vomiting's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Acantha f
Adelaida f For the Nabokov character.
Adèle f
Adora f
Agatha f Agatha Magnolia Constance
Agnes f For the Bronte character.
Agnessa f
Albertine f
Alethea f
Allegra f
Althea f
Amabel f
Amaryllis f
Andromeda f
Anemone f This is a GP, quite a mouthful.
Anna f
Anthea f
Antonia f
Antonina f
Apollonia f
Araminta f
Augusta f For the Graham Greene character.
Beatrice f Italian pronunciation.
Beatrix f For the Queen.
Benedicta f
Blanche f
Blodeuwedd f
Blythe f
Boudicca f
Camille f
Cécile f
Cecilia f
Cecily f
Celeste f
Clarice f
Claudine f
Clémence f
Clemency f
Clémentine f
Clothilde f
Colette f
Constance f Constance Honey Hortensia
Cordelia f Cordelia Kitty Rosamund
Cosette f For the Hugo character.
Cosima f
Daphne f
Desdemona f Desdemona Iphigenia Pearl
Domenica f
Domitille f
Dorothy f
Dove f
Drusilla f
Dulcibella f
Dulcinea f
Edith f
Edwina f
Elfreda f
Enid f Great-Grandmother's name.
Estella f
Eugénie f Eugenie Constance Clemence
Eulalie f
Euphemia f
Fiammetta f
Flora f For the Gibbons character.
Florence f
Frances f
Francesca f
Frederica f
Freyja f
Frieda f
Geneva f
Gertrude f
Ginevra f
Giovanna f
Gladys f
Guinevere f
Hannelore f
Harriet f
Hazel f
Hecate f
Hedwig f Great-Grandmother's name.
Helena f
Hélène f
Henriette f
Hephzibah f
Hero 1 f
Hersilia f
Hester f
Honey f
Hortensia f
Hyacinth 2 f
Idony f
Immaculata f
Ione f
Iphigeneia f
Iphigenia f
Isis f
Isotta f
Italia f
Jane f
Jemima f
Josephine f 'Posey'
June f
Kitty f As a middle name.
Ombeline f