Name List: Bookish Names

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Zibby f Zibby O'Neal
Zeely f 'Zeely'
Wilkie m Wilkie Collins
Werther m 'The Sorrows of Young Werther'
Vladimir m Vladimir Nabokov
Tristan m Arthurian Romance
Sula f 'Sula'
Sawyer m / f 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'
Romeo m 'Romeo and Juliet'
Poe Edgar Allen Poe
Pleasance f Alice Pleasance Liddle
Orson m Orson Scott Card
Morgan 2 f mn Fay(e), Arthurian Romance
Merry 2 m Lord of the Rings series
Merricat f 'We Have Always Lived in a Castle'
Merlin m Arthurian Romance
Melrose f / m 'Patrick Melrose'
Madigan f Internet Girls series
Lev 1 m Lev (Leo) Tolstoy
Leland m 'Needful Things
Lancelot m
Justine f 'The Thornbirds'
Jubilee f 'The Jubilee Express'
Ingram m seen in library books
Huckleberry m 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'
Heath m Heathcliffe, 'Wuthering Heights'
Gage m 'Pet Sematary'
Esperanza f 'Esperanza Rising'
Ender m 'Ender's Game'
Ellery m / f Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
Carrietta f 'Carrie'
Bran 1 m
Booker m Booker T. Washington
Blaine m 'The Dark Tower' series
Beowulf m 'Beowulf'