Hopeful's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Alice f
100%(3 votes)
Arthur m  Lovely name. Also the middle name of someone I respect and love very much. Too bad it's related to the cartoon character. Not fond of the cartoon. 
97%(3 votes)
Augusta f
93%(3 votes)
Caleb m  Love this name. So cute. Everyone I've met with this name is so sweet. Good biblical name, too. 
67%(3 votes)
Claire f
53%(3 votes)
Diletta f  Sounds sweet. 
77%(3 votes)
Elora f  Sounds strong. I think it's a sweeter form of Laura, if a bit more complicated. 
97%(3 votes)
Emmett m  Cute. 
80%(3 votes)
Gabriel m
90%(3 votes)
Indy 2 f  A bit hippy, but very pretty and strange. 
47%(3 votes)
Judah m
43%(3 votes)
Juliette f
83%(3 votes)
Navy f & m  Love this. Good color. Good name. 
63%(3 votes)
Neil m
73%(3 votes)
Reuben m  Like Caleb, except I don't know anyone with this name. 
90%(3 votes)
Timothea f
60%(3 votes)