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[Facts] name???
From great great great grandfather and grandmothers tombstone their
first names are Joseph and Massa. Has anyone heard the name Massa
before?? I can't seem to find it in any name listings on the net.
Any information would be helpful..... Thanks!!!
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Joseph's burden?RTFM and give some more background info (eg. ethnic origin etc) to work on, 'cause there are many "Massas" to chooses from. For example, Massa means:"lump, piece" in Latin
"a burden" in Hebrew
"great" in a native American dialect (hence, Massachusetts, "great hills")QED
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Until we get that additional background info, de on'y thing we kno' for sho' is dat...Massa's in de cold cold groundSorry Doug , no disrespect to your family intended, but I couldn't resist. : )- Da.
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Rollin' on de floo' laughin' mah' ass off :)-Pa.
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Das mighta righteous a yo', Br'er Pav...<:o{)}
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Oh no! Da humorless biiiatch strikes again!
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