Dragon_Clarinet's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Shoshana f  show-SHAH-nah; my newest love<3 
Heliodoros m  Rate this as Heliodora (since it's not in the database and I love it) 
Estelle f  One of my favorite old-fashioned names; now recycled. 
Niamh f  old favorite. 
Nevena f  NEH-ven-ah 
Margalit f  MARG-ah-leet/MARG-ah-lit; adore this 
Teofila f  Love this, too 
Claudie f  klo-DEE in French 
Aveline f  I love this name. av-eh-LEEN 
Zipporah f  I adore this <3 zih-PAWR-ah 
Gwyneira f  gwin-AY-rah 
Cressida f  CRESS-ih-dah 
Antigone f  an-TIG-uh-nee; beautiful 
Esperanza f  Amazing<3 
Agatha f
Cecily f
Cerridwen f
Charlotte f
Delphine f
Élodie f
Evren m & f
Ginevra f
Gwenaëlle f
Líadan f
Macaria f
Maeve f
Maialen f
Mehitabel f
Niobe f
Noa 1 f
Saoirse f
Saskia f
Zéphyrine f
Zinovia f