Name | Gender | Categories | |
Adin | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adina | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adino | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adjutor | m | Saints |  |
Derrick Adkins | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Adlai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alfred Adler | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Steven Adler | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Erik Adlerz | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Admatha | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Admetus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Admetus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Admon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Adna | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adna | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adnah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adnah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ado of Vienne | m | Saints |  |
Adolf of Osnabrück | m | Saints |  |
Adolf Fredrik | m | Swedish Kings and Queens |  |
Adolf of Nassau | m | German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors |  |
Adolphus | m | Saints |  |
Dainius Adomaitis | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Adomnán | m | Saints |  |
Adoni-Bezek | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adonijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adonijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adonijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adonikam | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adoniram | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adonis | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Adoni-Zedek | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Theodor W. Adorno | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Adrammelech | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adrammelech | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adrastus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Adrastus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Adrastus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Adrastus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Adrastus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ferran Adrià | m | Other Notables |  |
Adrian | m | Saints |  |
Adrian of Nicomedia | m | Saints |  |
Adrian | m | Saints |  |
Adrian | m | Saints |  |
Adrian of Canterbury | m | Saints |  |
Adrian I | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Adrian II | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Adrian | m | Saints |  |
Adrian III | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Adrian IV | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Adrian V | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Adrian VI | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Adrian Volsce | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Adrian | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Edgar Douglas Adrian | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Don Adriano de Armado | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Adrianus van Hilvarenbeek | m | Saints |  |
Adriel | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Adulf | m | Saints |  |
Endre Ady | m | Notable Journalists, Notable Writers |  |
Aeacus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeantides | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aechmagoras | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aechmis | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Áed Rúad | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings |  |
Áed mac Ainmuirech | m | Irish Kings |  |
Áed Sláine | m | Irish Kings |  |
Áed Uaridnach | m | Irish Kings |  |
Áed Allán | m | Irish Kings |  |
Áed Oirdnide | m | Irish Kings |  |
Áed Findliath | m | Irish Kings |  |
Aed Find the White | m | Scottish Kings and Queens |  |
Aed Whitefoot | m | Scottish Kings and Queens |  |
Aedan mac Gabhran | m | Scottish Kings and Queens |  |
Aedesius | m | Saints |  |
Aeetes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegaeon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegaeon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegaeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegeoneus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegestus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegestus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegialeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegialeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegialus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegicorus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegimius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegimius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeginetes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeginetes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegipan | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegipan | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegisthus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegolius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegypius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegyptius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegyptus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegyptus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aegyrus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aelred of Rievaulx | m | Saints |  |
Aemilius | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Aeneas | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Aeneas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology, Characters in Roman Mythology, Shakespearian Characters |  |
Aenetus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeneus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aenitus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aenius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aenus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeolius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeolus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeolus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeolus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeolus | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Aeolus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aepytus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aepytus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aepytus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aepytus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aepytus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeropus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeropus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aesacus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aesacus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeschylus | m | Notable Writers |  |
Aesepus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aesepus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aesimus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aeson | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aesop | m | Notable Writers |  |
Aesyetes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aesymnus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethalides | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethalides | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethalion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethalus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Æðelbald | m | English and British Kings and Queens |  |
Æðelbert | m | English and British Kings and Queens |  |
Æðelred I | m | English and British Kings and Queens |  |
Æðelred II the Unready | m | English and British Kings and Queens |  |
Æðelstan | m | English and British Kings and Queens |  |
Æðelwulf | m | English and British Kings and Queens |  |
Aether | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aetherius | m | Saints |  |
Aethicus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethlius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aethon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aetion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aetius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aetius | m | Notable Military Figures |  |
Aetnaeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aetolus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aetolus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aetolus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aetolus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aezeius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ben Affleck | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers |  |
Afonso I the Conqueror | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens |  |
Afonso II the Fat | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens |  |
Afonso III | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens |  |
Afonso IV the Brave | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens |  |
Afonso V the African | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens |  |
Afonso VI the Victorious | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens |  |
José Afonso | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Africus | m | Saints |  |
Teddy Afro | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Ebrahim Afshar | m | Persian and Iranian Kings and Queens |  |
Nader Shah Afshar | m | Persian and Iranian Kings and Queens |  |
Agabius | m | Saints |  |
Agabus the Prophet | m | Biblical Characters, Saints |  |
Agacles | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agag | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Agag | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Aga Khan IV | m | Notable Businesspeople, Other Religious Leaders |  |
Agamedes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agamedes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agamedidas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agamemnon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology, Shakespearian Characters |  |
Agamestor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aganippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aganus | m | Saints |  |
Aganus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agapenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agapetus I | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Agapetus II | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Agapitus | m | Saints |  |
Agapitus | m | Saints |  |
Agapius | m | Saints |  |
Agapius of Spain | m | Saints |  |
Agapius | m | Saints |  |
Agapius | m | Saints |  |
Agaptolemus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agassamenus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Andre Agassi | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists |  |
Agasthenes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agastrophus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agathangelus | m | Saints |  |
Agatharchus | m | Notable Artists |  |
Agathius of Byzantium | m | Saints |  |
Agatho | m | Saints |  |
Agatho | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Agathodorus | m | Saints |  |
Agathon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agathopodes | m | Saints |  |
Agathopus | m | Saints |  |
Agathyrnus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agathyrsus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agee | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ageleus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agelus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ageranus | m | Saints |  |
Agericus | m | Saints |  |
Agerochus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agesilaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agestratus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Viktor Ageyev | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Agilbert | m | Saints |  |
Agileus | m | Saints |  |
Agilulfus | m | Saints |  |
Agilus | m | Saints |  |
Agis | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agis | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Aglaus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Giovanni Agnelli | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Agnellus | m | Saints |  |
Agnellus of Pisa | m | Saints |  |
Agni | m | Characters in Hindu Mythology |  |
Shmuel Yosef Agnon | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers |  |
Agobard | m | Saints |  |
Agofredus | m | Saints |  |
Agorius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Pierre Agostini | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Zefirino Agostini | m | Saints |  |
Agostino of Biella | m | Saints |  |
Agraeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agraeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Sir Agravain | m | Arthurian Characters |  |
Peter Agre | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Agrecius | m | Saints |  |
Agreus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agreus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agreus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agricola | m | Saints |  |
Agricola | m | Saints |  |
Agricola of Avignon | m | Saints |  |
Herod Agrippa II | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Agrippa | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa | m | Notable Military Figures, Shakespearian Characters |  |
Agrippinus | m | Saints |  |
Agrius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agrius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agrius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agrius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agrius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agrius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agrius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agron | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agron | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Sir Andrew Aguecheek | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Antonio Aguilar y Correa | m | Spanish Prime Ministers |  |
Rodrigo Aguilar Alemán | m | Saints |  |
Jorge Aguilera | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Agur | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Agyieus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agylleus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agyrtes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agyrtes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Agyrtes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ahab | m | Biblical Characters, Israelite and Judean Kings |  |
Ahab | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Captain Ahab | m | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Aharhel | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahasbai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahasuerus | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahaz | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahaz | m | Biblical Characters, Israelite and Judean Kings |  |
Ahaziah | m | Biblical Characters, Israelite and Judean Kings |  |
Ahaziah | m | Biblical Characters, Israelite and Judean Kings |  |
Ahban | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Tim Ahearne | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Aher | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahi | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahi | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahiah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahiah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahiam | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahian | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahiezer | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahiezer | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahihud | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahijah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahikam | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahilud | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahimaaz | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahimaaz | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahiman | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahiman | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahimelech | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahimelech | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahimelech | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahimoth | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahinadab | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahio | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahio | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahio | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahira | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahisamach | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahishahar | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahishar | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahithophel | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahitub | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahitub | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahitub | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahlai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahmad Shah Bahadur | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors |  |
Ahmad al-Mu'tadid | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Ahmad Al-Nasir | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Ahmad ibn Hanbal | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Ahmad ibn Fadlan | m | Notable Writers |  |
Arne Åhman | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ahmed I | m | Islamic Caliphs, Ottoman Sultans |  |
Ahmed II | m | Islamic Caliphs, Ottoman Sultans |  |
Ahmed III | m | Islamic Caliphs, Ottoman Sultans |  |
Hussein Ahmed Salah | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ahmose I | m | Egyptian Pharaohs |  |
Aholiab | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahumai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahura Mazda | m | Characters in Persian Mythology |  |
Ahuzzam | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahuzzath | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ahzai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ai Weiwei | m | Notable Artists |  |
Aiah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Aiah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Aibialus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aichardus | m | Saints |  |
Aiclus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aidan | m | Saints |  |
Aidan of Lindisfarne | m | Saints |  |
Aigulf | m | Saints |  |
Aigulf | m | Saints |  |
Ryoji Aikawa | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Troy Aikman | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Ailbe | m | Saints |  |
Ailerán the Wise | m | Saints |  |
Ailill mac Slánuill | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings |  |
Ailill Finn | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings |  |
Ailill Caisfhiaclach | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings |  |
Ailill Molt | m | Irish Kings |  |
Aimo | m | Saints |  |
Ainbcellach mac Ferchar | m | Scottish Kings and Queens |  |
Ainmuire | m | Irish Kings |  |
John Ainsworth-Davis | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Kurt Ainsworth | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Airgetmar | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings |  |
Gordon Aitchison | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Chinghiz Aitmatov | m | Notable Writers |  |
Shunzhi | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Qianlong | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Daoguang | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Xuantong | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Kangxi | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Yongzheng | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Xianfeng | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Jiaqing | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Tongzhi | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Guangxu | m | Chinese Emperors |  |
Ajax | m | Characters in Greek Mythology, Shakespearian Characters |  |
Ajax | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Omar Ajete | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Thomas Akafuji | m | Saints |  |
Akan | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Akasaki Isamu | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Akbar I the Great | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors |  |
Akbar II | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors |  |
Friedrich Akel | m | Estonian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Gustaf Åkerhielm | m | Swedish Prime Ministers |  |
George Akerlof | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Akhenaten | m | Egyptian Pharaohs |  |
Akihito | m | Japanese Emperors |  |
Sutoku | m | Japanese Emperors |  |
John Akii-Bua | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Anatoliy Akimov | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Vladimir Akimov | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Akkub | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Akkub | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Akkub | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Akkub | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Aleksandr Aksinin | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa | m | Notable Writers |  |
Armenak Alachachian | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Aladdin | m | Fictional Characters from Traditional Tales |  |
Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries |  |
Alain de la Roche | m | Saints |  |
Alain de Solminihac | m | Saints |  |
Alalcomeneus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Shah Alam II | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors |  |
Alamgir II | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors |  |
Alarbus | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Alaric I | m | Other Royalty |  |
Alastor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alastor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alastor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alatreus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ala ud-Din Alam Shah | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors |  |
Ala ud-Din Sikandar Shah | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors |  |
Ala ud-Din Masud | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors |  |
Alba Silvius | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Alban of Britain | m | Saints |  |
Alban of Mainz | m | Saints |  |
Anthony Albanese | m | Australian Prime Ministers |  |
Albanus | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Damon Albarn | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Alberto Alberani Samaritani | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Niccolò Albergati | m | Saints |  |
Alberic | m | Saints |  |
Alberic | m | Saints |  |
Giacomo Alberione | m | Saints |  |
Albert of Cashel | m | Saints |  |
Albert of Gambron | m | Saints |  |
Albert | m | Saints |  |
Albert | m | Saints |  |
Albert | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Albert of Clatina | m | Saints |  |
Albert of Louvain | m | Saints |  |
Albert of Genoa | m | Saints |  |
Albert of Bergamo | m | Saints |  |
Albert the Great | m | Saints |  |
Federico Albert | m | Saints |  |
Flórián Albert | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Leon Battista Alberti | m | Notable Artists |  |
Albertinus | m | Saints |  |
Alberto of Trapani | m | Saints |  |
Alberto | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Alberto | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Alberto | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Alberto | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Alberto | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Alberto | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Jack Albertson | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Bertil Albertsson | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Albinus | m | Saints |  |
Abu Rayhan Muhammad al-Biruni | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Pablo Alborán | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Albrecht I | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors |  |
Albrecht II the Magnanimous | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors, Hungarian Kings and Queens |  |
Albrecht II | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Albrecht III the Pigtail | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Albrecht IV | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Albrecht VI the Prodigal | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Albrecht VII | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors |  |
Albrekt of Mecklenburg | m | Swedish Kings and Queens |  |
Dave Albritton | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Afonso de Albuquerque | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers |  |
Alcaeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcaeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcaeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcaeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcaeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcaeus of Mytilene | m | Notable Writers |  |
Niceto Alcalá-Zamora | m | Spanish Prime Ministers |  |
Alcamenes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcander | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcander | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Alcander | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcanor | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Alcanor | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Alcarops | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcathous | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcathous | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcathous | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcathous | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Alcathous | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcathous | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alce | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alces | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcetus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcibiades | m | Notable Military Figures, Shakespearian Characters |  |
Alcidamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcidamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcidamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcidocus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcimedes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcimedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcimedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcimedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcimenes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcimus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcimus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcinous | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcinus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcmaeon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcmaeon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcmaon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcmenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcmund | m | Saints |  |
Giovanni Alcober | m | Saints |  |
Alcon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcyoneus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcyoneus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alcyoneus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alan Alda | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Aldate | m | Saints |  |
Aldebrandus | m | Saints |  |
Aldegrin of Baume | m | Saints |  |
Aldemar the Wise | m | Saints |  |
Kurt Alder | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Aldericus | m | Saints |  |
Fred Alderman | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Aldhelm | m | Saints |  |
Aldo of Hasnon | m | Saints |  |
Aldric of Le Mans | m | Saints |  |
Robert Aldrich | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers |  |
Alector | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alector | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alector | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alectryon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alegenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Sholem Aleichem | m | Notable Writers |  |
Vicente Aleixandre | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers |  |
Alexander Alekhine | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Virgilijus Alekna | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Aleksandar Karađorđević | m | Serbian Kings, Tsars and Princes |  |
Aleksandar | m | Serbian Kings, Tsars and Princes |  |
Aleksandar | m | Serbian Kings, Tsars and Princes |  |
Aleksander | m | Polish High Dukes and Kings |  |
Aleksandr Nevskiy | m | Notable Military Figures, Russian Grand Dukes and Tsars |  |
Aleksandr I | m | Russian Grand Dukes and Tsars |  |
Aleksandr II | m | Russian Grand Dukes and Tsars |  |
Aleksandr III | m | Russian Grand Dukes and Tsars |  |
Aleksey | m | Russian Grand Dukes and Tsars |  |
Denis Alekseyev | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Alemeth | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alemeth | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alemon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alessandro Baldrati da Lugo | m | Saints |  |
Aletes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aletes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aletes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aletes | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Aletes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aleus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alex | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Alex | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Alex | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Alex | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Alexander I | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander of Fermo | m | Saints |  |
Alexander of Comana | m | Saints |  |
Alexander of Jerusalem | m | Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander I | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria, Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander Akimetes | m | Saints |  |
Alexander of Arumentum | m | Saints |  |
Alexander | m | Saints |  |
Alexander II | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Alexander III | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Alexander IV | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Alexander | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Alexander VI | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Alexander VII | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Alexander VIII | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes |  |
Alexander | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alexander | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alexander | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alexander | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alexander | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Alexander I | m | Bulgarian Kings and Tsars |  |
Alexander I the Fierce | m | Scottish Kings and Queens |  |
Alexander II | m | Scottish Kings and Queens |  |
Alexander III | m | Scottish Kings and Queens |  |
Alexander | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Alexander | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alexander the Great | m | Egyptian Pharaohs, Notable Military Figures, Other Royalty, Persian and Iranian Kings and Queens |  |
Alexander IV | m | Egyptian Pharaohs, Other Royalty, Persian and Iranian Kings and Queens |  |
Alexander Balas | m | Persian and Iranian Kings and Queens, Seleucid Kings and Queens |  |
Alexander II Zabinas | m | Seleucid Kings and Queens |  |
Dave Alexander | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Grover Cleveland Alexander | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Shaun Alexander | m | Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes |  |
Alexanor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alexiares | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alexinomus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alexippus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alexis de Tocqueville | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Alexius | m | Saints |  |
Alexius Sanbashi Saburo | m | Saints |  |
Alexius I Comnenus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Alexius II Comnenus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Alexius III Angelus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Alexius IV Angelus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Alexius V Ducas | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors |  |
Vladimir Aleynik | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Al-Fadl al-Muti | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Alfano | m | Saints |  |
Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Farabi | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
David Alfaro Siqueiros | m | Notable Artists |  |
Alferius | m | Saints |  |
Zhores Alferov | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Thomas Alfield | m | Saints |  |
Raúl Alfonsín | m | Argentine Presidents |  |
Alfonso de Baena | m | Saints |  |
Alfonso VI the Valiant | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso VII the Emperor | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso VIII the Noble | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso IX | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso X the Wise | m | German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors, Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso XI the Just | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso I the Warrior | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso II the Chaste | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso III | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso IV the Good | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso V the Magnanimous | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso XII | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Alfonso XIII | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Steve Alford | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Alfred the Great | m | English and British Kings and Queens, Saints |  |
Alfrick | m | Saints |  |
Hannes Alfvén | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Alfwold of Sherborne | m | Saints |  |
Alessandro Algardi | m | Notable Artists |  |
Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Abu Nuwas al-Hasan al-Hakami | m | Notable Writers |  |
Al-Hakim I | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Hakim II | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Mansur al-Hallaj | m | Notable Writers |  |
Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Ali ibn Abi-Talib | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Ali al-Muktafi | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Émile Ali-Kahn | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Muhammad Ali | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Muhammad al-Idrisi | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Dante Alighieri | m | Notable Writers |  |
Alipherus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alipius | m | Saints |  |
Alitherses | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Deji Aliu | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ismail al-Jazari | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Kindi | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Alphonse Allaert | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Maurice Allais | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Giuseppe Allamano | m | Saints |  |
Allen | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms |  |
Chad Allen | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Dick Allen | m | Most Valuable Players |  |
George Allen | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Larry Allen | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Marcus Allen | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players |  |
Paul Allen | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Ray Allen | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists |  |
Rick Allen | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Steve Allen | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Woody Allen | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Manuel Allendesalazar | m | Spanish Prime Ministers |  |
Ian Allison | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
James P. Allison | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Verne Allison | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Duane Allman | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Allodius | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Allon | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Allucio of Campigliano | m | Saints |  |
Almachius | m | Saints |  |
al-Masudi | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Francisco de Almeida | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers |  |
Almirus | m | Saints |  |
Erik Almlöf | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Almo | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Almo | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Almodad | m | Biblical Characters |  |
John Almond | m | Saints |  |
Al-Muhtadi | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Omar al-Mukhtar | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries |  |
Al-Muntasir | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Muqtadi | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Muqtafi | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Almus | m | Saints |  |
Almus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Al-Musta'in | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Musta'in | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mustakfi II | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mustakfi III | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mustamsik | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mustanjid | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mustanjid II | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mustansir | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mustansir II | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mustarshid | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Musta'sim II | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mustazhir | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mu'tadid II | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mu'tadid III | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mu'tamid | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mutawakkil | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mutawakkil II | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mutawakkil III | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mutawakkil IV | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Mu'tazz | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Muttaqi | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Folke Alnevik | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Alnoth of Stowe | m | Saints |  |
Aloeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Aloeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Roberto Alomar | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes |  |
Alonso de Orozco Mena | m | Saints |  |
Alonso de Mena | m | Saints |  |
King Alonso | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Alopecus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alopius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Saeed Al-Owairan | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Alp Arslan | m | Other Royalty |  |
Herb Alpert | m | Grammy Award Winners |  |
Alphaeus | m | Saints |  |
Alphaeus | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alphaeus | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alphege the Bald | m | Saints |  |
Alphege of Canterbury | m | Saints |  |
Alphenor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alpheus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alphius | m | Saints |  |
Alphius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alpín mac Eochaid | m | Scottish Kings and Queens |  |
Alpín mac Feredaig | m | Scottish Kings and Queens |  |
Alpus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Al-Qadir | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Qa'im | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Qa'im II | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Alrad of Isenhagen | m | Saints |  |
Abu Bakr Muhammad al-Razi | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Ja'far al-Sadiq | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Salman Al Saud | m | Other Leaders, Other Royalty |  |
Al-Shafi'i | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Hadi Soua'an Al-Somaily | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Charles Alston | m | Notable Artists |  |
Walter Alston | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Jonas "Basshunter" Altberg | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Albrecht Altdorfer | m | Notable Artists |  |
Harvey J. Alter | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Altes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Altfrid | m | Saints |  |
Althaemenes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Althepus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Altigianus | m | Saints |  |
Fernando Altimani | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Robert Altman | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Sidney Altman | m | Nobel Prize Winners |  |
Altmann of Passau | m | Saints |  |
Alto | m | Saints |  |
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi | m | Notable Writers |  |
José Altuve | m | Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes |  |
Alusian | m | Bulgarian Kings and Tsars |  |
Alvah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alvan | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Alvarez of Córdoba | m | Saints |  |
Bartolomeu Alvarez | m | Saints |  |
Julio Álvarez Mendoza | m | Saints |  |
Luis Walter Alvarez | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Matthew Alvarez | m | Saints |  |
Miguel Álvarez Pozo | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Alvitus | m | Saints |  |
Al-Walid I ibn Abd al-Malik | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Walid II ibn Yazid | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Al-Wathiq II | m | Islamic Caliphs |  |
Lance Alworth | m | Hall-of-Famers |  |
Alxion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alycus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Alyzeus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Muntadhar al-Zaidi | m | Notable Journalists |  |
Amabilis of Riom | m | Saints |  |
Amabilis | m | Saints |  |
Amadeo I of Savoy | m | Spanish Kings and Queens |  |
Amadeus of Lausanne | m | Saints |  |
Amadeus IX | m | Saints |  |
Amadeus of Portugal | m | Saints |  |
Jorge Amado | m | Notable Writers |  |
Amal | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amalek | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amandus | m | Saints |  |
Amandus of Strasbourg | m | Saints |  |
Amandus | m | Saints |  |
Amandus | m | Saints |  |
Max Amann | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Amano Hiroshi | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Amantius | m | Saints |  |
Amantius | m | Saints |  |
Amantius | m | Saints |  |
Amarand | m | Saints |  |
Amariah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amariah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amariah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amariah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amariah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amariah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amariah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amariah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amariah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amarin | m | Saints |  |
Amarynceus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amarynceus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amarynthus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amasa | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amasa | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amasai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amasai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amasai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amasai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amashai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amasiah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amasis II | m | Egyptian Pharaohs |  |
Amasius of Teano | m | Saints |  |
Amastris | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amastrus | m | Characters in Roman Mythology |  |
Amastrus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amaswinthus of Málaga | m | Saints |  |
Giuliano Amato | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Amator | m | Saints |  |
Amator | m | Saints |  |
Amatus | m | Saints |  |
Amatus | m | Saints |  |
Amatus of Nusco | m | Saints |  |
Amaziah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amaziah | m | Biblical Characters, Israelite and Judean Kings |  |
Amaziah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amaziah | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Mukesh Ambani | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Ambenus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ambrax | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amedeo Ambron | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ambrose | m | Saints |  |
Ambrose | m | Saints |  |
Ambrose Autpert | m | Saints |  |
Ambrose de Massa | m | Saints |  |
Ambrose of Siena | m | Saints |  |
Ernesto Ambrosini | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ambrosius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Miklós Ambrus | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Don Ameche | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners |  |
Amenemnisu | m | Egyptian Pharaohs |  |
Amenemope | m | Egyptian Pharaohs |  |
Amenhotep III | m | Egyptian Pharaohs |  |
Amenhotep II | m | Egyptian Pharaohs |  |
Amenhotep I | m | Egyptian Pharaohs |  |
Amenmesse | m | Egyptian Pharaohs |  |
Jeff Ament | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Amestrius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
John Amias | m | Saints |  |
Amicus | m | Saints |  |
Amicus | m | Saints |  |
Amiens | m | Shakespearian Characters |  |
Idi Amin | m | Notable Evildoers, Other Leaders |  |
Kingsley Amis | m | Notable Writers |  |
Amisodarus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amittai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amlaith | m | Tolkien's Characters |  |
Ammiel | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammiel | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammiel | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammiel | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammihud | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammihud | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammihud | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammihud | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammihud | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amminadab | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amminadab | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amminadab | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amminadab | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amminadib | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammishaddai | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammizabad | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ammon | m | Saints |  |
Ammon | m | Saints |  |
Ammon | m | Saints |  |
Ammon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ammon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ammonius | m | Saints |  |
Ammonius | m | Saints |  |
Amnon | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amnon | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amok | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amon | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amon | m | Biblical Characters, Israelite and Judean Kings |  |
Amun | m | Biblical Characters, Characters in Egyptian Mythology |  |
Amon | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amopaon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amor of Aquitaine | m | Saints |  |
Amos | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Amoz | m | Biblical Characters |  |
Ampelius | m | Saints |  |
Ampelus | m | Saints |  |
Ampelus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
André-Marie Ampère | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Amphalces | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Ampheres | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphialus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphialus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphialus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphialus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphianax | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphiaraus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphicles | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphiclus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphiclus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphictyon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphidamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphidamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphidamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphidamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphidamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphidamas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphidicus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphilochius of Illyria | m | Saints |  |
Amphilochius of Iconium | m | Saints |  |
Amphilochus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphilochus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphilochus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimachus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimachus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimachus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimachus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimachus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimachus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimachus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimarus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphimedon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphinomus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphinomus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphinomus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphinous | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphinous | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphion | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphissus | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphisthenes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphithemis | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphithemis | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphitryon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |
Amphius | m | Characters in Greek Mythology |  |