Name List: Girl Names ♀

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Adelaide f
Alice f I would use Alice Genevieve.
Amaryllis f
Amélie f Realistically since I’m in America, I would probably just use Amelie.
Anaïs f ah-NAH-EES
Anastasia f a-na-sta-SEE-a
Annabelle f
Anne-Marie f
Athena f ə-THEE-nə
Aviva f I love Aviva Soleil.
Beatrix f BEE-ə-triks. I would pair it with Beatrix Luna.
Celeste f
Cléa f
Cleo f
Cleopatra f
Elixabete f eh-LEE-sha-beh-teh
Elowen f
Esmée f EHZ-may
Evangeline f
Flora f
Genevieve f
Helena f hə-LAYN-ə
Ines f IE-nes
Irene f ie-REEN
Isadora f I am quite torn between this and Isidora. Regardless, I would Isadora Celeste.
Joy f
Leocadia f
Lilith f
Liora f
Livia 1 f
Lorelei f
Luna f
Lydia f
Maia 1 f MIE-A
Marie-Noëlle f
Maristella f
Miranda f
Nadia 1 f
Octavia f
Ophelia f o-FEEL-ee-ə
Rosalie f
Rose f
Saoirse f
Sapphira f
Sarai f
Séraphine f
Sophia f I also really like Sofia.
Soraya f suh-RYE-uh, but I do like so-RAY-ah too.
Sylvia f
Tabitha f
Valentina f
Vanessa f
Vivienne f
Wisteria f
Yvette f My grandmothers name. I would use it to honor her.
Zoë f