Name List: Hebrew Names

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Abdi m
Abgar m
Abi f
Abigail f /Abigael "my father is joy", "my father's joy", "fountain of joy"
Abriyah f /Avriyah "one who loves God"
Adah f "adornment", "ornament", "dawn" "pass by"
Adiel m / f
Adnah m
Adriel m
Ahi m "brother" or a diminutive of below
Ahiah m
Ahihud m
Ahinoam f
Ahitub m
'Akhsa f
Alon 1 m /Alonn "oak tree"
Amittai m
Ammi m "my people", "my kinspeople"
Amoz m
Ana f /Anna "favour, grace"
Anah f / m "answer" "task" "affliction" "song"
Ananias m /Ananiah "Yahweh is gracious" NUMBER SEVEN
Apphia f /Apfia "increasing" "she who shields" "protected one"
Areli m "lion of God" "hero" "gathered by God"
Ariel m / f "lion of God"
Asa m "healer" "man of sorrows"
Asher m "happy, blessed" "go right on"
Atalia f
Atarah f /Atara "crown" "surround"
Avdiel m /Abdiel "servant, slave of God"
Avigail f /Avigael "my father is joy", "my father's joy", "fountain of joy"
Avihail f / m
Aviram m /Abiram "my father is exalted" "father of loftiness"
'Aviya m / f Aviya/Avijah/Abiyah/Aviyah "my father is Yahweh"
Avner m
Azariah m /Azarya "Yahweh has helped"
'Azazyahu m
Azubah f
Babatha f /Babbatha
Baracha f /Bracha "blessing"
Barak 1 m "lightning"
Baruch m /Barukh "blessed" "kneeling"
Barzillai m /Barzellai "ironlike" "iron of Yahweh"
Beeri m / f
Benaiah m "Yahweh has built" "Built by Yahweh"
Benyamin m /Beniamin "son of the right hand" "son of the south"
Beriah m
Beulah f /Be'ula "married" "Mrs."
Bilha f /Bilhah "bashful" "trouble" "calamity"
Bithiah f /Bitya/Bithia "daughter of Yahweh"
Boaz m
Carmi m
Chaggai m
Chaggit f
Chananya m /Chananiyah/Chananiah "Yahweh is gracious" NUMBER SEVEN
Channa f /Chanah "favour, grace"
Chulda f
Chuza m "seeing" "visionary" "seer"
Dalia 3 f /Daliya "hanging branch"
Dan 1 m "he judged" "judge"
Dina 1 f /Dinah/Deina "judged" "judgess"
Dodo m
Dvora f /Devorah/Devora "bee" "formalizer"
Dysmas m /Dismas "sunset"
Edna f "pleasant" "pleasure"
Efrat f
Eglah f
Eilan m "little oak tree"
Eleazar m /Elazar/Leazar/Eleazarus "God has helped" "whom God helps" NUMBER FOUR
Elhanan m /Elchanan "God is gracious"
Eliam m
Eliphaz m
Elisheva f
Elnathan m /Elnatan "God has given"
Elpalet m /Elifalet/Eliphelet/Elphelet "God delivers" "learning is deliverance"
'Elqana m Elqana/Elkanah "God has purchased" "God has acquired"
'Elyo'enai m Elyo'enai//Eliyonai "my eyes look to Yahweh" "unto Yahweh are my eyes"
Ester f /Esther "star" "myrtle"
'Etzer m /Ezar "treasured" "covenant" "storage"
Ezekias m /Ezekiah/Hezekias "Yahweh strengthens" NUMBER TWENTY-ONE
Gad m
Gedaliah m /Gedalyahu "Yahweh is great" "Yahweh has made it great"
Gera m "grain"
Gershom m
Gomer m / f "complete"
Gurias m /Gourias "lion cub"
Hadassah f /Hadasa/Hadassa "myrtle tree"
Halafta m /Heliphtah "willow"
Hanan 1 m /Chanan "gracious" "merciful" NUMBER TWELVE
Hananiah m /Hananias "Yahweh is gracious" NUMBER SEVEN
Helah f /Hela "rust" "scum" "ornament" "piercing" "defiling"
Hester f /Hesther "star" "myrtle"
Hezron m
Hilkiah m /Hilikiah "portion of Yahweh" "Yahweh is my portion"
Hiram m /Chirom "exalted brother" "nobleman" "angry" "whitened" "highborn" "ripe"
Hodiah f / m
Honi m /Oneias
Hoshama m /Hoshamah "God hears"
Hoshea m /Hosea/Oshea "salvation"
Hur m /Hurr "white stuff" "freeman" "cavern"
Hyrcanus m "of wolf-land"
Idra f "fig tree"
Imma f /Eema "mother" NUMBER NINE
Iscah f /Jescha/Jischa/Yissicah "beheld" "beholding" "she will weave a cover" "she will look for"
Ishaq m /Ishaaq/Isaaq "he will laugh, he will rejoice" "laughing" "felicity"
Ismail m /Ishmail/Yishma'el "God will hear" "God hears" NUMBER SIXTEEN
Ittai m
Jabez m /Yahvetz/Javez/Yavez "sorrow" "he grieves" "he will afflict"
Javan m "Greece"
Jecoliah f
Jehudi m
Jeriah m
Jether m
Joanna f /Yochannah/Yoanna/Yochanna "Yahweh is gracious" NUMBER FIVE
Joezer m /Yoazar "Yahweh is help"
Josias m /Yosiah "Yahweh supports" "despair of Yahweh" "womanly" "fire-offering"
Judah m "praise" "Jewish" "Judean" NUMBER THREE
Judith f /Yehudit/Judit "praise" "Jewess"
Karaa f /Kara "she has called"
Kazbi f
Kelita m
Kenan 1 m /Qenan "possession" "woven together" "composer"
Keturah f /Ketura "incense" "distribution of feastly surplus"
Keziah f
Lael m /Laël "of God" "unto God"
Leah f /Leia/Lea "weary, grieved" "wild cow" "toiled"
Leui m /Levi/Lewi "joined, attached" "priestly" "weary" "Levite" NUMBER SEVENTEEN
Mahalah m /Malah/Mahlah "weak, sick" "disease"
Malka f /Melika "queen"
Manaen m "comforter" "leader" NUMBER TEN
Manasses m /Manasseh/Menashe/Menassheh "causing to forget" "evaporating"
Mara 1 f /Marah "bitter" NUMBER TEN
Mariamne f /Mariamme "sea of bitterness" "rebelliousness" "wished for child" "beloved" "love" "myrrh" "loving" NUMBER ONE
Marta f "lady" "Mrs." "myrrh" NUMBER FOUR
Mattathias m /Mattithiah/Matityahu "gift of Yahweh" NUMBER NINE
Melcha f /Milcah "queen"
Menahem m /Menachem "comforter" "leader" NUMBER TEN
Meshullam m "friend, ally" "recompensed" "peacemaker"
Micah m
Micaiah m / f /Maacah "who is like Yahweh?"
Naarah f
Naftali m /Naphtali "my struggle, my strife" "crafty"
Nahor m "snorting" "scorched" "freeman"
Na'omi f /Naomi "my pleasantness" "sweet"
Natan m /Nathan "he gave" "given"
Nechemya m /Nechemiah "Yahweh is comfort" "Yahweh's consolation" "Yahweh comforts"
Nehorai m / f /Nehora "light"
Neriah m /Neriyah "lamp of Yahweh" "Yahweh is a light"
Obed m
Omar 2 m "speak, say" "talkative"
Onias m /Choni "mercy of God" NUMBER NINETEEN
Palta f
Pekahiah m
Penuel m /Phanuhel/Penuhel "facing God" "face of God"
Perach f /Perah "flower"
Perez m /Peretz/Ferez "breach, burst forth"
Phasaelis f /Fasaelis/Phasiela "God has delivered"
Phinehas m /Fineas "Nubian" "serpent's mouth" "bronze-coloured" "oracle" "hide"
Pu'a f
Rabbah m "great" "teacher"
Rachel f
Rafael m /Raphaël "God heals"
Rahab f
Raushanna f /Raushana "splendid one"
Reuel m
Reuven m /Ruben "behold, a son" "look, a child" "son of vision"
Rivka f /Riva//Rivqa/Ribqa "join, tie, snare" "tied up" "secure"
Roxane f "bright, shining"
Ruth 1 f
Salah 2 m /Shylock/Shelock/Shelach "dart, weapon" "plant shoot"
Salomea f NUMBER TWO
Sha'ala f
Shabbethai m /Zabbethai "one born on Sabbath" "Zephathite" "rest of Yahweh"
Shabtai m "one born on Sabbath" "Zephathite" "rest of Yahweh"
Shabtit f /Shevtehit "one born on Sabbath" "Zephathite" "rest of Yahweh"
Shaphat m
Sha'ul m "asked for, prayed for" "basket" NUMBER EIGHTEEN
Shemaiah m /Shema'ya "heard by Yahweh"
Shemu'el m /Shemuel "name of God" "heard of God" NUMBER TWENTY
Shepho m
Shiloh m / f
Shimon m /Shimei "hearing, listening" "snub-nosed" NUMBER ONE
Shiphrah f /Shifra "beautiful" "harmony" NUMBER SIX
Shlomo m /Shalomo "peace" "recompense" "completeness"
Shlomzion f /Shlomtzion "peace of Zion" NUMBER THREE
Shoshana f /Shoshannah/Sushanna "lily"
Simeon m "hearing, listening" "snub-nosed" NUMBER ONE
Sirach m /Sira "thorn"
Tabita f /Tabitha "gazelle" "beauty"
Talita f /Talitha "little girl" "little lamb"
Tamar f /Tamara "date palm" "palm tree"
Tavi f / m
Teiman m "the south"
Te'oma m /Te'omas "twin"
Timna f / m
Tirzah f
Tobiah m /Toviah "Yahweh is good"
Tzivya f
Tzuri'el m
Uri m /Ori "my light" "my flame" "Yahweh is light"
Uriel m
Uzzah m
Vaniah m /Vaniyahu "weak" "Yahweh is praise"
Yael f /Jael "ibex, mountain goat" "she is useful"
Yair m /Iairus "he shines" "he enlightens"
Yakim m /Yoachim "Yahweh will establish" "Yahweh raises up"
Yawan m "Greece"
Yehosheva' f
Yehoshua m "Yahweh is salvation" "Yahweh saves" "salvation of Yahweh" NUMBER SIX
Yehudah m "praise" "Jewish" "Judean" NUMBER THREE
Yerachme'el m Yerahme'el/Yerahmeel "God will have pity" "may God have compassion"
Yerusha f
Yeshua m /Yeshu "Yahweh is salvation" "Yahweh saves" "salvation of Yahweh" NUMBER SIX
Yoab m "Yahweh is father"
Yocheved f
Yohanan m /Yochanan ""Yahweh is gracious" NUMBER FIVE
Yonah m / f "dove" "oppressor" "vexor"
Yonatan m "Yahweh has given" NUMBER EIGHT
Yosef m /Yoseph "he will add" "he will increase" "increaser" "added" NUMBER TWO
Zachariah m /Zekaryah "Yahweh remembers" "remembrance of Yahweh" "male of God" NUMBER FIFTEEN
Zadok m /Tzadok "righteous" "just"
Zahara f /Zohara "light, brilliance" "tawny" "yellow-brown"
Zamar m / f "makes music to God"
Zethan m
Zilla f
Zohar m / f "light, brilliance" "tawny" "yellow-brown"