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Name M/F Remark Rating
Vercingetorix m
Teàrlag f
Teàrlach m
Sluaghadhán m / f it’s pronounced like Sloan. god I love Gaelic
Samael m
Rune m
Oeric m
Mo m / f a versatile, gender-neutral nickname
Mildþryð f
Micheal m I hate-saved this name just to make a note on how deeply it disturbs me. I take 2d8 psychic damage every time I read it.
Lydian m I guess I’ve kinda started collecting names that end in -ian. especially names of musical modes. they’re pretty
Lorcán m
Llyr m
Lir m
Ler m
Leofdæg m / f
Indira f
Indiana m I considered this for my middle name for a while
Geraint m
Gaylord m I have no comment for this name. it speaks for itself.
Gay f I joke about being gay but irl I’m bi and DEEP in the closet :’)
Gabriel m this is the one name my mom picked out “just in case” she had a son, and later the name I picked for myself when transitioning from female to male.
Fenwick m
Ethelred m
Eoforwine m
Eoforhild f
Dung f / m ik this name actually means “beauty” but unfortunately I have all the maturity of a 9-year-old
Dubhshláine m
Dorian m
Cesare m
Cassian m this sounds better pronounced “kass-ee-un,” rather than anything that sounds like “cashew.” fight me (jk please don’t)
Cain m
Caelius m
Bran 1 m
Bran 2 m
Bramwell m
Bramble see my notes on Bram
Bram m this name just feels nice to say
Blaise m
Arawn m found this while reading the tale of Pwyll; he actually seems like a pretty decent dude
Alban m
Æðelræd m
Æsc m
Ælfþryð f even better than Ælfswiþ (another gem from the generator)
Ælfswiþ f ah yes my good friend Corraidhín Ælfswiþ Cassidy (from the generator)
Adina 1 f / m
Adair m / f
Abel m