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Type Surname (from nickname)
Usage Dutch
Pronounced Pron. də-KAY-tər(English)  [key]
Other Forms FormsDe Caters, Kater, Decater, Decator, De Kater, De Cater, De Katers, Katers, Cater, Decature, De Catur, Van Cats, Catts, Kats, Kaats, Catz, Van Catz, Van Kats, Van Cott, Van Cotts, Cotts, Cott, Cates, Kates, Van Cates, Caters, Cots, Cot, Kots, Kot, Kót, Katts, Catt, Katt, Cat, Kat, Katz, Kotts, Kott, Kotte, Kaatz, Kattz, Koth, Koeth, Köth, Kothe, Katzer, Kotzur, Kutzer

Meaning & History

Variant spelling of De Caters. A notable bearer was Stephen Decatur (1779-1820), an American naval officer and commodore during the War of 1812, the Barbary Wars and the Quasi-War.
Added 2/16/2022 by General9696
Edited 5/19/2024 by General9696