Name List: Main

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Althea f
Ariadna f
Ariadne f
Atenea f greek myth
Athena f greek myth
Azura f Skyrim
Bella f
Briseida f greek myth
Carmen f
Cassandra f greek myth
Cassiopeia f greek myth
Catherine f Wuthering Heights
Circe f greek myth
Cirilla f The Witcher
Criseida f greek myth
Cytherea f
Daenerys f
Daphne f greek myth
Diana f roman myth
Elisif f Skyrim
Geralt m The Witcher
Hector m greek myth
Hera f greek myth
Juno f roman myth
Lana f
Leonidas m greek history
Meridia Skyrim
Minerva f roman myth
Namira f Skyrim
Nausicaa f
Nike f greek myth
Perla f
Phoebe f
Sadie f Red Dead Redemption
Sança f
Sappho f greek history
Troy m greek myth/history