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[Facts] Re: Three Hungarian name questions
Woohoo, Hungarian names! I can't really say anything more than Chrisell, except about Buda.1. Alex: as a full formal name, Alex is a male name. However, an Alexandra can also have the informal nn Alex.
2. ADél is female, the Hun. form of Adele.
3. Buda is male: according to a myth he was the elder brother of Attila the Hun (as you may now, it's a popular belief - though not true - that the Hungarians are related to the Huns). The reason why you found it as a place name is because our capital, Budapest, was made from the uniting of two small towns, Buda and Pest it the 1800s.Hungary is a conservative country when it comes to naming: we have no unisex names...I hope my little lecture was not too boring :-)
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Thank you, that little lecture wasn't boring at all! :-)Yes, I learned all about Buda and Pest in my little search. :-) I figured Adél was Adele, too, but as I said I wanted confirmation. Alex could've been a form of Alice (as Alix is) in addition to possibly being a unisex name, hence my confusion.Though I pronounce AW and AH the same, I've recently been on a kick for Hungarian names because of their nice sounds (well, at least the sounds as listed in BtN, hehe).
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NARINOC: Since you're here...could you provide any insight on the correct pronunciation of Attila? One almost always hears it pronounced a-TIL-a, but I've heard some academic types on the more scholarly TV programs say
ATT-ila.How is the name spoken in Hungarian?Regards,Da.
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Well, first of all, the stress is always on the first syllabe of the word (thus also on names).Secondly, a is always pronounced more or less like uh or ah, and i is always short, like in "milk". So it is like UH-till-luh
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Thank you!!
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