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Type Surname (from given name)
Usage Irish
Other Forms FormsCribbins, Crebbin, Gribbon, O'Gribben, O'Gribins, O'Gribbin, MacGribben, MacRoben, MacRobyn

Meaning & History

This surname is of Old Gaelic origin, and is a variant of "Cribben", which itself is the Anglicized form of the Gaelic name "MacRoibin", meaning "son of (mac) Robin", a patronymic from the Anglo-Norman French given name "Robin". Robin itself is composed of "Rob", a diminutive of "Robert", and the hypocoristic suffix "-in".

Modern variants of the surname include Cribbins, Crebbin, Gribbin and Gribbon.
Added 6/22/2017 by TanorFaux
Edited 4/28/2024 by Mike C