Name List: Celebrity Names

If I was a celebrity trying to ruin my child's life: My 5 favourite wtf names are Xerxes Romulus, Ptolemy Bear, Ethel Peridot, Somerled Merle, and Phyllis Myrtle, or Zee, Ollie, Etta, Merle, and Lies
Standard view
Name M/F Remark
Æðelræd m Æđelræd Parsifal (Red)
Æðelþryð f Æđelþryđ Quendolene (Ethel)
August m August Poppy and Peridot Winter
Bear m Bear and Birdie
Bellamy f / m Bellamy Novel
Beowulf m Beowulf Robeigh and Romulus Bobeigh (Wolf and Rome)
Bernard m Bernard and Bernice (Bear and Birdie)
Bernice f Bernard and Bernice (Bear and Birdie)
Birdie f Bear and Birdie
Bugsy m
Burgundy f Burgundy and Crimson
Cosmo m Neon Cosmo
Cricket f
Crimson f / m Burgundy and Crimson
Ethel f Ethel Peridot
Herb m Honey and Herb
Herbert m Honora and Herbert (Honey and Herb)
Honey f Honey and Herb
Honora f Honora and Herbert (Honey and Herb)
Jewel f / m Jewel and Burgundy
Kestrel f Kestrel and Peregrine
Leviathan m
Meade m / f Wine and Meade
Neon m Neon Cosmo
Nightingale f / m Urban Nightingale
Novel m / f Bellamy Novel
Parsifal m Æđelræd Parsifal
Peregrine m Kestrel and Peregrine
Peridot f / m August Poppy and Peridot Winter
Phyllis f Phyllis Myrtle
Poppy f August Poppy and Peridot Winter
Prune f Honey Prune
Ptolemy m Ptolemy Bear
Romulus m Beowulf and Romulus
Royal m / f Royal Willoughby
Solrun f Solrun Linnet and Somerled Merle
Somerled m Somerled Merle and Solrun Linnet
Symphony f Velvet Symphony
Urban m Urban Nightingale
Velvet f Velvet Symphony
Viridian f / m
Willoughby m / f Royal Willoughby
Wine m Wine and Meade
Winter f August Poppy and Peridot Winter
Xerxes m Xerxes Romulus