArmstrongmNotable Musicians
Neil ArmstrongmNotable Explorers and Adventurers
Tate ArmstrongmOlympic Medalists
Rafael Arnáiz BarónmSaints
ArnanmBiblical Characters
William ArnaudmSaints
Bernard ArnaultmNotable Businesspeople
Eva ArndtfOlympic Medalists
ArnefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Jay ArnettemOlympic Medalists
ArneusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Arnold of SelenhofenmSaints
Arnold of SoissonsmSaints
Frances ArnoldfNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Jerome ArnoldmRock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Virginie ArnoldfOlympic Medalists
Klas Pontus ArnoldsonmNobel Prize Winners
Arnulf of CarinthiamGerman Kings and Holy Roman Emperors
ArodimBiblical Characters
AronmCharacters in Greek Mythology
François-Marie Arouet "Voltaire"mNotable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Writers
Jean ArpmNotable Artists
ArphaxadmBiblical Characters
ArpoxaismCharacters in Greek Mythology
Patricia ArquettefEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Ar-RashidmIslamic Caliphs
Svante ArrheniusmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
ArrhonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArrhonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Valerio ArrimOlympic Medalists
Jake ArrietamOlympic Medalists
Francesco ArrighettomSaints
Rolando ArrojomOlympic Medalists
Christine ArronfOlympic Medalists
Kenneth ArrowmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Philosophers and Thinkers
Edmund ArrowsmithmSaints
ArrunsmCharacters in Roman Mythology
ArrunsmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Arsaces ImPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
Arsaces IImPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
ArsaltefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Samantha ArsenaultfOlympic Medalists
Arsenius the GreatmSaints
ArsinoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArsinoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArsinoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArsinoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArsinoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArsinoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArsinousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArsinousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArsippefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Art ImlechmCharacters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings
Art mac LugdachmCharacters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings
Art ÓenfermIrish Kings
Artabanus IImPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
Artabanus IIImPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
Artabanus VmPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
ArtaceusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArtamirmTolkien's Characters
Antonin ArtaudmNotable Writers
Artaxerxes ImBiblical Characters, Egyptian Pharaohs, Persian and Iranian Kings and Queens
Artaxerxes II MnemonmPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
Artaxerxes IIImEgyptian Pharaohs, Persian and Iranian Kings and Queens
Artaxerxes IVmEgyptian Pharaohs, Persian and Iranian Kings and Queens
Artemas of LystramBiblical Characters, Saints
Artemas of PozzuolimSaints
ArtemichefCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArtemidorusmShakespearian Characters
ArtemisfBiblical Characters, Characters in Greek Mythology
Anastasius IImRoman and Byzantine Emperors
Olga ArteshinafOlympic Medalists
ArthurmHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArthurmHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArthurmHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArthurmHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArthurmHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArthurmHurricanes and Tropical Storms
ArthurmOther Royalty, Shakespearian Characters
King ArthurmArthurian Characters, Characters in Celtic Mythology, Fictional Characters from Traditional Tales
Bea ArthurfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Chester A. ArthurmAmerican Presidents
Maya "M.I.A." ArulpragasamfNotable Musicians
ArvegilmTolkien's Characters
Arveleg ImTolkien's Characters
Arveleg IImTolkien's Characters
Pär ArvidssonmOlympic Medalists
ArviragusmShakespearian Characters
AryabhatamNotable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Scientists and Inventors
ArybasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ArzamBiblical Characters
Vladimir ArzamaskovmOlympic Medalists
Lyudmila ArzhannikovafOlympic Medalists
Yevhen ArzhanovmOlympic Medalists
AsamBiblical Characters
AsamBiblical Characters, Israelite and Judean Kings
AsaeusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Nobuharu AsaharamOlympic Medalists
AsahelmBiblical Characters
AsahelmBiblical Characters
AsahelmBiblical Characters
AsahelmBiblical Characters
HigashiyamamJapanese Emperors
AsaiahmBiblical Characters
AsaiahmBiblical Characters
AsaiahmBiblical Characters
AsaiahmBiblical Characters
AsaiahmBiblical Characters
AsaphmBiblical Characters
AsaphmBiblical Characters
AsaphmBiblical Characters
AsaphmBiblical Characters
AsaphmBiblical Characters
AsarelmBiblical Characters
AsarelahmBiblical Characters
Charles AsatimOlympic Medalists
AsbolusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsbolusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsbutesmCharacters in Roman Mythology
AscalabusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AscalaphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AscalaphusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AscaniusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AscaniusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AscaniusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Alberto AscarimNotable Athletes
Peter AschmOlympic Medalists
AschetosmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Asclepiades of AntiochmSaints
AsclepiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AscrafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AseatasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Asella of RomefSaints
AsenathfBiblical Characters
AshbelmBiblical Characters
Richie AshburnmHall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes
Peggy AshcroftfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Arthur AshemNotable Athletes
Horace AshenfeltermOlympic Medalists
AshermBiblical Characters
Ron AshetonmRock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Scott AshetonmRock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Evelyn AshfordfOlympic Medalists
Rosalind AshfordfRock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
AshhurmBiblical Characters
AshimafBiblical Characters
AshkenazmBiblical Characters
Arthur AshkinmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Ralph AshleymSaints
Ashoka the GreatmOther Royalty
AshpenazmBiblical Characters
AstartefBiblical Characters, Other Mythological Characters
AshurbanipalmBiblical Characters, Other Royalty
AshvathmBiblical Characters
Gerry AshworthmOlympic Medalists
AsiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsielmBiblical Characters
AsiesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsilasmCharacters in Roman Mythology
AsilasmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Isaac AsimovmNotable Writers
AsiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsiusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Arvo AskolamOlympic Medalists
Mariam AslamazyanfNotable Artists
Asmath?Shakespearian Characters
AsnahmBiblical Characters
Ed AsnermEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Tarō AsōmJapanese Prime Ministers
AsopisfCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsopisfCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsopusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AspalisfCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsparuhmBulgarian Kings and Tsars
Aspasius of AuchmSaints
AspathamBiblical Characters
Alain AspectmNobel Prize Winners
AspetosmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsphalionmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AspledonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsrielmBiblical Characters
Julian AssangemNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Journalists
AssaonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AssaracusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Tobias AssermNobel Prize Winners
AsshurmBiblical Characters
Lys AssiafEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
AssirmBiblical Characters
AssirmBiblical Characters
AssirmBiblical Characters
AstaciafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstacusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Galina AstafeifOlympic Medalists
Fred AstairemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Igor AstapkovichmOlympic Medalists
Mulatu AstatkemNotable Musicians
Andrew AstburymOlympic Medalists
AsteriafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteriafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteriafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsterionmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsterionmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsterionmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteriusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteriusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteriusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteriusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteriusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Asterius of OstiamSaints
AsterixmFictional Characters from Books
AsterodiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsterodiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsterodiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteropaeusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteropefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteropefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteropefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AsteropiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
Sean AstinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Francis William AstonmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Mary AstorfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Maria Angela AstorchfSaints
AstrabacusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstraeafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstraeismCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstraeusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstraeusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Vytautas AstrauskasmLithuanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
AstreusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstrisfCharacters in Greek Mythology
Miguel Ángel AsturiasmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers
AstyagesmPersian and Iranian Kings and Queens
AstyagesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyagesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyaguiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyalusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyanaxmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyanaxmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyanaxmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstybiesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstycrateafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstycratiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstydamiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstydamiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstydamiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstygitesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstygonusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstylochusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstynomefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstynomefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstynomiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstynomusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstynousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstynousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstynousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyochefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyochefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyochefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyochefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyochefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyochefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyochusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstypaleafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstypylusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AstyrmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Asyncritus of HyrcaniamBiblical Characters, Saints
AtalantafCharacters in Greek Mythology
Atanatar ImTolkien's Characters
Atanatar IImTolkien's Characters
AtarahfBiblical Characters
AtasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtefCharacters in Greek Mythology
HeizeimJapanese Emperors
AtermBiblical Characters
AtermBiblical Characters
AtermBiblical Characters
AthaiahmBiblical Characters
AthaliahmBiblical Characters
AthaliahfBiblical Characters, Israelite and Judean Kings
AthaliahmBiblical Characters
AthamasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AthamasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AthamasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AthamasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Athanasius I of AlexandriamCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria, Saints
Athanasius IImSaints
Athanasius the AthonitemSaints
AthenafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtherasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AthismCharacters in Greek Mythology
AthlaimBiblical Characters
AthletesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AthosmFictional Characters from Books
Athracht of KillaraghtfSaints
AtinasmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Doug AtkinsmHall-of-Famers
Eileen AtkinsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Paul AtkinsonmRock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Sid AtkinsonmOlympic Medalists
Thomas AtkinsonmSaints
AtlantiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtlasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtraxmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtreusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtromusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtropusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Go-IchijomJapanese Emperors
DaigomJapanese Emperors
Go-SuzakumJapanese Emperors
At-Ta'imIslamic Caliphs
AttaimBiblical Characters
AttaimBiblical Characters
AttaimBiblical Characters
AttalusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Richard AttenboroughmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners
AtthisfCharacters in Greek Mythology
Attila the HunmNotable Military Figures, Other Royalty
AttismCharacters in Greek Mythology
Atto of TordinomSaints
Francesco AttolicomOlympic Medalists
Steve AtwatermHall-of-Famers
Susie AtwoodfOlympic Medalists
AtymniusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtymniusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtymniusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtysmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtysmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AtysmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Aubert of AvranchesmSaints
Jack AubreymFictional Characters from Books
AuchusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AudreyfHurricanes and Tropical Storms
AudreyfShakespearian Characters
Musa AudumOlympic Medalists
John James AudubonmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Ingrid AuerswaldfOlympic Medalists
Attius TulliusmShakespearian Characters
AugefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AugefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AugeasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AugesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Stacey AugmonmOlympic Medalists
August II the StrongmPolish High Dukes and Kings
August III the SaxonmPolish High Dukes and Kings
Augusta of TrevisofSaints
Augustine Nyou Tjin-kilmSaints
Augustine of CanterburymSaints
Augustine of HippomNotable Philosophers and Thinkers, Saints
Augustine Zhao RongmSaints
AugustusmBiblical Characters, Roman and Byzantine Emperors, Shakespearian Characters
AulestesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AulisfCharacters in Greek Mythology
Garnet AultmOlympic Medalists
VitelliusmRoman and Byzantine Emperors
Robert AumannmNobel Prize Winners
Rein AunmOlympic Medalists
Aung San Suu KyifNobel Prize Winners
AunusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
AurafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AurafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AurangzebmIndian Sultans and Emperors
Aurea of OstiafSaints
Áurea of San MillánfSaints
Aurelia of StrasbourgfSaints
Petre AurelianmRomanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Geno AuriemmamHall-of-Famers
Vincent AuriolmFrench Presidents and Prime Ministers
AurophitesfCharacters in Greek Mythology
AurorafCharacters in Roman Mythology
AusonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Jane AustenfNotable Writers
Paul AustermNotable Writers
Arthur AustinmOlympic Medalists
Charles AustinmOlympic Medalists
Mike AustinmOlympic Medalists
"Stone Cold" Steve AustinmNotable Athletes
AutesionmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutesionmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Daniel AuteuilmNotable Actors and Entertainers
AutochthonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutodicefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutolausmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutolycusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutolycusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutolycusmShakespearian Characters
AutolytefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutomatefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutomedonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutomedusafCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutonoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutonoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutonoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutonoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutonoefCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutonousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutonousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutonousmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AutophonusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Auxentius of BithyniamSaints
AuxofCharacters in Greek Mythology
AuxofCharacters in Greek Mythology
Ava of DenainfSaints
Hennadiy AvdyeyenkomOlympic Medalists
Nicolás AvellanedamArgentine Presidents
Andrea AvellinomSaints
Aventine of TroyesmSaints
AventinusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
AventinusmCharacters in Roman Mythology
Gianni AveraimomOlympic Medalists
Alexandru AverescumRomanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Earl AverillmHall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes
George AverymOlympic Medalists
Tex AverymNotable Artists, Notable Filmmakers
Léonie AviatfSaints
John G. AvildsenmNotable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners
Avilius I of AlexandriamCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria, Saints
Mykola AvilovmOlympic Medalists
Avitus ImSaints
Avitus IImSaints
Albert AvogadromSaints
Amedeo AvogadromNotable Scientists and Inventors
Mick AvorymRock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Nduka AwaziemOlympic Medalists
Aster AwekefNotable Musicians
Richard AxelmNobel Prize Winners
Julius AxelrodmNobel Prize Winners
Viktor AxelsenmNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
AxionmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AxiusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AxylusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AymEgyptian Pharaohs
NinkomJapanese Emperors
Fernando AyalamSaints
Paul AybaramSaints
Romano AybaramSaints
Dan AykroydmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Aymard of ClunymSaints
Sanjay AyremOlympic Medalists
AyyarmBulgarian Kings and Tsars
AzaesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
AzaliahmBiblical Characters
AzanmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Manuel AzañamSpanish Prime Ministers
AzaniahmBiblical Characters
AzarelmBiblical Characters
AzarelmBiblical Characters
AzarelmBiblical Characters
AzarelmBiblical Characters
AzarelmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters
AzariahmBiblical Characters