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Type Surname (from location & from nickname)
Pronounced Pron. BUR(English)  [key]
Other Forms FormsBur, Burre, Burrer, Burri, Buri, Bower, Bowyer, Bowar, Bowerman, Bowers, Borr, Borre, Bour, Burry, Bury, Bure, Buhr, Bauer, Bauers, Buer, Baer, Bahr, Boer, Baehr, Boers

Meaning & History

Nickname for a person who is difficult to shake off, derived from Middle English burr meaning "bur" (a seedhead that sticks to clothing). It could also be a derivation from Old English bur meaning "small dwelling, building", or a German topographic name derived from burre meaning "mound, hill". Famous bearers include Canadian actor Raymond Burr (1917-1993) and American comedian and actor Bill Burr (1968-). Another notable bearer was the American politician and vice president Aaron Burr (1756-1836), who killed the statesman Alexander Hamilton in a duel.
Added 11/5/2021 by General9696
Edited 5/27/2024 by General9696