Merilii's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Aurora f  Such a pretty name and meaning. And I like the nickname "Rora". 
79%(16 votes)
Daniel m  I used to love the letter "D" in names but lately not so much. Daniel though is still amazing, it flows well and "Dani" is a cute nickname. 
54%(11 votes)
Eliot m  Just perfect. My favourite right now for a boy. 
45%(11 votes)
Elle f  I like all the Ella/Elle/Ellen/Elli names, but Elle is my favourite one. I like Elle on its own, but also as a nickname for Marielle. 
41%(10 votes)
Joakim m
20%(8 votes)
Joel m
31%(7 votes)
Juliet f
59%(8 votes)
Kiira f
20%(6 votes)
Lili f  So cute name. I like it on its own but I could use it as a nickname for Liilia. 
41%(7 votes)
Lina 2 f  Love this one. 
31%(7 votes)
Livia 1 f
47%(6 votes)
Marielle f
38%(6 votes)
Matilda f  First I didn't like it that much, but lately I've started to like it. 
58%(9 votes)
Milo m
49%(7 votes)
Natalia f
63%(8 votes)
Patrik m
22%(5 votes)
Teo m & f
26%(5 votes)
Tristan m
56%(7 votes)
Vivi f
22%(5 votes)
Vivian m & f
41%(7 votes)