Hi. My name is Taleese. I was named after Taleese Booth. I found that she entered a dog contest on google. She may know more. She went to Taylor University in Indiana when my parents did James Walsh and Norma Van Hoveln. My parents liked her name very much (especially my dad). He told my mom that when they had a little girl he wanted to name her Taleese. I don't know what she thought, but after they married it took four years of trying to have me, so by that time, I think my mom was so thrilled to have a baby she would have been just as happy with any name. I really like my name a lot because it is so unusual, but I don't know what it means at all. I wrote to Taleese Walsh when I was a child and she was at that time living in France. There was a postal strike there at the time, so I do not know if she ever received my letter, but I never received a response. I believe at one time she sold real estate in Texas. That's all I know. I do know that one family named their daughter after me, and another family gave their daughter Taleese as a middle name after that, but they do not call her that. I just turned forty if that helps on your time line. Best of luck to you Taleese and wish you well.