Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword lantern.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bonkobara Japanese
From 盆 (bon) meaning "tray, bowl, basin, lantern festival", combined with 子 (ko, shi) meaning "child, sign of the rat", and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Farion Ukrainian (Rare), Polish (Rare), Rusyn (Rare, ?)
Possibly from a Hutsul (Rusyn) dialectal word meaning "intriguer". Alternatively, it could be from the Greek headdress, of which's name derives from φάριο (phário), meaning "lantern, beacon"... [more]
Kandil Arabic
Means "lamp, candle, lantern" in Arabic.