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[Surname] Re: Araujo
Do you know any Portuguese? I don't. I can deduct from the following that the name is also Galician, and so Spanish as well as Portuguese. The explanation "argueiro" is lost on me. Anybody got a good Portuguese-English dictionary?1.A palavra Araújo é oriunda do complexo linguístico galego-português, formado pelo antigo falar do português do Norte e pelo galego. Também se escreve Arujo e significa "argueiro". Possivelmente Rodrigo Anes de Araújo, senhor do Castelo de Araújo, na Galiza, foi o primeiro a adotar o apelido Araújo; e seu bisneto Pedro Anes de Araújo se passou para o Reino de Portugal, em torno de 1375, tendo sido o primeiro Araújo de Portugal. A evolução histórica do português do Norte e do Galego deu origem ao moderno português.
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According to some online dictionaries the word "argueiro" means "small particle". Can anyone confirm that?--Laura--
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I think that's right, something small. If Araujo is a place name, as suggested in these pages, I don't know how it squares with this translation.
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What do you know? Araujo is already here under both "Spanish Names" and "Portuguese Names". Still, that bit of Portuguese does add a little touch of class, don't you think? An air of authority perhaps?
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