Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from given name)
Usage English

Meaning & History

From one or more Middle English personal names variously written Alger, Algar, Alcher, Aucher, etc. These represent a falling together of at least three different Continental Germanic and Old English names: Adalgar "noble spear" (Old English Æ{dh}elgār), Albgar "elf spear" (Old English Ælfgār), and Aldgar "old spear" (Old English (E)aldgār). The Continental Germanic forms were brought to England from France by the Normans. Compare the French cognate Auger. In Norfolk and northern England, the source is probably the Old Norse name Alfgeirr "elf spear". The modern English surname is found mainly in East Anglia.
Added 12/18/2015 by cutenose
Edited 4/26/2024 by Mike C and cutenose