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Type Surname (from given name)

Meaning & History

The surname “Gibbins” has multiple origins:
* It is derived from the name Gibb, a short form of the Norman personal name Gilbert. This name was originally derived from the name Gislebert, which is comprised of the Germanic elements “gisil,” which means “hostage” or “noble youth,” and “berht,” which means “bright” or "famous".
* The surname Gibbins could also be a variant of “Gibbons”, which itself might derive from the Old French personal name “Giboin”, ultimately from the Anglo-Saxon “Gebawin”, composed of the elements “geba” meaning “gift”, plus “wine”, friend.
The surname Gibbins was first found in counties of Mayo and Limerick, Ireland, where two distinct families arose shortly after Strongbow invasion of Ireland in 1172. The majority of the family hails from Mayo and were a branch of the great Burke family. The Limerick Fitzgibbon families are descended from John Fitzgerald, whose three sons became hereditary knights of Desmond in 1333.
Added 3/1/2024 by UncleJay
Edited 4/30/2024 by Mike C