Submitted Surname Revision History

loadingDate    Editor    Name ID    Change Summary
4/29/2024, 3:49 PM Mike C 442011 merge 2 names
11/30/2023, 5:20 AM nihanzakura 442012 initial state of 442012
11/30/2023, 5:20 AM nihanzakura 442011 initial state of 442011

Name Tsurubami
Type Surname (from location)
Scripts 鶴喰(Japanese Kanji) つるばみ(Japanese Hiragana)
Other Forms FormsTsuruhami
Edit Status Statusnot set

Meaning & History

From Japanese 鶴喰 (Tsurubami) meaning "Tsurubami", an area in the city of Rokunohe in the district of Kamikita in the prefecture of Aomori in Japan.

From Japanese 鶴喰 (Tsurubami), from 鶴 (Tsuru), a sound- and script-changed clipping of 上水流 (Kamizuru) meaning "Kamizuru", a division in the area of Takaono in the city of Izumi in the prefecture of Kagoshima in Japan, and 喰 (bami), the joining form of 喰 (hami) meaning "to eat; to consume", referring to a river that ate and collapsed land.
Added 11/30/2023 by nihanzakura